He licked the side of his mouth as he was examining, and there—that was why he was talking so strangely. Touching the tips of his teeth with his tongue, he only found them dull and flatter. “Even my fangs have changed.”
But even with all these changes, the one that struck him the most, the one that always would, was his new pair of legs. No longer could he dive under the sea and swim like he used to. Now he had legs. His own legs. He petted one of his thighs just to know what it felt like, and he felt short, thin hairs graced all over his skin. The hair was a bit thicker on his calves, but barely any was on his feet. If he so wished, he could walk on these new feet. Mo reached down further, slipping his fingers between his toes.
Yet touching too much made him groan in pain. He pulled his hand away, bringing it to his chest, clutching onto the necklaces he was still wearing.
“Are you all right?” asked Kent, concern in his tone as he rubbed comforting circles on Mo’s back.
“I…” Mo swallowed. “I’ll be fine. I believe these pains are just because I’m not used to my new body. Once I move around some more, once I’ve been like this for a while, I should be all right.”
“I certainly hope so! I wouldn’t want for you to be constantly in pain.”
“I’ll be fine, really!” Mo gave Kent a large grin. “Wenta told me stories of how her grandmother was able to shift into human form over the course of her life, and she never mentioned anything about pain. So, I’m assuming that means the pain is simply something you feel initially.”
“I hadn’t known! Well, I suppose we’ve barely had a chance to talk about how you met Wenta, have we?”
“Now that I’m human, we’ll have all the time in the world to talk to each other about whatever we’d like.” That was what soothed his pain the most, which made his chest warm with delight: now that he had legs, he could join Kent on land.
Oh seas, I can be with Kent on land!
“May I… may I touch your legs, Mo?” asked Kent.
“Of course. But be gentle, it still hurts a bit.”
“All right.”
And so, Kent reached with his free hand, keeping his other steady on Mo’s back, and petted down Mo’s thigh. His touch was so soft, his fingers so careful as he brushed against his skin, and it felt wonderful. The new sensation of something so unique quelled the pain even more. But what was also so peculiar was how this situation had happened before, in some way.
“This reminds me of when we first met, and you’d touched my tail,” said Mo.
“I suppose so.” Kent chuckled, moving his hand over one of Mo’s knees. “Sitting together on a beach, too. Just like before.”
“Just like before,” he repeated. “Because even with my new body, I’m still me.”
“You are. Yes, you are, Mo.”
As Kent pulled his hand away, Mo adjusted his posture, spreading his thighs slightly apart—and the awkward feeling between them snatched all his attention.
“Oh fuck, I cannot even begin to describe how bizarre my cock feels.” He couldn’t help himself; he cupped his hand over it, wincing slightly from the lingering pain.
And Kent laughed, because of course he did. “I was trying not to stare. It’s not hidden in your tail anymore.”
“Stare at me all you like.” Mo smirked. “This feels so funny. I have balls. How do you even walk like this, with them just hanging there?”
“Mo, please!” Kent’s cheeks flushed crimson red. “I don’t know, it’s just how I’ve learnt to walk for my entire life?” He grinned. “You’ll get used to it. Though, you’ll need some clothes, and that will probably help with the strangeness.”
“Are you sure? I’ve lived my entire life without clothes.”
“I mean it’ll help you not feel so exposed!” Kent laughed again. “To which, oh, how will we even get you any clothes? Where shall we go from here?”
“I’m not sure. As much as we’ve talked about the prospect of me becoming human, we haven’t really prepared for what to do when it would happen.” He moved his hand away from his prick, instead resting it on his hip. He’d experiment with touching himself more there later, when the pain fully receded. With Kent’s help, he thought with a smile.
“I suppose not. Well, the first order of business should be for you to try standing, right?”
Mo nodded. “Yes, and to practice walking.”
“I’ll help you. Here.” Kent adjusted himself from sitting into a kneeling position. He held out both his hands for Mo. “Hold on to me, and I’ll help you rise as I rise.”
“All right.”