Something to get used to for sure.

“Besides,” I whispered. “I’m yours.”

His gaze dropped to the claiming mark again, and he growled in pleasure, but then his brows lowered as his eyes moved along either side of my neck. Before I knew what he was doing, he reached out and pulled the collar of my sweater down, revealing the tops of my shoulders. This low rumble left him, and he closed his eyes, breathing out roughly.

“Ah, lass,” he said in a deep, whiskey-sounding voice. “I dinna realize I was so rough last night. I could no’ control myself.” He opened his eyes, and I saw the regret on his face, the agony that he thought he’d hurt me. “My wolf was fierce with ye. Too fierce, especially for yer first time.”

I was shaking my head before he even finished speaking, then rose up on my toes to press my lips to his. “No,” I murmured against his mouth. “I don’t regret this, what we did, or anything else between us.” I kissed him again and again before pulling back. “I liked it all. I liked the roughness, how fierce you were.” I felt more arousal move through me. “I liked the pain and especially the pleasure that accompanied it.” Slowly that hard, sorrow-filled look on his face faded, and he leaned down to rest his forehead against mine. For long moments we just breathed the same air.

I hated that he felt bad, that he was in pain at the thought of hurting me, but it also told me he was a good man, he cared for me, and he only wanted to keep me safe, even from himself and his inner animal.

I lifted a hand and stroked his whisker-covered cheek. “I’m fine,” I reassured him again. “Truly.” My face heated when I whispered, “I hope it’s like that every time.” He growled low and leaned in to kiss me again, when we heard the front door open and footsteps coming closer.

“Christ, Cian,” Odhran said as he stepped farther into the kitchen, and his eyes latched to the area of my throat that was on display. “Neck’s fooking brutal, yeah?”

Cian growled low and positioned his body more in front of mine at the same time he adjusted the collar of my shirt so it covered my skin again.

Neither male spoke, but they sure as hell had a stare off. And after a tense moment, Odhran shook his head, cursed low, and walked over to the table to sit down.

“The sight just took me off guard. No need tae act all fooking territorial. Ye kno’ yer mate isn’t even on my mind.”

Odhran sounded distant, and now that I really looked at him, I could see the darkness under his eyes that showed he hadn’t slept. I felt my heart break now that I knew the truth about his mate.

I placed a hand on Cian’s arm and gently pushed him away. He retreated instantly, and I realized how much power I held over him. He was this big, strong paranormal creature, yet he folded for me with just a gentle touch of my hand on his arm. It was a heady sensation, but one that also made me feel vulnerable.

I walked over and took the seat across from Odhran, and although he wouldn’t meet my gaze, I knew he could feel me watching him. It was the subtle way his shoulders went back, how his spine straightened. I wanted to tell him that although I knew nothing about him and that we’d just met the night before, I empathized with him. Although I had never experienced what he had, I did know the pain of loss acutely.

“I’m sorry,” I said softly, and although I wanted to take his hand in mine, I also didn’t want to instigate the jealous part of Cian, the one he couldn’t control because he was more animal than man.

Odhran lifted his head, and our eyes locked. I didn’t notice the large scar along his forehead and cheek. I didn’t notice the bags under his eyes or the weathered, exhausted expression on his face. What I noticed was a man who felt like he had nothing and was doing everything in his power to gain some control back.

I saw a man who felt like he had lost the only thing that meant anything to him. I saw a man who’d had the one woman who was born to be his taken away.

And for men like these, feeling as if they had no control or power was like a blow to the gut, draining their bodies until they were husks. It was as if they didn’t have a purpose.

Cian moved behind me but didn’t say anything, and the gentle but heavy pressure of his hands landing on my shoulders as I felt him give me a gentle squeeze of reassurance made me feel like things could be okay as long as we gave them a chance.

Odhran didn’t say anything, but he did give me a slight nod, and I had a feeling that for a man like him, it was his way of accepting my sympathy and showing his gratitude. Finally he cleared his throat and rested fully back in the chair, looking over at where Cian stood.

“Left last night,” he said and let those words hang between us, and I felt my face heat because I knew why he’d left. Things got loud. “Figured ye’d want privacy,” he added as if this wasn’t the most humiliating thing to ever talk about. “Contacted Adryan, and I went over tae the other property he was at, started early, looking over all he has on the Assembly.”

Cian sat in the seat beside me, his focus wholly on Odhran. “Did ye find anything out?” I knew he was referring to his mate, but when Odhran shook his head sharply, I felt my chest crumble a little more for him.

“I came back tae shower and change, and then I’m going tae head back and search more.”

All of us were silent after that, but I could see Cian’s mind working over all the information.

Odhran ran a hand over his jaw and closed his eyes for a moment, breathing out almost warily. “I donna think I’m going tae find anything useful.” God, he sounded so defeated, but there was still a fire in his voice. “But I have tae keep looking. I have tae keep trying.” He opened his eyes, and I wished things could’ve been different. For him. For me and Cian. For everyone in danger.

“I’ll come back before sunset. Ye should be there with Adryan tae go over all the information. But I’ll stay here tae make sure yer mate is safe.”

I looked between the two men, feeling confused. “I thought Adryan said the house was protected?” Not that I wanted to be here alone anyway, but if they had stuff to figure out, a way to work through this and end it, I didn’t need nor want anyone babysitting.

“I would no’ fooking trust Adryan to pick up my dry cleaning, let alone protect the most precious thing tae me,” Cian said as he stared at me, that look of wonder on his face so heavy I felt it wash over me. “I’d feel better taking ye with me, but in this, Adryan is correct, as much as I hate admitting it. It’s safer having ye here, protected with wards to keep others from finding ye, lass. I will no’ be long, but we need tae figure out how tae end this, and the sooner it’s done, the sooner we can start…”

I held my breath, waiting for what he was about to say.

He leaned in, and in a low, deep voice, he finished, “…The sooner I can start building a proper life with my mate and spoiling her.”