Page 39 of The Noble's Merman

With their mouths still connected, Kent felt Mo’s hand travel down his neck, down to rest on his cravat. He messed with the cloth a bit, flipping it around in his fingers. It made Kent laugh, and he pulled back. “I take it, you think I should remove this?” Kent asked with a smile.

“Yes, and everything else.”

“You know, if we do manage to figure out how you can become human, you’ll have to wear this yourself,” he said as he started untying. “Wouldn’t that be strange? Since you’ve never worn clothes before.”

Mo shrugged, keeping a grin on his face. “I suppose it would be, but I’d get used to it. Your clothes are rather soft, so at least it would be comfortable.”

“Here, I’m curious actually…”

Swiftly as if he were a valet himself, Kent took his cravat and threw it behind Mo’s neck, flipping his long hair out of the way. He pulled the ends to the front and tied it at Mo’s clavicle, overtop his hanging necklaces; the sea crystal he always wore glowed underneath the falling fabric. It looked somewhat silly, without him wearing a shirt underneath. But he couldn’t stop himself from giggling, overcome with affection at how adorable it made his merman look.

“You’re very handsome, Mo.” Kent tidied up his workmanship. “It’s quite becoming of you. You’d fit right in with all the other men on land. Well, no, perhaps I shouldn’t say it like that. You’d stand out to me, because you’re definitely the best looking out of all of them.”

Mo laughed, reaching his hand up to pet the cravat. “I beg to differ—you’re the most handsome.” He tugged at the cravat again, putting his fingers underneath it on his neck. “It feels a bit strange… I’m not used to having my gills covered. But I suppose I’m not using them on land anyway, nor would I need them as a human. Still, though, I think we got distracted. Our main objective shouldn’t be putting clothes on, but still should be getting the rest of the clothes off you.”

Mo obviously didn’t know properly what to do next, so he tugged at the bottom of Kent’s shirt, tickling and giving him another fit of laughs. “All right! All right! Yes, I’ll get these off.”

Kent untied his eyepatch and hair ribbon, tossing them onto the ground. He then pulled his shirt off, unfastened his breeches, shimmying them off his body, combining everything into a pile. And while he was at it, he took off the cravat from around Mo’s neck. “There, is that better?”

“Much, much better.” Mo bit the scar on his bottom lip, digging his fangs into it. He winced, stopped, and then laughed. “I need to quit doing that.” He traced his index finger along his lip. “Sometimes I make myself bleed by accident. But I can’t help it, when you make me feel this way.”

Kent leant in toward him, pulling the merman’s hand away, giving him a quick, short kiss. “Even if you did bleed, I wouldn’t mind. I’ve seen much worse at the barber-surgeon.”

Mo chuckled again. “Oh, yes, I don’t doubt that.”

“How about before we get too ahead of ourselves, we move to the shallow water? That may be easier for you.”

“That sounds brilliant.”

So Kent stood, grabbing Mo just like before, and he hauled him into the water. Not too far, thankfully. Just far enough where the foam lapped at Kent’s ankles, short waves moving under his bottom as he sat back down. The sea crystal hanging around Mo’s neck emanated a warm glow, lighting their space as the sky above them was turning dark. With his handsome smile, inviting gaze, blues and purples reflected on the sea, it all felt terribly romantic. All that was missing was some rose petals, some cake, some wine, perhaps. But then again, he didn’t need all those extra things to be happy. Mo alone was alluring enough. More than enough, actually.

“There,” said Kent, swiping his fringe away from his face.

“There indeed.” Mo smiled. “Now, there’s been a whole lot of talking and not enough touching, if you ask me.”

“Yes. Yes, I agree.”

And then—Mo cupped the back of Kent’s head, pulling him close for yet another kiss. But this kiss was not like the previous. This kiss was more forceful, more urgent, more passionate. They each opened their mouths, feeling the other’s tongue, tasting the sweet flavor of affection. Kent’s hands roamed, touching Mo’s shoulders, groping his hairy chest, even daring so much as to flick his thumbs against Mo’s nipples. The merman moaned at that, breathing salty breaths into his mouth. Oh, he must like that. It was making Kent’s prick stiffen—he shuffled his hips and turned to get more comfortable, brushing against Mo’s scales. So he kept up the pace, mouths connected, thumbs rubbing. If Kent was getting excited, surely Mo was as well. That meant a certain something was due to make an appearance again…

Kent backed his face up an inch and trailed one of his hands lower down Mo’s body. Lower, and lower still, until it found the wet slit residing below the merman’s abdomen in the midst of his blue scales. He rubbed his fingers along it, up and down, until something started to poke out of it. Ah, there it is. Mo panted into Kent’s mouth as he probed one of his fingers into the slit, coaxing and soothing his mer-cock to come out. It didn’t take much. Kent’s fingertips stroked along the growing shaft whilst inside the slick wetness, as his cock filled its weight, occupying the narrow space, and even forcing Kent’s hand to retreat as it emerged out into its full size. He changed his grip then, wrapping his hand around Mo’s stand, pumping it eagerly.

“Kent…” Mo moaned, moving his hands as well. He reached for Kent’s own stand, groping the head when it came in contact with his fingers. Now it was Kent’s turn to moan—oh, that feels good. “I love the shape of yours. How it feels in my hand. How stiff it is.” He rubbed his thumb along the slit at the top, spreading a small drop of spend. “Though, there’s a part that’s quite different from me—here—down here…” He trailed his hand lower, cupping Kent’s bollocks, making him spread his thighs a bit. The warm, gentle touch sent another flutter in his abdomen. “I think this part of me lies inside, while for you, it’s here between your legs. What do you even call it?”

Kent couldn’t hold back a chuckle. “My bollocks? Or, if you want to sound a bit more vulgar like a sailor, you could say balls.”

“I suppose they are like balls, aren’t they?” He squeezed lightly, sending another shiver. “They’re amazing. Kent, your balls are very lovely.”

“Mo, please!” His soft chuckles evolved into harder laughter.

“What? Don’t you agree?”

“That my balls are lovely? Well, thank you.” His smile never left his face. “I’m sure that if you were human, you’d have lovely balls too.”

“You really think so?”

“I’m assuming so!” He laughed. “But even as a merman, your…” He gulped. “Your cock is quite magnificent the way it is. I feel like I sound ridiculous saying that, oh Lord.”

“There’s nothing ridiculous about that.” Mo leant forward again, pressing his lips to Kent’s as their hands stayed in place, stroking each other leisurely. Mo was right, perhaps he was overthinking it. Being with another man, a mer-man, someone so different and yet so similar to himself—it was still quite a lot for him to grasp in his mind. But it was entirely enjoyable, feeling comfortable enough with Mo to kiss, to touch, to explore each other’s bodies in this way. More than enjoyable—it was thrilling. He really was sexually touching a magical, mythical being, pleasing him, making him quiver. The excitement only strengthened his stand harder, eager to try even more with him…