“I’m a wolf, Evie. A Lycan male.”

My body shivered at the way his words caressed every single part of me, at the way he was the only one to ever give me a nickname. He made it sound so heated and sexual, so much so that my thighs clamped together hard, my pussy softening and becoming impossibly wet. My panties stuck to my folds, the material so drenched it turned me on as much as embarrassed me.

His nostrils flared as he inhaled, and I felt my eyes widen when he let out a low growl. Oh God… he can smell me. He can smell how aroused I am.

“Ye running from me does nothing but make me harder, driving the instinct tae hunt ye and take ye tae the ground once I’ve caught ye until it’s almost unbearable.” He moved a step closer, and I moved one to the side, closer toward the door. “It makes me want tae spread those pretty thighs of yers and rut between them until I fill ye up with my seed and ye come all over my cock… giving yerself tae me in all fooking ways.”

My bare foot hit my bag, which I already had packed and ready to go by the door. Without breaking eye contact, I bent down to grab it and slung it over my shoulder. I rifled through the front pocket to get my keys, my gaze always on Cian, the survival part of me saying to run.

But another part of me, one that was becoming stronger, told me to stay, to go to him… to give myself over like he wanted, because it would be so good.

I reached behind me and turned the doorknob, the handle spinning funny in my hand, and when I wrenched it open, I realized why. The lock was broken. How he’d gotten in.

“Ye can feel how right it is tae be in my presence.” He took a step forward. “Canna ye imagine how perfect it’ll be once ye give yerself over tae me?” There was a serrated quality to his voice, one that had pleasure moving through me. I should’ve hated it… but I didn’t. I heard this almost underlying desperation, as if he waited on bated breath for me to give him the answer he desired.

I shook my head as I retreated another step, this one taking me outside. A crack of lightning sliced through the sky, illuminating it and casting this glow over Cian, giving him a sinister look. A moment later a boom of thunder followed.

And then the rain came, the sky opening up, pouring down in a rush of water, the wind whipping it sideways, soaking the oversize white shirt I wore. I started shivering, but it had nothing to do with the weather and everything to do with the man standing before me, sliding his gaze down to my chest. I felt my nipples pucker, the cotton sticking to my breasts, the peaks no doubt very evident.

I knew my car was right behind me, but I was frozen in place, as if cement filled my feet, as if my body refused to move away from my mate. My mate. This whole thing was illogical, insane. Then why am I not running as fast as I can to my car, leaving all of this behind?

A growl erupted, and at first I thought it was from Cian, but then I realized it came from behind me. I turned to face the parking lot. The noise came through again and it was so deep and loud, mimicking the thunder that was intermittently spiking throughout the sky. My heart was in my throat, but I saw nothing but pellets of rain, a blanket of water as it rushed down on the graveled parking lot.

And then I could see them, two large forms colliding with each other, another roar erupting, but this time it came from Cian behind me. I didn’t stop and think, my body just reacting as I ran toward my car, small pebbles from the lot digging into the bare soles of my feet. But I didn’t feel any pain. I was running high on adrenaline; this whole situation was wrong.

A little voice in my head said it wasn’t because of Cian, that wrongness that filled me, but because something else was pushing its way through… something truly dangerous.

I reached my car, but my keys slipped from my fingers in my haste to open the door, in the slickness of the rain. My entire body was soaked, my hair plastered to my face and forehead. I pushed away the strands, frantic, frightened. And then I felt intense heat cover my back, my entire body freezing as I slowly turned around and tipped my head up, up, and up until I looked into Cian’s eyes.

A gasp left me as I saw the glowing irises, a vivid blue that cast its eerie glow along me, as if he was lit from the inside out. Our chests were almost touching, Cian so much bigger than me that my head barely reached his pectoral muscles.

The rush of the rain, the boom of thunder, and the sounds of an aggressive fight happening far too close for me filled my head. But as the seconds ticked by and I stared into Cian’s eyes, everything else faded away.

He groaned deeply, his gaze lowering to my lips, water sluicing off both of us. His short hair appeared darker from the rain, the strands cast in spiky sections around his head, some pieces sticking to his forehead. And then he was lifting his hand and covering the side of my face, his palm as big as my cheek, engulfing it.

His mouth was on mine before I could react, the second kiss of my life, this one and the first happening within the past five minutes and rocking me to my core.

He broke the kiss, and I stumbled back against my car, dazed, confused. Nothing else mattered but feeling him pressed against me again.

But the flash of movement coming right toward us, of a body being tossed onto the ground, drew both of our attention and had Cian bracing himself visibly.

The man pulled himself off the ground, shaking his head as if to clear it, blood marring his neck from deep clawlike gouges on the white skin.

Cian had his back to my chest, pushing me more firmly against the car—a shield of bone and muscle and flesh.

The wind howled, the water obscuring my vision and making it hard to see anything, but as I stared at the man now standing just feet from us, his face clear and hard with anger, I felt confusion fill me.

It was the minivan guy from the Amish store.

I noticed the gun he sported, one that glinted briefly under the flash of lightning. As if he heard my thoughts, he snapped his head toward me. Cian growled low and dangerously, a warning even I recognized. Before the other man could raise his weapon, which by the tensing of his arm I knew was about to happen, Cian launched himself at him.

The two bodies collided, one so much bigger than the other. I made a horrified sound. I found myself stepping forward, knowing how foolish it was to get in the middle of a fight that vicious, but everything inside me urged me to help Cian.

I was in a haze as I took the next step, but a steely hand clamped on my wrist, stopping me and causing me to snap my head over my shoulder.

The woman from the minivan stared at me with wide, terrified eyes. “We have to get out of here,” she urged in a harsh whisper, her gaze flickering to Cian fighting the other man. “That… that thing isn’t human.” Her voice was pitched low with thickly laced fear. “They’ll kill us.”

She started pulling me away, but I dug my heels in the now muddy ground, shaking my head because this felt wrong. This wasn’t right.