“You’re not feeling ill yourself, are you?”
“No, I’m quite all right. How I stumbled earlier must’ve just been due to a wave hitting whilst I was in my cups, like Davies said. Sorry it interrupted your singing.”
“It wasn’t you, Kent, you are fine. I felt off for a moment. I’m glad you’re doing well.” He gave his hand a gentle squeeze, still incredibly thankful that Kent hadn’t made the connection to Mo’s singing and why he lost control. “Thank you, though. For everything.”
“You’re welcome.” Kent beamed. “I’ll be here for whatever you need.”
“The same sentiment goes to you, too.” He rubbed his thumb on the back of Kent’s hand. “But—you know what I do need right now?”
“What is it?”
“A kiss.”
Kent’s grin grew wider. “Of course. I’ll give you more than one, if you’d like.”
“I’ll require any and all that you give me. Come here.”
They leant into each other, their lips meeting in the middle. Mo was hungry for Kent’s touch, desperate to be connected. He raised his free hand to caress Kent’s cheek, curling a lock of hair behind his ear. His human’s skin was so soft, so precious, each brush of their mouths spun a whirlpool of comfort in his body. The fact Kent wanted to make this whole journey with him on The Sterling Mer in the first place never ceased to amaze him. To be here, together, unconditionally supporting one another, was the most wonderful feeling in the world.
He wanted to say it. Needed to say it. After all this time, thinking about it and wondering what to do—he couldn’t hold back any longer. He needed to know if Kent felt the same.
His heart rate quickened as their lips parted. He gazed into Kent’s visible brown left eye, shimmering, beautiful, looking at him so tenderly that it warmed Mo’s chest even more. If he didn’t say it now, when else would be a better time? He had to. His heart was telling him he had to.
“Kent…” He swallowed. “I love you.”
Kent’s brows shot up, and he looked at Mo in wonder. He stayed silent for a moment, never breaking eye contact, as Mo kept his hand resting on his human’s cheek. The stretching silence tugged tight at his heart, the anticipation creating uncomfortable flutters in his belly. What was Kent thinking? But he didn’t have to wait long for those beautiful lips to speak:
“You… what? Mo, do—do you really mean it?”
“Yes.” He nodded, quick to answer. “I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life. Know that it is true—I love you.”
Kent licked his lips. He looked down to their entwined hands, gave Mo’s a gentle squeeze, and he made eye contact once again. He smiled. So sweet, so endearing, such a handsome smile.
“I love you too.”
Mo couldn’t help himself; he dove in for Kent’s lips once more. He even moaned as their mouths opened, tasting bitter rum on his tongue, holding him closer as he adjusted his hand to the back of Kent’s head. The excitement rushed through him and quelled every worry that had once entered his head—he loves me. He twisted toward him even more, forcing his tail to hang over the edge of the small tub. He wanted to be even closer. Holding him, pleasing him, loving him. He could tell Kent felt the same, as he raised himself on his knees, using his free arm to wrap around Mo’s wet waist.
They parted their lips once more, panting hot breaths onto each other’s faces. Kent said, “I love you so much. I’ve felt it, but just didn’t know when or how to say it…”
“It’s all right.” Mo grinned, running his fingers through Kent’s hair, pulling strands out of its queue. “What matters is that we know. I love you too, so much.”
Kent chuckled lightly. “I suppose this means that… saying ‘I love you’ to each other really doesn’t make you become human.”
“I suppose not, but I figured as much.” Mo chuckled back.
“I wonder really, what does it take, then? This mystery only gets more complicated…” Kent gulped.
“Would you still love me the same if I were a human? If I wasn’t magical anymore, and lost my exotic fins?”
Kent made no hesitation, “Yes, of course. Whether you’re a human or a merman, you’re still you. You’ll always be Mo, the one I fell in love with, no matter what your form.”
Such an affirmation stirred minnows in his chest again, swirling in pleasant formation. It was exactly the thing he needed to hear. He leant in and kissed him.
“I want to hold you,” said Mo against Kent’s lips. “Be even closer. Connected.” He tugged on Kent’s hair again. “But I can’t if I’m stuck in this tub,” he chuckled.
“Are you sure you’re feeling well enough to already be out of the water?”
“More than anything.” He pecked Kent’s lips. “Could you please help me?”