We stared at each other for long moments, this alpha showdown creating a pretty tense atmosphere. But I derived power from that, from those who refused to back down. My soldiers knew their place, stayed where they were until I gave a signal, which I wouldn’t. I knew how this would play out, saw things steps ahead before they became reality.

“Things could have gone down far differently, Cian. But I kept my shit together. Do the same.” It wasn’t a request, and he knew that.

Cian huffed out, and I could tell this was hard as shit for him to do… to back down.

He exhaled, nodded once, and said, “Many thanks from my kind for no’ being an even more psychotic fooker than ye already are.”

I laughed and reached out to clap Cian on the shoulder. He bristled at the contact, and I smiled wider. “Let’s get this started so you can go back to that mate of yours, and I can do my own shit, yeah?”

Kane and Sebastian stepped forward with a tablet in hand and brought up the aerial view of the farmland in Vermont, the property we highly suspected the Assembly was using as a front to perform their fucked-up shit for species of the Otherworld.

For the next half hour, we went over every logistic possible to infiltrate, or at least see if things could be infiltrated.

“And ye’ve had soldiers canvassing the area? Had them there this whole time?”

I nodded and glanced at Cian. “Since we found out about it. We haven’t done anything more than sit on it though. I kept my soldiers back for obvious, practical reasons. Not about losing bodies without knowing everything and being totally prepared. Although this really isn’t my fight, concerning your boy’s mate.” I glanced at Odhran and winked before looking back at Cian. “But me and mine are really fucking involved now. I want to take down these assholes as much as the next bastard.”

Cian and Odhran grunted in acknowledgment.

“So far there’s been no movement, not even civilians coming to and from the property.”

Cian stared down at the tablet. “Underground.”

“Yeah, which is what we figured at the beginning. These pricks aren’t stupid, not for as long as they’ve been in operation.”

“We go now,” Cian said, and I cocked an eyebrow.

“The fuck you say?” I asked slowly, making sure I heard the wolf’s order correctly.

Cian took a step back and crossed his arms over his chest. “We have a good lead that that’s where the Assembly is, or at least where one of the headquarters is. There’s no point in waiting tae infiltrate it.”

I chuckled and took the identical stance he sported. “There is a point in waiting. Let’s not mention this is my fucking territory, and what I say goes.” I paused for effect, to really let that sink in. “The main reason we aren’t going to just attack is because I’m not going to go in guns a’blazing and put my soldiers in danger. I get it; you and your boy want to go half-assed and balls to the wall because you have some vendetta, and he wants his mate back, thinking those douchebags have her. But fuck no, man. We do this the right way, the smart way. We do this my way.” Cian growled but didn’t say anything else. “Give me a couple of days, and I’ll gather more soldiers, tactical gear, the whole nine yards, yeah? Then after that, we go in there with an army.”

Cian shook his head, but I took a step toward him, feeling my impatience grow. I wanted to leave, to go to Kayla, to solidify everything that was between us. But this wolf asshole was trying to take the lead on all this. That, I wouldn’t have.

“We do this on my terms, Cian. You’re in my territory. I’m all for helping you, and trust me, I get it.” I stared into his eyes, saw them glow, knowing mine flashed red. “I. Fucking. Get. It.”

All the Lycans were riled up at this point, shifting on their feet back and forth, the energy in the room growing exponentially. My boys were also getting worked up, the scent of testosterone and aggression heavy in the air.

“We’ll do this in a couple of days. Okay?” Of course I phrased it like a question, but it really wasn’t one. He and I both knew that.

He exhaled and ran a hand over his face, glancing over at Odhran, who looked like he was ready to argue and go toe-to-toe with me, but the stern expression on his face kept the Lycan in check.

And hell, if Odhran pushed, I probably would’ve let them go and just followed after. Now that I’d found my own mate, I knew the turmoil and rage Odhran felt. Because the very thought of someone taking Kayla from me had all sorts of psychotic, murderous feelings rising in me.

Even more so than normal.

But if we really wanted to take down this bastard organization, we had to be smart and work as a team. And if the Lycans went there now, they’d do something stupid. They’d use their strength and their animals to have a lot of bodies dropping to the ground.

“Yeah. Fine. Two days tae get everything in order.”

I nodded slowly, and Cian lifted his hand to gesture for the wolves to file out. I stood and watched them leave, Bear butting his head against my thigh until I reached down and scratched behind his ear.

Kane whistled when the last Lycan left. “Why are Lycans so fucking moody?”

“Their animals are feral on the regular,” I said without pause and then looked at Kane and Sebastian. “Then again, aren’t we all fucking primal creatures?”

The rest of my team were off to the side, their faces expressionless, each one of them ready for… whatever the fuck I needed them to do. Mayhem, menace… murder. For the next twenty minutes I went over all the logistics, all the plans on what the next steps were.