He could hardly speak as Mo kept up the pace with his hand. It was difficult for Kent to pleasure Mo in return—as much as he wanted to keep touching that smooth cock—with how Mo’s touch made his breath hitch, his pulse thrum in his ears. He couldn’t focus, and he closed his eyes as his climax was drawing nearer.
Mo seemed to notice. He scooched his hips closer, causing Kent’s grip to fall, and the merman adjusted his own hand. “How about we do it like this?”
Kent’s own cock was now flushed up against Mo’s, and Mo wrapped his hand around both of them, stroking them together. That made things ever the more easier; Kent couldn’t help but moan. He writhed in the merman’s hold, succumbed to the amazing touch, pushing his hips as close as possible. That hefty mer-cock, slick as if lathered with oil, was much, much wetter than any human’s could get naturally. Pump after pump after pump, the intensity kept rising; Mo’s long fingers must’ve held some sort of magic themselves. Kent gripped onto Mo’s shoulder, moaning into the merman’s mouth, more and more and more?—
Immense pleasure overwhelmed him as he spent. It came in waves as Mo continued his strokes, keeping the pressure constant. He didn’t want the feeling to stop, how sweet it swirled around him, how it made him feel so light.
With one more flick of his wrist, Mo let out a grunt—his own spend releasing in an incredible burst. It was thick, hot, and unexpectedly plentiful. So much of it coated both their abdomens, dripping down onto the shingles below them. Kent shuddered at the warmth, as one final drop leaked out of himself.
“Mo… hah…”
Mo closed the gap with a kiss, a small one. He panted vigorously, much harsher than Kent noticed that he himself was doing.
“Are… are you alright?” asked Kent.
Mo nodded, closing his eyes and relaxing his hand. “Yes, that was astounding. So—so wonderful. It—it’s just… I’ve never exerted that much energy out of the water before…”
Kent let out another labored breath, caressing Mo’s shoulder. “Do you want to go back in the water? Would that help?”
The merman sighed again, “I don’t want you to leave just yet, though…”
“I won’t leave. How about we just lie in the shallow water together? I need to clean this all off me, anyway.” He let out a small laugh.
Mo smiled at that. “Sure, that’s good.”
And so, Kent mustered up the strength to stand up, shaking out his limbs. He flexed his arms a few times before leaning down, curling his elbows under Mo’s armpits from behind, hauling him back into the water like he usually would. Only this time he was much more exhausted, panting into the merman’s long hair, saltwater musk filling his senses. Mo helped as much as he could, kicking his tail for leverage. Slowly, Kent noticed Mo’s prick retreating back into his body.
Once he set Mo into the water, he lay down next to him just like how they were on the beach, but now with small waves lapping at their undersides, foam tickling their shoulders.
“Is this good enough?” Kent asked.
“Yes, this is fine.”
Mo reached up to Kent’s cheek, brushing a curl behind his ear. Moonlight shimmered on the merman’s wet skin.
“Stay with me, Kent,” he said softly. “I don’t want you to wed another human.”
“I don’t want to wed another, either,” he said with sincerity. “I want to be with you, Mo…” He felt a pressure behind his eyes. “How, though? What can I do?”
“What if you became a sailor?” Mo suggested, still petting Kent’s cheek.
“What?” His breath caught, stunned. “I’ve not thought of that before…”
“It could work. You’d be out at sea. I could always be near you. I know from experience that English sailors are friendly with merfolk, and I know they will even let them on board.”
This was a lot for Kent to comprehend. Such a drastic change to his life, leaving everything he knew on land to have a completely different lifestyle. “I don’t even know where I’d start.” He’d be leaving behind the earldom, leaving his family, and most importantly, Katherine. But wouldn’t she simply wish the best for him? He remembered her enthusiasm on the prospect of him achieving a courtship with Mo. Even if that might mean going out to sea.
If he were to find a way for Mo to become human, wouldn’t Mo be doing the same? Leaving his life as he knew it, to start anew, a whole new life on land? Kent shouldn’t expect in a relationship for one person to sacrifice, and not the other.
He could take control of his life. He must. He needed to do what would ensure his happiness—whatever it took. And Mo made him the happiest of all.
To hell with it all, Kent thought. To hell with marriage, to hell with his inheritance, to hell with providing an heir.
“How does one become a sailor?” asked Mo, curious.
Kent shrugged. “Many are press-ganged into the navy, I suppose. But there’s other sorts of ships, since I dare not wish to be on a war vessel. Fishing ships, merchant ships… perhaps I could find a job as surgeon on a boat like that? That would probably be my best bet, using the knowledge I already have.”