He was still naked, blood covering his body, the cuts and scrapes on his form so numerous I felt tears fill my eyes. His hands were bound behind his back, his legs as well. But what kept him secured wasn’t the same rope they used on me. The cuffs were metal, thick and dark. I didn’t have any hope of getting him out of those.

Thankfully he was alive, his chest rising and falling slowly. I was grateful he was also unconscious, because the amount of pain he had to be in from the wounds would be monumental.

I didn’t know how I was going to stop this, but I had to do something, and I had to do it quickly, because the closer we got to wherever the drop-off point was, the harder it was going to be for us. I had to catch them when they were off guard, like they were now, their attention not on me because they didn’t see me as a threat.

A crash.

I had to make it so we couldn’t get to the destination. I knew Cian was no doubt coming after me right now. I couldn’t think about whether Odhran or I would get harmed in the process, didn’t think about pain or injury. I couldn’t, not if I wanted us to make it out alive.

While I kept my gaze locked on the two men in front, I took off the bag and let it drop to the van floor. Then I slowly—God, so slowly and silently—pushed myself up so I could look around for any kind of weapon and stopped as my gaze landed on the duffels. I held my breath as I reached for the strap of one.

But just before I had it, the driver barked, “What the fuck are you doing?”

I froze, my eyes snapping to the front.

“What?” Jack replied as he reached for the radio. “We have a little bit of time before we get there. You gonna say no to the radio? Come on, man.”

The driver snorted and shook his head but said nothing else, and that was the only approval Jack needed to click the radio on. The low sounds of classic rock filtered through the van, and I watched Jack get comfortable in his seat.

I exhaled slowly, thankful the extra noise was now filtering throughout the van to cancel out any sound I made. I tightened my fingers on the handle and pulled one of the duffels my way, my focus trained on the men. When I had the bag in front of me, I breathed out slowly, my head dizzy from holding my breath intermittently the entire time.

I grabbed the zipper and started slowly pulling it down. Once the bag was three-fourths of the way open, I pulled one of the sides open and looked at the contents. I could’ve laughed at what lay inside. Weapons. These men were either stupid as hell, arrogant, or really thought we weren’t a threat.

Well, they were about to realize how wrong they were.

I wasn’t confident enough to use one of the guns, but there were a few knives and what looked like a metal pipe. I pulled the latter out and curled my fingers around the heavy weight in my hand. A soft sound to my left had me snapping my head in Odhran’s direction.

Odhran had his face toward me, his eyes open. His jaw was clenched tightly as he looked from me to the two men sitting in front. I could see the muscles of his arms bunching and straining as he tried to get free, but whatever shackles they used were holding strong. Strong enough to keep a Lycan immobile.

He shook his head at me, and in his eyes I could see the panic. I knew he didn’t want me to do this, knew the outcome probably wasn’t going to be favorable, but if I could stop these assholes from hurting anyone else, even if it was just a few of them, it was worth it.

I mouthed, I have to.

He was still shaking his head, his jaw locked tight. But he wasn’t making any noise that would draw attention. I couldn’t wait to see if he’d be able to escape, if we’d be able to take them down. I couldn’t rely on someone else to handle this when I had the opportunity to do it myself.

So with the baton in my hand, I crawled closer to the two seats. I could hear the one named Jack hum, but he was focused out the passenger window. I didn’t know who to attack first, Jack, who would undoubtedly come after me once I hit the driver, or if I should go straight for Jack, when the driver would come after me as well. Either way this would hurt, but I knew going to the source was going to end this sooner.

I didn’t think anymore, just reacted.

I swung my arm out and brought the baton down on the driver’s head, the metal connecting with his temple, a sickening crack sounding through the entire van. The coppery scent of blood instantly filled my nose as his skin split, the gaping wound so horrendous I felt renewed nausea consume me.

“The fuck?” Jack barked and looked at me with abject horror. He was young. God, he was young, maybe not even as old as I was, but here he was doing heinous crimes.

The driver was mumbling incoherently, the car swerving to the left and right. I was frozen with shock and fear, the same as Jack apparently, as he stared at the driver, then at me, over and over again for what seemed like forever, but all of this could only have been happening for a few seconds.

“You fucking bitch,” Jack finally growled and lunged for me sideways, the position we were both in making it hard for him to grasp me as I fell backward, the baton clanging to the floor.

The van swerved, the driver still conscious, but I could see him trying not to flop forward, the blood from his wound a constant gush from his head.

Everything started blurring together, with Odhran making animalistic sounds behind me, his big body thrashing as he tried to escape. Jack tangled in his seat belt as the van kept swerving to the left and right, and the driver was seconds away from succumbing to the darkness he was fighting.

I could hear a radio crackle in the air, the kind of sound you’d hear from a walkie-talkie.

“Th… fuc… is going… there. Yo… copy?”

It was hard to hear clear words with the static on the other end and how the voice kept breaking up.

The van swerved hard to the left, and my body was flung to the side of the van, my head cracking hard enough on the metal paneling that I groaned and felt the previous wound break back open.