Page 21 of The Love Chase

I didn’t know if I wanted to throw up or punch her.

Liam’s face was bright red. “You are out of your mind, Bridget. This will never work, and I’d never ask such a thing of Emma.”

He didn’t look at me, didn’t even bother to ask me, and for some reason that had me seeing red.

I loved Liam, but he had a habit of being too protective of me, thinking he knew what was best for me all the time. I appreciated his desire to look out for me, especially when we were younger. But I was a grown woman now. I could decide things for myself—like who I married and the circumstances behind it. If I wanted to agree to this, that was my decision to make, not his.

Because the truth was, even if the thought of being his wife made my head spin, I could really use that money. Now that I didn’t have a job and had that mighty big loan for the equipment currently sitting in Jameson’s garage, I needed some sort of income. I had planned to get another job, but the pickings were slim in Meridel. Who knew how long it would be before I was able to find something that paid the bills and allowed me the freedom to do what I loved—chasing storms.

But this…being Liam’s wife—err, fake wife—might just fit the bill. I could make those loan payments and still have the freedom to chase whenever I pleased.

The question now was: Would it be enough money? And was it enough to risk ruining our friendship by getting married?

I leaned my elbows on the table, interrupting their bickering. “How much money are we talking?”

Liam froze, his shoulders up to his ears, before he turned to me with questioning eyes. I almost thought I saw a hint of betrayal shining in them, but I was probably just imagining things. Why would he be upset if I agreed? Bridget said this would fix his problem. He should be happy I was willing to help.

Bridget smiled smugly, sitting back and crossing her arms. “Whatever gets you to agree.”

I barely kept my mouth from flopping open. Whatever I want?

I knew Liam was successful, but I didn’t think it fell into the category of name your price.

Liam put his hand on top of mine, causing my heart to skip a beat, and I internally scolded myself.

“Emma, this is ridiculous. You don’t have to do this. Don’t think—”

I ignored him, pulling my hand away, and wrote a number down on a napkin—a rough one that I figured would allow me to make loan payments and have a little extra to live on—and slapped it down on the table, cutting off Liam’s words.

It was too much. I couldn’t even fathom having that much money. I was certain she’d laugh at me and say forget it. I wasn’t worth that much.

Bridget didn’t even blink at the amount. “Done.”

I choked on my spit. What?

“What?” Liam said, echoing my inner thoughts. He tried to look at the napkin, but Bridget snatched it and folded it before putting it in her purse.

“What?” I stupidly echoed.

She simply blinked at both of us as if it were already a done deal and she expected to be applauded for this ridiculous scheme. Bridget looked at me expectantly, a victorious gleam in her eyes.

“I, uh, I’ll think about it,” I managed to say.

“Excellent. That’s settled then,” Bridget replied as if I had said an emphatic yes instead of a maybe. She gathered her bag and slung it over her shoulder. “Congratulations, you two.”

Why was she acting like I had already agreed? Saying I’d think about it was not the same as agreeing. My heart started racing in my chest.

Bridget’s smile transformed into something devious. “I’ll take care of all the planning, don’t you worry. By next week, a grand wedding for Liam Walker and his beautiful bride will take place, and you two will be happily married with bright futures ahead of you.”

“Next week?” Liam’s voice went comically high, that deep country voice that all the girls loved transforming into a pubescent boy’s croak.

“The sooner the better,” she replied, standing from her chair. “I’ll send you the contract soon, Emma. I’ll be in touch.”

And then Bridget disappeared from Dina’s in a wave of perfume with a scent that could only be described as the color pink.

For a long moment after she was gone, all I could hear was a roaring in my ears.

Was my skin on fire or was that just the fierce blush erupting on my face?