Page 5 of The Noble's Merman

The following day he could barely concentrate, his mind drifting back to that voice and the magnificent fishtail he saw. He thought of telling his sister, Katherine, but would she believe him? She always loved to tease and poke fun at him. Would it really do him any good to give her more kindling to that fire? Though, despite her teasing, he always knew her to be in good faith: ‘sisterly love’, she would say. Even so, Kent didn’t want to take a chance by letting her know, at least not yet. Not when he wasn’t certain of what he saw.

In the afternoon before the sun had set, instead of Kent bursting out the front door of the estate in a fit of rage like yesterday, he calmly left without a word. No one had to know where he was about to go or why.

Same time, same place. He made sure to leave at the same time as yesterday as best he could manage, and the path to the beach would always lead him to the same place. Thankfully, any time he’d been to that beach, there’d hardly been any other people walking about, and especially none in the evening. Most people nearby lived in Southampton to the west or Portsmouth to the east.

He rode his mare down the path, and then tied her to the same tree as before, giving her a treat while he set a hand on her soft neck.

“I hope you don’t mind me bringing you out here again.”

Biscuit chewed silently, closing her eyes for a moment.

Kent laughed, “I shan’t be long, or… well, I don’t even know what will happen. But I promise, I won’t leave you tied here all night.”

He took his shoes and stockings off just like the day before, putting them nearby Biscuit, along with his frock coat. Leaving himself in his waistcoat, shirt, and breeches, he traipsed his way onto the beach, pebbles feeling hot under the soles of his feet. But it was a comfortable warmth, thankfully. It was due to only get hotter as summer crept along.

The sea was just as stunning as before, how the sun was setting to the west, reflecting oranges on the glistening water’s surface. The same tall rock stood in the water to his right, the same gentle waves lapping forward and back onto the shore.

Same time, same place. He said he’d be waiting.

But where was he? Who was he? What if this was all just a trick—Kent falling into a trap, a kidnapping scheme perhaps, and he was too much of a dunce to realize? No, that didn’t make sense, because if it were that, why didn’t they attack him yesterday? Why trust that Kent would return with such few words spoken? It didn’t explain the fishtail either, which was even more peculiar. No, surely, whoever the owner of the voice was, they were friendly.

Yet so far, as he stared out at the water minute after minute, nothing happened. What if the mysterious man didn’t return, after all? What if this trip had been all for nothing? Kent couldn’t be sure as the uncertainties made his heart race in his chest, sweat dripping down his brow. Perhaps the man was running late, or perhaps he hadn’t realized Kent was already here, with him being so quiet. Those were definitely plausible possibilities.

I suppose I should say something, then. So he knows I’m here.

“Oi? Is anyone out there?”

There was a beat of silence, nothing but the sound of waves as Kent waited for a response. A lump rose in his throat as he feared he had been imagining it all along, that he should just turn back, when he heard a gentle voice call out from somewhere nearby?—

“Yes, I’m here. Good evening. Would you please sing for me again?”

Kent clutched at the front of his waistcoat as his heart leapt with joy. He came back! He was telling the truth! He wondered if the mysterious man could see him now, how ridiculous his grin must’ve looked.

“Sure, sure, absolutely. I’ll sing again. However… would you mind… showing yourself? I’d like to see who I’m talking to.”

“I…” The voice paused, as if contemplating what he should say next. “I will, at the end of your song.”

“You promise?” Kent smirked.

“I promise.”

Kent chuckled again—why, here he was, the voice was clearly conversing with him. Whether it be another man, a merman, an apparition or whichever, someone was here and wanted to hear Kent sing.

Getting comfortable, Kent sat down on the shingles, crossing his legs and resting his hands on his ankles. Now, which song should he sing this time? Perhaps something more uplifting? Despite his situation at home not really changing, he was definitely in a better mood. He’d been looking forward to this meeting all day.

So Kent began to sing. He sang a joyful tune with lyrics this time, one he also knew the accompaniment to on harpsichord. It told a tale of star-crossed lovers, a prince and a princess from warring countries who wanted nothing more than their own happiness. And with their marriage, they declared peace through all the lands, finally ending the long-fought war. It was a song filled with hope: ‘Love Conquers All’. One that Kent had adored dearly since he was a child.

As he wrapped up the final note, he couldn’t stop smiling, his heart never stopped pounding. This was it—the voice had promised he’d show himself.

There was a cheerful whistle, somewhat quiet. It didn’t sound like a human whistling but something… more like a bird? An animal?

“Thank you so much. I cannot reiterate enough how beautiful your voice is.” Kent could hear the smile in the mysterious man’s tone, and it made his cheeks feel strangely hot.

“You’re very welcome, I’m glad you enjoyed it.” He rubbed his knees in anticipation, still grinning like mad. “Now, you promised. Would you please show yourself?”

“Yes, of course. If you’ll look here, I’m over by this rock.”

The rock—yes, the large rock sticking out of the sea nearby. It sounded like the voice was coming from there, and that was also where he swore he saw the fishtail, yet now the voice confirmed it. Still, the anticipation made him stand, taking a step closer to the water’s edge. Closer, a step, then closer still, to where if he took one more, his toes would touch the foam. If he said that he was by the rock, that means… this person is in the water?