Allen left them alone in the room and shut the door behind him once the two of them were settled in. It was still daylight out, and sun filtered through the stained window to the outside, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere with the orange and yellow hues it cast. Still bright enough to not light any lanterns, thankfully. Mo elected to stay seated on the floor for now, as he mentioned he didn’t want to trouble Kent with hauling him in and out of the tub unless he felt it necessary.
Kent sat down next to him on the wooden floor, making himself comfortable and crossing his legs. “Everything we learnt today has my mind spinning. But in a good way. Your whale friend Noon really told you it’s possible for merfolk to become human?”
Mo nodded. “Yes, she’s heard stories of it. It’s quite amazing how much knowledge she has.”
“And she said it had something to do with the mer having… some sort of connection to humanity? Or a human?”
“Yes, that is what she said.”
Kent noticed Mo’s face flush red as he said those words, giving him a shy and adorable smile. Was Mo thinking the same thing? About their own connection to each other? What sort of connection was it—how could they put a name on what they shared? But admitting it all to the merman himself right here and now made him hesitant to speak up on it. He couldn’t exactly place why, despite his strong emotions. It was more than any mere friendship, more than sexual arousal—something pure, deep, and personal. Did Mo feel the same? How could he even explain such a complex feeling? Doubts started to cloud his mind. What if he was misunderstanding Mo’s intentions? What if the connection they already had was enough, now that they were here on the ship, and Mo rejected the notion of anything further?
Because—even if Mo wished to become human, would he really want to give up his whole life underwater just to be with Kent? He’d never truly asked…
He was jolted out of his thoughts as Mo grabbed his hand. It was something he always did, even before they had kissed for the first time—holding hands and being close. It warmed his chest with a pleasant feeling, shaking away his doubts for the moment.
“We have a connection, don’t we?” Mo asked exactly what was on Kent’s mind. Oh Lord, of course.
“Yes, yes, absolutely.” Kent smiled as he squeezed Mo’s hand gently. But the wary thoughts still lingered. “Is that… is what we have not enough?”
“I’m not sure.” Mo’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he gulped, neck gills fluttering as he did so. “Because, also with what Noon said, she didn’t know what kind of connection, or how one knows. Especially if it could be related to a connection to humanity as a whole… Really, how would one know? Because if you ask me, I’ve always had an interest in humanity my entire life, but obviously that wasn’t enough to change my form either.”
Kent remembered what Mo said of his mother, how he felt so strongly for humans, she punished him in such a terrible way, resulting in his scars. Mo was right and there was no doubt—Mo had desired this for a long time. “I don’t know. Even with learning this, it’s still a mystery. Isn’t that a shame?” He lightened his words with a chuckle.
Mo reciprocated the laugh. “Yes, it is. But now, we’re so much closer to figuring it out.”
Kent could feel the tension tugging in the air of what neither of them wanted to admit. Feelings that were strong, that Kent surely felt, and he suspected now, as Mo smiled so sweetly, caressing his hand and rubbing the back of it with his thumb, that Mo felt the same.
I’m in love with you.
But instead of saying the words out loud, Kent leant forward and pressed his lips to Mo’s. Oh, was such a kiss ever so needed. A week has been too much time, and now with no onlookers, no witnesses, they could finally spill their desires, overflowing with want. Mo was just as needy as Kent himself, bringing his free hand to cup Kent’s cheek, deepening their kiss. His tongue brushed against those pointed fangs, careful, yet such a thrill excited him so. Kent adjusted himself in his position to face Mo more.
His hand roamed over the merman, feeling the soft hair on his chest, the ridges of the gills over his ribs, the smooth curve of the scales on his hip. He couldn’t stop now that they’d started, moving to kiss the side of Mo’s mouth, careful over the scar on his lower lip. Everything about Mo was so tantalizing. A fire rose in his abdomen, begging for more. He could tell his merman wanted the same, how he tugged at his waistcoat, clumsily messing with the buttons he had no idea how to unlatch.
“It’s been too long since I’ve seen you bare,” said Mo. “Fuck, you’ll need to teach me how to undo these myself one day.”
“I suppose I will, if you become human and will wear clothes yourself.” He finished what Mo attempted to start, unbuttoning his waistcoat and slipping it off his shoulders. He continued onward, pulling off his shoes and stockings as well.
But before he could get any further, Mo pulled him in for another kiss. He put his hands behind Kent’s head, pulling him closer, then fiddled with the strings of his eyepatch.
“I may not know how to undo your coat,” said Mo as he backed up, his hot breath still brushing over Kent’s lips, “but I do know how to tie and untie knots.”
“That’s a very valuable skill to have, especially on a ship.”
“Why, thank you.” He loosened the string, freeing the eyepatch from Kent’s face and setting it in the puddle of clothes.
“There, now I can see the entirety of your beautiful face.”
Now with that out of the way, Kent felt the urge to press his face all over Mo, kissing his cheek, down his neck over his gills, nuzzling his face into his collarbone. He was careful over Mo’s necklaces, moving the glowing sea crystal one out of the way so he could kiss down his chest.
But such a motion made Mo lose his balance, falling backwards and hitting his back against the side of the tub. The water in it jostled, droplets flowing over and lightly splashing them both.
“I’m terribly sorry, I suppose I’m still struggling keeping upright out of the water,” Mo chuckled, resting his head on the edge of the tub. “But I do think I’m getting better.”
“You are fine,” Kent chuckled as well. He looked down at Mo’s gorgeous body, now leaning back, laying low, vulnerable. “Stay just like that, actually. I have an idea.”
Kent dove his head down again, picking up where he left off kissing Mo’s chest. He grazed his lips over Mo’s nipple, pecking it, and then used his tongue, giving it a quick flick.
“Ah, Kent,” Mo moaned.