All I could picture was Kayla, vulnerable and innocent, this motherfucker taking advantage of her and the situation.

They both stumbled forward, and he seamlessly led her down the alley behind the club.

This time of night, car and foot traffic was almost nonexistent, no one to stop him, no witnesses to see the despicable, foul activities he was trying to do. But I was here. And I saw it all. He’d pay for it.

I saw him push the girl against the brick wall, his hand about to go under her dress, when I was behind him a split second later, wrapping my forearm around his neck and pulling him back from the girl.

The arm I had on his throat made it so he wasn’t able to make much more than garbled sounds. The girl opened her eyes and blinked a few times as she stared at me.

“Go,” I said deeply, aggressively. I needed her the fuck out of here. Her eyes flared, and she swallowed, saying nothing as she nodded and turned and stumbled out of the alleyway, rounding the corner and heading back toward the club.

And then I let myself grin, inhaling deeply and smelling his fear. He kept trying to gargle words, his hands clawing at the palm still wrapped around his throat.

So I tightened my fingers even more, feeling his trachea, so fragile and breakable under my fingers, start to crack, collapse. It wouldn't take much more strength to crush it completely. I turned him around easily, lifting his pathetically weak body off the ground and pinning him up against the brick wall. I leaned in close and grinned.

I could’ve ended him right now, but instead I was going to drag this out nice and slow. I stared into his eyes and reached for his left hand, lifted his arm, and twisted his wrist back hard enough the bone broke and made the most incredible fucking noise echo off the brick buildings on either side of us.

Because he was unable to scream, not with my hold around his throat, the noise that came from him was a panicked sound, like a dying animal. The acidic scent of his fear rose so much I got high off it.

And then I grabbed his right hand and broke that wrist too. The sound of bone snapping caused my blood to rise savagely. Violently.

This primal viciousness moved through me. I wrenched his head to the side, baring his throat, his jugular beating frantically from his increased heart rate.

My mouth salivated, my fangs aching, my thirst monumental. I saw my mate in my mind, so clear it was as if she was right in front of me. The arousal I felt for her—only for her—consumed me as I struck his neck, my fangs sinking deep, his vein opening like a broken balloon.

I gorged myself on his life source, swallowing in rapid pulls, my throat working fast to keep up with the mouthfuls pouring into me. My eyes glowed brightly, the red illuminating the alley as I imagined this blood was Kayla’s, that she was the one I was drinking from.

She’d taste so sweet, a Coveted Female’s blood said to be like ambrosia, an aphrodisiac that could never be matched.

Once I had my fill, I let go of the asshole, his body dropping to the dirty asphalt like the trash he was. He was still breathing, but the gaping wound I left on the side of his neck would be his demise in the next five minutes.

I ran the back of my arm over my mouth, smearing the blood from my lips and chin. I reached down and grabbed a chunk of his hair, yanked his head up, and made my way deeper into the alley. I felt the strength pour into me from this fucker’s blood and growled again, knowing he’d touched what was mine. I wanted to kill the prick all over again.

I tossed his lifeless corpse behind a dumpster and reached for my cell, calling up my team. Although I didn’t give two shits about this bastard being found, it was typically bad business to have bodies showing up mutilated near my businesses.

“I need a cleanup in the side alley of Sinner,” I said low into the receiver. “You’ll smell the blood.” I didn’t wait for a response as I disconnected the call and shoved the phone back into my pocket.

I turned and faced the entrance to the alley and inhaled deeply, still able to smell Kayla’s scent lingering in the air.

With my hunger satiated—for the time being—and the shit with the Lycans and the Assembly set in motion, tonight was the night I’d take her away.

Fuck waiting any longer.



Icouldn’t stop thinking about him, about the way my body lit up when he touched me, about how I grew soft and warm and so hungry for more when he kissed me.

I should be horrified. Terrified. He’d bitten me… more than once.

Then why was I still so wet? Why was my heart still thundering against my ribs, even though I’d run away and was tucked safely in my home?

I closed my eyes and breathed out, but doing so had my mind conjuring up how hard his erection had been as he pressed against me, rubbed it, ground all that male flesh into my belly.

God, even the prick of pain from that kiss made me needier, igniting that darker side of me, the part I’d always thought of as depraved… wrong. But it didn’t feel like that when I was with him. It felt like that's exactly what I was supposed to be doing. Who I was supposed to be doing it with.

One word kept bouncing around in my head after I’d asked him what he was. But it was so unrealistic, so fantastical, that I felt like a complete moron for even thinking about it.