I shifted on the bed again and expected to feel that sharpness in my head, but when just a full throb made itself known, I exhaled. As if Cian sensed I was awake, the bedroom door opened, and he walked in carrying a stack of clothes tucked under his arm and holding a cell phone in his other hand.

Our gazes locked, and he stopped immediately. I heard him audibly exhale. His gaze raked me from head to toe, and even if the blanket covered half my body, I somehow felt totally bared to him and his appraisal.

“How do ye feel?”

I braced my hands on the mattress and pushed myself up. “Good, actually. Thank you.” Those last two words weren’t just because he’d saved me but because he’d taken care of me. Even though I didn’t have time to properly think about anything that was going on, it was very clear I hadn’t given this man a chance. I hadn’t given anything a chance. I let my disbelief and fear take over.

Although I didn’t know what the future held, without knowing the full story, without trying to figure things out, I’d been running from myself just as much as I had been from Cian.

He nodded slowly and shut the door behind him. “Good. I can’t stand to see ya hurt.”

My heart gave a little lurch at his words and how much I knew he meant them. He walked toward me and held out the clothes.

“I’m pretty sure these will be a little too big for ye, but there were some spare clothes in one of the dressers, and I figured ye’d rather have that than keep what ye had on. It was filthy and wet.” He cleared his throat. “Or wear my shirt.” He tipped his chin toward what I wore.

He lowered his gaze to my chest, and that’s when I also looked down and saw what I had on. It was a shirt that most definitely wasn't mine… but Cian’s. I picked at the material and felt my face heat at the fact that he’d changed me. I glanced up at him, and clearly the question was in my expression, because he lifted his free hand and rubbed it along the back of his neck.

“I dinna look. I was quick. But yer shirt was soaked, ye were shivering, passed out, and my only priority was making sure ye were okay, lass.” The shame in his eyes made it impossible for me to feel violated or upset with him. “I’d never hurt ye,” he said with determination. “I’d never take advantage of ye.” The conviction in his voice had me nodding, believing him wholly.

“I trust you. Thank you,” I whispered again, my cheeks flushed, my body sore, but I had this warm pleasure that didn’t have anything to do with being sexual moving through me.

Cian cleared his throat and handed me the phone. “I figured ye’d want tae talk tae Darragh.”

I couldn’t help the genuine smile that moved across my face. How could I have ever thought to run from this man? I didn’t even know him, yet he was doing everything in his power to keep me protected, safe, and happy.

My throat felt tight, too tight for me to even say any words. So I said nothing at all as I kept my smile in place and took the phone, my fingers brushing along his, that spark of electricity and pleasure moving up my arm and making me suck in a breath. I thought about our kiss as I stared at his blue eyes, my lips tingling, remembering how he plundered and pillaged me, taking what he wanted because he was so desperate for it.

His eyes grew hooded, a low hum leaving him. I swore I saw his eyes flash an eerie, glowing blue, but it only happened for a split second before he blinked rapidly, clearing it away.

He rubbed his hand across his face. “I’ll give ye some privacy. The bathroom’s right there.” He pointed to the side. “If ye’d like tae clean up, take yer time. If ye need me, just call. I’ll hear.” And then he was turning and leaving.

I watched his back as he retreated before he slipped out of the room and shut the door behind him, giving me privacy. I settled against the pillows and shifted on the bed a little bit, then looked down at the cell phone. I didn’t know why I was suddenly nervous to talk to Darragh, but as I dialed her number and put the phone to my ear, I felt that anxiousness try to suck me down.

I didn’t even know what time it was, but it didn’t matter. I knew she’d be happy to hear from me, even if I woke her. And when she answered and breathed out my name, relief in her voice, I felt myself tear up.

“Oh God, Evelyn.”

“Hey,” I said softly and closed my eyes, resting my head back on the headboard, staring at the ceiling. Her voice was a rush of words, asking me how I was, what was going on, saying Cian had called Banner, who I found out was the Scottish Lycan king and her mate's father, and told them everything he knew. I didn’t even know everything.

“You’re okay though?”

I exhaled. “I’m okay.” I rubbed my eyes as I thought of all the things that had happened so far. Being attacked, almost being abducted, strange tattoos… not to mention all the mate and Otherworld stuff. “I’m okay,” I said again.

“Physically. Mentally and emotionally, you’re okay there too?”

I smiled even though she couldn’t see me. “Yes, all my T’s are crossed and my I’s dotted. I’m good.” I swung my legs over and let my toes dangle off the edge, barely reaching the cold floor. “I’m a little banged up, but other than that, I’m whole. I can’t complain, all things considered.” I didn’t move for a moment, just to make sure I wasn’t too dizzy, but the bathroom was calling my name. My mouth tasted sour from throwing up earlier, and what I could really use was a bath.

“I miss you so much. I told Caelan we need to fly out there to be by your side, because things are going upside down, and nobody knows what the hell is going on.”

I shook my head. “No, stay there where you’re safe. Until anything is figured out, I’d much rather you be protected somewhere. I don’t want to worry about these assholes getting you too.”

“Yeah, that’s what Caelan said, even though I ranted and raved at him.”

I chuckled softly, loving that she had spit fire in my defense.

“But you’re staying at Adryan’s house? Or at least one of his?”

“I guess. Cian didn’t tell me whose house this was, and I’ve never met the owner. But it sounds like you know him?”