I took a seat and set my mug down in front of me, going right away to the little piece of laminate that was peeling up from the table. It was my turn to start laughing, because yeah, it sure as hell was. I’d push that worry away until I got the bill. “I don’t care about that, although maybe I should since I finally quit Bosco’s.”

There was a beat of silence before she said, “Good. That place is a shithole anyway.”

“Yeah, it really is a shithole. I was sick of the assholes and the sexual harassment.” I stood and started walking around the kitchen, unable to sit still.

“I thought Ritchie said he was going to put a stop to all that?” Darragh asked and I could practically hear the frown in her voice.

I snorted. “Please. He doesn’t give a shit about that. He’s all talk. And half the time he’s the one delivering the sexual harassment to the waitresses.”

“You should still be sleeping. I know you didn’t get home until late, and then I woke you up with the phone call.”

“I’m fine. I’d been staring at my ceiling for so long that my eyes burned. Then I couldn’t fall back to sleep, so I said screw it and got up to bug you. But enough about me. Did you finally get to that guy’s house who’s going to help you find your father?”

“I wish I could show you this place,” she murmured in this whimsical voice.

Well hell, if a sight could put a sound like that in a girl’s voice, I had to see it. I pulled the phone away and connected the video chat, waiting until she finally answered. A second later the video call was accepted, and I grinned as Darragh’s face popped up on the screen.

“Hey, you,” I said and sat back at the table, getting comfortable for this virtual tour I’d demand she give me. I lifted my mug and took a long pull of the too-bitter coffee but felt that instant caffeine hit my bloodstream. “So, show me how incredible this place is.”

She turned the camera around right away and faced it at a grand, gorgeous staircase. She swept the phone along what was clearly the front entrance of a massive home—a mansion that screamed old-world culture. She showed me the most gorgeous library, the spines of the books looking leather-bound and aged with history. It had my heart speeding up.

Once the mini tour was done, she turned the camera back to her, and my grin widened. “Where is this dude who brought you to that house that screams ‘loaded’?”

Even though her image was pixelated, I could see her blush clearly and cocked an eyebrow, wanting to probe for that information, because it was clear even mentioning this dude had her flushing fiercely.

“He had to step away for a bit.”

I wanted to press, but for once in my life, I kept my mouth shut. She’ll tell me when she was ready.

“Uh-huh,” I said. “Okay. Talk to me about this dude. What does he do for a living, where is this place located, and, the most important question, is he part of the Scottish mafia?”

Her eyebrows rose to her hairline. “Is there a Scottish mafia?”

I shrugged but felt the tug of amusement. “I don’t see why not.”

“Um, no. I can say with certainty there is no organized crime going on with Caelan.”

“Okay, well, is he like… a billionaire? Please tell me you’re not sleeping with him to get information on your family. Please tell me he isn’t like your… sugar daddy. I mean, not that there's anything wrong with that, but I don’t want you giving up the goods to an old-ass man in hopes of finding information?—”

Darragh started laughing so hard tears tracked down her cheeks. “No. I can say with all honesty I am not doing that.”

“Well damn,” I muttered in mock disappointment. “That would have been one hell of a story, right?” I left that open-ended, hoping she’d tell me whatever it was she was keeping from me, and as I looked at her face, I could see whatever it was… was pretty big.

“How long do you think you’re gonna stay there?” I asked after I finished off my coffee, wanting to tack on, Not long, I hope, but I kept that to myself.

“I don’t know, actually. I guess it depends on if we find out any information.”

I figured that would be her answer. “Well, I hope you're not there too long, because I’m a selfish bitch and want my best friend back. It’s lonely and boring here when you’re not around.” That was an understatement, even with my new life plan to explore and live.

I didn’t miss how Darragh changed topics, the conversation shifting to “safer” things. And I let her lead it that way. If it made her feel like she was on even, steady ground right now, I would embrace whatever route she took.



Iwasn’t a man, not human, but something else, more powerful. Deadly. The strongest Otherworld creature that was known to walk the planet. So when my wolf rose up and took supremacy for the first real time in all my life, I stopped and took notice… let it consume me.
