Page 98 of The Noble's Merman

“This is called chicken stew, and you eat it with a spoon. I think you’ll like it,” said Kent, holding the spoon with a bit of food resting on top of it.

“What exactly is in it?”

“Chicken, some vegetables, and some herbs. Chicken is a type of bird, by the way.”

“All right. I’ve never eaten any sort of bird before, but if you say so…”

“Trust me,” said Kent with a smile.

Kent placed the spoon in Mo’s mouth, and his tongue was greeted with the wonderful warmth of the savory flavor. He moaned as the delicious substance melted in his mouth, and Kent giggled as he scooped up more to feed him.

Not much later, the servant brought them some new clothes, along with fresh rags to wash themselves. Even washing in this sense was new to him, having been submerged in water most of his life. But Kent helped him with everything he needed, carefully rubbing the wet rag over his skin, wiping off the dirt that clung to his new feet. His beloved’s gentle touches counteracted any pain that dared to come forth, filling Mo up with such a warm sensation: the comfort of love.

For now, they would only put shirts on and would save putting on the rest for when they left the room. Mo took his necklaces off and set them on top of what Kent called a ‘nightstand’ between the two beds, along with untying Kent’s old shirt from his waist, throwing it on the floor in a pile with Kent’s breeches. Kent helped him slip on the clean white shirt, pulling it over his head, the bottom hem reaching his mid-thigh.

Finally washed and somewhat dressed, Mo sat down on the foot of one of the beds. The cushion under his rear was so delightful; his seagrass bed at his old grotto home could never compare to the comfort of this.

“Feel free to lie down,” Kent said as he lit a candle, the curtains now drawn, sunlight only peaking a hair through the crack. “It’s not quite a normal bedtime still being this early, but if you’re like me, I could go for an early night in.”

“Absolutely.” Mo underlined his statement with a nod. “After everything, I’m so fucking tired.”

Kent laughed. “I’ll go let Mrs Robinson know to not disturb us for the rest of the night, and I need to write a note to my father. I’ll be right back.”

While Kent put on his new breeches and left the room for a moment, Mo scooched backwards on the bed to adjust himself, wincing from the strain of his leg muscles, but eventually found a comfortable spot and rested his head on a pillow. Now lying flat on his back, he looked up at the wooden ceiling, shadows dancing along it as the candle flickered. Oh fuck, did this feel good. While the pain wasn’t ever fully gone, this bed surely counteracted much of it. He turned his head left and right, taking in the wonderful softness underneath him. Perhaps humans did have some sort of magic, if they were able to make such lovely fabrics as this.

Kent returned soon after, shutting the door, then pulled off his breeches but left his shirt on. “You don’t expect me to lay down in the second bed, do you? Give me some room,” he said playfully.

Mo chuckled, turning to his side and scooched back to give Kent space on his bed. “Why didn’t we just get a room with one bed, then, if the second one will go unused?”

Kent sat and tugged the blanket down, making Mo realize he was lying on top of it. He adjusted accordingly, and Kent hopped in next to him, pulling the blanket over their bodies. The bed wasn’t very big by any means, but was still large enough to where they could both lay comfortably if they were huddled close. To which, Mo wouldn’t have it any other way.

“If we requested a room with only one bed, it would raise questions as to why we’d want to lie next to each other,” said Kent, lying next to him and petting his hand along Mo’s arm under the covers. “Remember, humans are not usually kind toward couples of the same sex, and in fact can be quite hostile. So, we’ll need to keep the true nature of our relationship a secret, and be very careful how we go about things in public. Two men who are just friends wouldn’t sleep together in one bed unless there was no other option, you know.”

Mo sighed. “I suppose you’re right. But at least they won’t know we’re like this if we keep the door closed.”

“Exactly.” Kent smiled.

Mo put his hand on Kent’s waist as Kent shifted his legs, sliding his knee between Mo’s thighs. It felt so bizarre, having something large spreading his limbs like that, but it also felt rather comforting. The presence between his legs was none other than Kent, his beloved, and it made the magic within him soar.

“What will happen when we go back to your home?” asked Mo. “Will I be able to stay with you there?”

“Of course, absolutely.” Kent rubbed reassuring circles on Mo’s bicep with his thumb. “While Katherine knows the truth, I’ll have to tell father and the servants what we told Mrs Robinson here. You were shipwrecked along with me and since we became friends, I wanted to help you. You had nowhere left to go, and I wanted to support you, so I offered you to stay with me, help you find a new job, and get you back on your feet.”

“Feet? Get me back on my feet?” Mo chuckled.

“It’s an expression. But a rather fitting one now, if I do say so myself!” Kent burst into laughter. Oh, his sweet voice always made Mo’s chest flutter.

After the laughs died down and their breaths evened out, Mo mused about a subject that was lingering in his mind. “I wonder if I’ll still be able to use the Siren’s Song in my human form. Not that I’d actually use it, mind you, but, I just wonder.”

Kent shrugged, moving the blanket slightly as he did so. “I’m not sure. Have you heard stories of sirens becoming human?”

Mo was glad Kent didn’t doubt him when he said he wouldn’t use it and simply continued the conversation. The reignited trust filled his heart. “There was one tale I’ve heard throughout my life, and that was why I felt it wasn’t impossible for me to do so. But the story simply ended when the mer became human, and never told of the tale afterwards.”

“Hmm. Well, I suppose that doesn’t help. But, like you said, you wouldn’t use the Song anyway, unless you had to, I suppose.”

“Let’s hope a situation where I would feel the need to use it never happens.”

Kent chuckled, rubbing his cheek into his pillow. “True, true.”