Page 36 of The Noble's Merman

“I don’t know, perhaps you were selling me off to some pirate gang you’ve been secretly meeting with? That’s what you were really doing, making negotiations behind all our backs…”

“Kathy, please don’t joke about that!” He put his fingers to his forehead. “Look, here’s Mo!”

Mo pulled himself forward, crawling more onto shore. He noticed Kent’s horse was also here this time, off near the trees past the shingles. “A pleasure to meet you. May I call you Kathy, or is that just something Kent calls you? From what I gather, you humans seem to have a myriad of different names you use for different situations.”

“Kathy is fine!” She chuckled. “You are right, normally people who aren’t family call him Lord Fareham. You must be on very good terms to refer to him by his Christian name…”

“Actually, I never introduced myself as Fareham to him,” Kent huffed. “But you already know we’re close. You know all about it! Here, let me help him out of the water so we can get comfortable.”

Kent walked closer, feet already bare wading in the water, and he put his elbows under Mo’s armpits, just like always, hauling him onto the beach. Mo wondered how many more times they would go about just like this. How their situation would change if they were to go out to sea, living together on a ship. He figured Kent would still carry him around anyway since he had no legs to walk on. Being touched by him, held by him, it always made him feel soft, no matter the circumstance.

“There, that’s good,” Kent said as he released Mo, sitting down next to him. “Come here.” He motioned Katherine to follow.

Bunching her skirts in her fists, she sat down as well, forming a small circle with the three of them. She also had her feet bare already, just like her brother. “Now I can see you clearer,” she said to Mo. “Things can be a tad blurry to me unless it’s close. But now,” —she blinked, with a smile— “you’re more handsome than I thought! If it weren’t for your tail, I would mistake you for a human. That, and your unnatural hair coloring.”

“Don’t humans also have brown and blond hair?” Mo ran his fingers through his long locks, still dripping wet.

“Yes, we have those colors. But not both at the same time on one’s head,” said Kent, laughing. “You are truly spectacular, Mo.”

“Why thank you, Kent.” He smiled, a warmth flowing through him. “Thank you both.”

Katherine kept smiling as well. Mo wouldn’t say she looked like a ‘female Kent’, but he could still see the familial resemblance, with her long brunette hair tied back behind her head, and similar delicate facial features. She was certainly beautiful, but not in the same immense, heart-stopping way as her brother, Mo thought.

“I apologize I didn’t bring any food this time,” said Kent. “My mind has been so hectic, I simply forgot.”

“You bring him food?” Katherine asked with an excited gasp.

“Yes, usually something new every time.”

“It’s all right,” said Mo, with a smile. “I forgot a gift as well. Both of our minds have been kept busy, it seems.”

“This is astounding. Not only do you two meet here, you bring each other gifts as well,” said Katherine, talking rather quickly. “Kent, you never told me that part.”

“Well… such an occasion never came up.”

Katherine chuckled, leaning closer to Mo. “I have so many questions for you, about merfolk, about everything really. But Kent told me he had something important to tell us both while on our way here, so I shall refrain for now.”

“Yes, indeed.” Kent beamed. “So important, that I figured it would be best to tell you both at the same time. I have been holding back my excitement!”

Has he found the opening I made? Mo’s heart drummed faster. “What is it?” he asked with a grin.

Kent clasped his hands together with a clap.

Katherine leant in further, curious.

Mo held his breath.

“I found a job on a ship. Mo, Kathy, I’m to set sail in five days on The Sterling Mer!”

Mo gasped. He felt his face burn as his smile only widened more. That’s the same ship I heard Davies mention! He did it! He found it!

“What? Set sail? Kent, are you mad?!” Katherine blurted.

“No, not at all! This was all part of a plan Mo and I thought up.”

“Yes, and I’m so thrilled to hear that!” exclaimed Mo, planting a hand on Kent’s shoulder.

“A plan? What? So you have been keeping secrets.” Katherine pouted, crossing her arms in front of her chest.