Mo licked the front of his teeth, as if judging the sharpness with his own tongue. “I’ll be gentle. I won’t even put you fully in my mouth; I only want your taste on my lips. Do you trust me?”
Kent looked into his merman’s azure blue eyes, glistening with yearning, desire, and want. Kent smiled.
“Yes, I trust you. All right.”
Kent unlaced his breeches, pulling them right off whilst still sitting, cockstand springing out and into the open. And Mo did not hesitate—he sat up from lying down and dove forward, kissing Kent’s neck first. Peppering little kisses here and there, he moved over Kent’s throat, his collarbone, his shoulders and chest. The light pressure of Mo leaning onto him made himself lean back—his shoulder blades hitting the wooden dresser behind himself in their small room.
“Are you comfortable?” Mo asked in the midst of his kisses, lips near his nipple.
Kent rested his head back against the wooden piece of furniture. “Yes, this is fine.”
“Good. I want you to enjoy this.”
“Believe me, anything you do is very enjoyable.”
Now it was time for Kent to grip Mo’s hair as he pecked more kisses further down. One hand on Mo’s head and the other on the floor for leverage, he winced as his merman kissed his navel, ticklish flutters flowing through and escaping with a giggle. Though those tickles evolved into something wonderful as Mo continued to kiss lower, grazing over the hair on his abdomen and finally reaching his main point of interest.
Gently, Mo moved his hands, one caressing Kent’s thigh and one wrapping around Kent’s cock, holding it steady for him as he gave the tip a small kiss. His feather light touches sent shivers down Kent’s spine, arching his back into Mo’s hold. He really was so careful, dainty and delicate with everything he was doing to ensure Kent’s pleasure. It warmed Kent’s chest in such a sweet way, it only excited him more, spilling drops of pre-spend onto his merman’s gorgeous scarred lips.
Once his tongue touched, Kent couldn’t help but let out a raspy moan. In all his experiences prior, he’d never been handled with such care. Mo was not lying—he was gentle, licking around the head then down the entirety of his length. He kept going, down even further, sending jolts of pleasure as he played with Kent’s bollocks on his tongue. He spread his legs even wider to accommodate, scooching down more toward the floor, lifting his feet and resting them on the merman’s back.
“I love this part of you,” said Mo between licks, nose touching Kent’s shaft. “Does it feel good?”
“Yes, oh God, yes, it does, Mo.” He clutched his hair tighter, gazing down as Mo kept it up. It didn’t go unnoticed to him the merman’s word choice: love. Not an outright I love you but something daringly similar. Was Mo hesitant to say the phrase fully, just like Kent himself? Testing the waters using the language in such a way, seeing how Kent would react? Oh, Kent adored it, he wanted to say it loud for the whole world to hear?—
I love you! Oh Lord, Mo. I love you so much!
Yet he couldn’t say anything other than moans as Mo licked up his stand. The words were caught, prevented from forming as his mind clouded in a haze, consumed by the pleasure he was receiving. He looked down as Mo stroked him with his hand, tender and gentle, and there—they made eye contact. Those precious blue eyes stared at him so lovingly as he licked his cock, swirling around and drinking in Kent’s bliss. Mo was always so considerate, such a gentleman, showering him with such immense affection that Kent knew for certain—he was in love.
Mo kept his eyes locked with Kent’s as he continued with his tongue. Was it ever so alluring, so seductive, so thrilling, as the pressure kept building and building, coming to its peak?—
He could hold back no longer as he spilled into Mo’s mouth. The merman wrapped his lips around the head, careful of his fangs, drinking in every drop of spend that left Kent’s body. Waves of pleasure rippled throughout his chest, down his torso and between his thighs, captured and captivated by his wonderful, careful lover. Mo was ever so darling and perfect. He smiled as he pulled away, giving his cock one more kiss, sending another quick wave of thrills. He never wanted this feeling to end.
“You taste amazing, Kent. I could get inebriated just from doing this alone.”
“Inebriated?” Kent chuckled, coming down to earth at the sound of Mo’s lovely voice. “Why, that’s very flattering.”
“It’s true, though.” He licked his lips, adjusting his hands and caressing Kent’s waist. “I want every part of you. All of you, darling.”
“And I want you. Oh, Mo…”
Kent pulled Mo up, chest to chest, skin to skin, wrapping his arms around him in a warm embrace. Their lips met, hungry and eager. Kent tasted himself on Mo’s tongue, mixing their own flavors together, becoming as one like he so desperately wanted. This felt perfect. Being with Mo filled his heart in a way that no one else had before. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t human, or even that they were of the same sex. Mo was everything, and he couldn’t imagine a life where they would part and never see each other again. He couldn’t let that happen.
As they pulled their lips apart, Mo rested his forehead on Kent’s, panting into his open mouth. The sunlight was still beaming outside, highlighting Mo’s sweat-covered skin in yellow hues from the window.
“Everyone is probably wondering what we’re up to,” Kent chuckled.
“Let them wonder. They can probably guess correctly, anyway.”
“True, true. Do you need to soak in the tub?”
Mo almost reluctantly moved away, turning in his seat to look behind himself at said tub. “Yes, for a moment that would be nice.”
“All right.” Kent put a finger to his chin. “Shall I call for Allen to help you in, or…?”
“Answer that yourself. Do you really want him in here after what we just did?”