Page 133 of The Lycans: Vol Three

I could feel that erratic energy moving through me, and it was taking every ounce of my self-control not to just storm in there and shred that fucking barn apart, tear up the land, dig fucking trenches until we got to the truth. But Banner was right. We had to be smart. I had to think logically.

I couldn’t let my very animalistic side control me right now or shit would get sloppy, and the risk of Kayla getting hurt in the crossfire was too great. I’d never practiced self-control before and had always indulged my bloodlust, letting myself enjoy the violence and destruction that life had to offer when I just let go.

But this was my mate we were talking about. I wouldn’t risk anything when it came to her.

“How the fuck are we gonna do this?” I knew what I wanted to do, and that was scale the place, turn over every rock, push over every slab of wood, and see what these fuckers were really hiding. Then we could make an informed decision on how to dismantle it piece by piece.

Hell, I’d been the one to set up a solid plan, but that was before. Before some dead asshole had taken the most precious thing to me.

But when I was met with silence, I looked at Banner. His expression told me more than enough on what he and his boys wanted to do.

“You know we’re behind you no matter what,” Kane interjected, and I slid my gaze to him and Sebastian. The latter gave a nod in agreement.

Banner scoffed but otherwise kept his mouth closed.

Although we’d come up with a pretty solid plan back at my place, which consisted of canvassing the area and really diving deep in that barn, we all agreed there was no doubt an underground network right beneath our feet.

This whole mission was probably the only thing the Lycans and vampires were in agreement with.

“Shit.” I scrubbed a hand over my face and looked forward again. Banner made a noncommittal sound, and Odhran grunted in agreement. I shook my head and growled.

“She’s in there. I know she is,” Odhran said with a feral tone to his voice.

I stared at the barn, feeling that connection, that living hum moving through me. Kayla was here. Somewhere. I felt her blood vibrate in my veins and sensed mine rushing through hers.

Yeah, my female was in there too.

“Fuck this.” I was up and moving toward the barn, not giving a shit if bullets started flying or if my soldiers and the Lycans followed me. I was fast with my otherworldly speed and got to the entrance in a matter of seconds, stopping to take in the scene, to inhale for any newer, lingering scents.

My soldiers were behind me moments later, the Lycans soon following. Banner was bitching, per usual when he didn’t agree with my tactics.

“Good tae know it was yer idea tae have some kind of plan when we got here, and then that just went tae shit because ye canna control yerself,” Banner grumbled.

I ignored him, pushing the large door aside and stepping inside. There was debris everywhere, old farm equipment that was rusted and aged, decaying bales of hay, bags that smelled like they were filled with rotting corn.

There were several holes in the roof, moonlight spearing through. I kept trying to sift through all the scents and could smell the lingering aromas of humans, but the stench was so faint it was hard for me to decipher how old it was.

“Let’s turn this place over and see what we can find.” I scanned every inch of the place without moving at first. We’d done plenty of research on the barn but hadn’t physically gone through it.

At first glance, nothing was out of the ordinary, just an old, broken-down structure.

And maybe to humans, it all seemed in place, but it was suspect as hell. I knew for a fucking fact that there was a hidden entrance someplace in this piece of shit.

“This place needs torn the fuck up. Turn everything over,” I said to no one in particular. A second later my soldiers were moving in and doing what I ordered. Banner barked out his orders in Gaelic to the Guard, and for the next five minutes, both species looked at every available inch of the structure.

We looked for trap doors, destroyed the bales of hay, and broke through walls. But I wasn’t going to give up. I never would. Not when it concerned Kayla.

As I stared into Banner’s eyes and let a grin spread across my face, I rolled my head around my neck, cracked my knuckles, and prepared for things to get bloody.

The barn started shaking, the beams and rafters rocking back and forth, the wood physically vibrating from the ground up.

We all backed up, and I focused on the part of the flooring that was shaking the most. A second later there was a hiss, the sound of gears working, and then as if an airlock had been unlatched, the wood slid back, revealing a brightly lit underground bunker.

It was only a millisecond after the floor opened that I smelled the humans, and then they were bursting through all openings of the barn, weapons raised, shouts ringing out. Banner and I shared one anticipatory glance before all hell broke loose.

I heard Kane laughing deeply, saw Sebastian’s lips twitch ever-so-slightly, a bloody battle the only thing that could make the emotionless bastard show any kind of reaction in life.

Kane glanced at me, and his smile grew, his fangs already long and ready to tear skin and muscle from bone. I knew what that silent look meant. If he couldn’t take his anger and revenge out on James, he’d do it with these pieces of shit.