They stared at one another over the table for a moment, before David gave her the universal Bring it on hand gesture.
Paige ran through a few songs in her head before settling on a bonafide gem to get the annihilation started. ““Disco Duck”.”
“And she comes out of the gate strong,” he said, with feigned wonder. “That’s one.”
“I’m not fooling around,” she replied, then fired away with another song. ““Lady In Red”.”
“What do you mean ‘no’?”
He sighed with regret. “I actually had my very first slow dance in the eighth grade to that song. So, no.”
“You heard me. It doesn’t count.”
“Why? Simply because it’s … nostalgic?”
“Yes. I have fond memories tied to that song.”
“You do? What was the name of the girl you danced with?”
David paused, the question taking him by surprise. Mindy? Mandy? “Unfortunately, I don’t remember her name. It’s been a long time.”
“Long time or not, that’s a pretty important detail to be missing from your ‘fond’ memories.”
“Yes. But what I do remember is that she had—” he broke off and held his hands out in front of his chest, obviously miming a pair of large breasts.
“What?” Paige adopted an innocent expression. “Big hands?”
His mouth quirked, but he pretended her question was legitimate when he answered. “No. Big boobs.”
“Oh, of course.”
He nodded. “That’s why I have fond memories of that song.”
“Thanks, but I was able to come to that conclusion all on my own,” she told him, not skimping on the sarcasm. “So the song really doesn’t count because some girl you danced with over twenty years ago—whose name you don’t remember—had boobs.”
“Big boobs.”
“Sorry. Big boobs. And probably gave you a boner.”
“I didn’t say anything about a boner.”
“You were in the eighth grade. It’s a given,” she said, rolling her eyes. Then, when all he did was munch on his breadstick and look at her with expectation of the next song, she continued with a hint of belligerence, ““Sussudio”.”
“That’s two.”
““Ice Ice Baby”.”
He shook his head. “No.”
“Yes. That one counts.”
“No, it doesn’t.”
“Why not?”