To let myself bask in the beauty that she was. And gods, she was gorgeous, all pale skin like the silvery moonlight, all long, lithe limbs, perfectly sized breasts, and feminine curves. She made my mouth water as if I hadn’t drank deeply in ages and the only thing that could satiate me was her.

My fangs tingled and ached, elongated so much I could barely close my mouth. I ran my tongue over my bottom lip, over and over again, her blood long gone, but I still tasted her, a flavor that was in every cell of my body now, forever—eternally—imprinted in me.

Gods, she was sweet, like the finest, rarest wine that had ever covered my tongue. My A-positive little human was the sweetest thing I’d ever fucking tasted.

I kept to the shadows, staying hidden even though I’d never cared about being seen. Every depraved part of my bastardly soul demanded I break into her house, tear the clothes from her body, and claim what was rightfully mine. And that was every single perfect inch of her.

She was mine by fate, my destiny… my possession to do with as I fucking pleased.

But I didn’t want to frighten her… didn’t want her to see herself as something I owned. And as weird as it was for me to think, let alone feel, I wanted her to want to be with me, not out of fear, not because she was my prisoner, but because she needed me as intrinsically as I needed her.

And although I’d get off on her fear, smell it as it filled my nose, feel it tingle the back of my throat, what I wanted more from her was her desire.

She may be human and wouldn’t be able to understand—at least not right away—that her life had irreversibly changed being mated to an Otherworld creature, especially because she was mated to me, but she’d come to find out that reality soon enough.

I moved across the lawn and closer to the house. I didn’t sense anyone else within the structure. My lip curled in a snarl, and a growl left me at the very thought of a male looking at her, let alone living with her.

That low growl became even more intense, louder the longer I thought about her with anyone but me. It didn’t matter if she had a boyfriend. I’d break his arms and legs and leave him to suffer as I took her away. I didn’t care if she had a husband. I’d rip his balls off and shove them down his throat.

She was mine, and if any male even thought about her, I’d show them what an animal I really was.

Her blood continued to sing in my veins from when I’d broken her skin at the club, when I’d let my fang run along the side of her throat, when I sank it deep enough against her skin that I tasted her and groaned like a fucking starving wolf. And gods, when she’d rubbed up against me…

Yeah, my sweet little mate. I’ll be able to find you anywhere, your life force flowing through my veins forever, so there isn’t anywhere you can go where I won’t follow.

I felt my body vibrate because of our connection, because she was so near. Her blood in me was like a tracker, a beacon that would always lead me to her. I found myself standing at the side of the house, my head tipped back so I could clearly see into the window of what I knew was her bedroom.

My cock was so hard it dug against the zipper of my slacks, aching and heavy, my balls drawn up tight, pre-cum dotting the tip of my dick for the first time in my existence.

The arousal was a painful, annoying sensation that settled right in my groin. It was this pounding need to break into her home, to throw her over my shoulder and take her to my lair where I could fuck her, claim her… mark her pale neck so hard everyone would look at her throat and know how vicious I was.

They’d see how fiercely I bit her because my need for my fragile human was so strong I had no control where she was concerned.

I breathed through the need pounding in my body. I couldn’t even fucking think clearly. And it pissed me off. Losing control was not something I ever let happen. I had my shit in order, kept my composure, was always—always—one step ahead of… everything.

But finding my Coveted Female was throwing me for a motherfucking loop. And I needed to remind myself who and what I was so chaos didn’t descend. I couldn’t let the latter happen simply because I was now mated.

If I wasn’t such a psychotic motherfucker, I wouldn’t have crept closer to her window. I wouldn’t have let my gaze stay focused on her as she undressed.

But I was a psycho. I was a bastard. I was a killer who didn’t deserve her.

So I watched.

Her dress, which was nothing but strips of fabric that curved along her feminine body, fell to the floor after she removed it, and then she was only left in a bra and thong.

If I was a male who believed in a god—hell, anything holy—I would have thanked that celestial being for creating the most perfect fucking creature to be mine and mine alone.

My entire body heated painfully, my cock throbbing in time with my rapidly pounding heart. The growl was a constant from deep within my chest, and as she walked into the bathroom and reached behind to unlatch her strapless bra, I found myself reaching down and gripping my hard cock, giving the motherfucker a squeeze and hissing out as the pleasure and pain coalesced until they became one sensation.

Her ass was perfect, two pale, rounded globes that bounced slightly with every step she made. I was so focused on my female that I didn’t hear the vehicle approaching until there was the sound of a car door opening and slamming shut. I bared my teeth and snapped my head in the direction of the driveway, anger and violence brewing in me. My female was tying me all up, pulling my focus, which made things really fucking dangerous when I knew there was an organization that was after Otherworld creatures.

But fuck if I could help myself where my mate was concerned.

I tilted my head in that direction, and a warning sound came for me, a threatening noise that someone was far too close to my mate. I looked back at my mate and watched as she quickly donned a robe before tying the sash around her waist and heading out of her bedroom.

I moved around the house, keeping to the shadows. It was the same car that had dropped her off, now parked in her driveway, still idling, a dark-haired female sitting in the passenger seat, her face lit up as she looked down at her cell phone.

There was a male standing on the front porch stoop, a phone in hand, his dark brows pulled low as he stared at it as if he were confused by the fucking piece of technology. I didn't like him, wanted to go to him and twist his head right off his fucking neck.