Page 12 of The Love Chase

I wondered what rumors he was referring to or if the entire town knew the trouble I’d gotten into out in California. Did Jameson know? What did he think of me and the reputation I’d earned?

“It’s true. I’m back,” I replied, pasting a smile on my face.

“For how long?” he asked. The barista handed him a large cold brew, and he said a quiet thank you to her before fixing his full attention on me.

“I’m, uh, not sure yet.” It was the truth and I hated it. I didn’t enjoy feeling like my life was in limbo.

Jameson arched a brow. “So, this isn’t a permanent return then.”

I shrugged, shoving my hands into my pockets. “I’m not sure about that either.”

Jameson had always been like the big brother I never had. He had always been nice to me, attentive, unlike my real brothers. He had gotten Emma and me out of plenty of situations we probably shouldn’t have been in.

Like when we had decided to sneak out and drive outside of Meridel to watch a meteor shower in the middle of the night. But then my truck died on the way home, and it was below zero outside. Emma’s mom was battling cancer, and my family certainly wasn’t an option, so Jameson had come and picked us up, without a lecture. He drove me home and never spoke of it again.

I never knew what Emma told him about my family situation, but I always got the sense that Jameson under stood without ever having to speak a word.

“Hmm,” was all he said as he sipped his coffee. “Well, I know a lot of people that would be excited to have you back for good.” He clapped me on the shoulder.

Who is he talking about? Emma? Because I definitely didn’t get that impression from her.

“I need to get back to the clinic though. It was good to see you, Liam. We should catch up soon.”

“Sure, okay,” I replied with a wave, moving out of his way. I headed to order a coffee of my own and stepped up to the waiting barista.

“Hey, Liam?” Jameson called.

I turned to find him waiting at the door.

“You didn’t hear it from me, but Emma is back from the city. She’s staying at my house right now. I wasn’t the one to tell you, but I’m sure she’d love some coffee this morning.”

Before I could respond, he winked at me and slipped out the door.

My heart soared. Emma had disappeared after I ran into her at the wedding on my family farm, and I never saw her around town after, so I assumed she wasn’t living in Meridel. But now she was back?

Energy surged through my veins, despite the lack of caffeine in my body, and I stepped up to the counter and way too enthusiastically ordered a coffee for myself, and an iced mocha with a dash of cinnamon for Emma. It was her favorite.

I was certain I looked like a dork as the barista handed me the coffees and I bounced my way out of The Roasted Bean.

I was going to get Emma to forgive me. She couldn’t stay mad at me forever.

And if there was one thing I knew about Emma Beck…

Caffeine was the way to her heart.


Afaint knocking noise pulled me from sleep. The sun was shining through the curtains I hadn’t bothered to shut the night before, casting a warm, golden glow on the bedroom. The walls were a calming sage color, and there was a gentle scent of lavender that lingered in the air that I somehow had missed after throwing myself onto the bed last night.

I took a deep breath, intending to go back to sleep since it wasn’t like I had an internship to get to or anything, when another knock sounded.

I waited for Jameson to answer the door, seeing as it was his house and all, but when the knocking happened again, I rolled myself out of bed with a groan.

A glance at my phone on the nightstand told me it was past nine—the latest I had allowed myself to sleep in since I could remember—and yet every inch of me was fatigued, begging to crawl right back under the covers.

I didn’t bother to run my fingers through my hair even though it was probably a rat’s nest, or to smooth down the wrinkled T-shirt and jeans I’d slept in. Whoever was knocking, and waking me from my slumber, could deal with ugly Emma and her morning breath.

Muttering a string of unintelligible curses beneath my breath, I swung open the door and barely kept from yelling, “What?”