Page 29 of The Noble's Merman

“Well, I’ve been around sailors, as I’ve told you. There are windows on their ships, into their quarters. No one normally would be able to see inside those windows out at sea, but a mer certainly could. And… I’ve witnessed… men being intimate with each other. Kissing, touching, and… more.”

Now it was Kent’s turn for his face to flush, heat rising in his chest. “You really spied on them?” He couldn’t help a faint chuckle come out.

“I was curious!” Mo chuckled as well. “You can’t blame me when it seemed like something interesting was going on.”

“You sound like a lecher to me.”

“Kent!” The laughs kept coming.

“Mo!” he gave back. “Don’t worry, you’re fine. Really though, did you think the other crew members knew of those sailors’ proclivities?”

“Certainly,” he said confidently. “Because, it wasn’t only belowdecks. Above deck, out in the air, I still saw those men quite close together, and nobody said anything the wiser. I assumed that meant everyone knew, and accepted it.”

“Really now.” Kent was a tad stunned, but he soon realized—he shouldn’t be. “I suppose it makes sense, out on the water, away from lands with laws. If traveling with other men who were accepting of their nature, they could… be free.”

Somehow, without even noticing he was doing it, he put his hand on Mo’s, resting by their sides. He was glad the conversation was returning to more uplifting topics, as the sun continued to set, oranges turning to reds.

“Now Kent, I have a feeling I know your answer, but—I just want to ask. Do you think it’s immoral? For two males to be together?”

Kent blinked, his heart beating fast. “What? Oh, no, not at all! It’s fine by me, as you can see.” He squeezed lightly onto Mo’s palm. “Though, I hadn’t before thought of myself as a sodomite. I’d always felt attraction to women all my life, so it’s just so… surprising to find that out about myself. Because I never would’ve thought… that I, personally, would have feelings like that for another man.”

“Another man?” Mo said with a smirk. He leant forward, warm breath mixing with Kent’s own.

“Um, actually, let me correct myself. What I meant to say is,” —he sighed into Mo’s mouth— “a mer-man.”

Kent leant further, and their lips met. Flutters burst and swirled around in his chest, his mind afloat with a sweet melody. It made him feel so warm, so pleasant, and he reached up to caress Mo’s face with his free hand. His fingertips petted along his jaw, and a soft, yet prickly sensation grazed them. Stubble.

He pulled back, smiling close to Mo’s delightful face, noses brushing. “Mermen can grow beards? How do you shave?” he asked with a chuckle.

“With our claws,” Mo said. “Though, I only shave my face. I don’t bother with the rest, as you can see.”

Kent’s face felt hot at the mention of Mo’s chest and body hair. “Well, I can understand. That’d be too much extra work. I think you look rather fine, just like that…”

Mo leant in this time, claiming Kent’s lips. Each moment of contact kept Kent’s heart thudding, over and over madly. Such a wonderful feeling danced inside him, and he couldn’t help but want more. He opened his mouth, tasting saltwater and musk, but as he crept his tongue further?—

Kent pulled away, still keeping his face close. “Will your fangs hurt me?”

Mo shook his head, still with a smile. “No, not from simply touching them. But it would hurt if I bit you.”

Heat moved to Kent’s ears at the thought. “Yes, I—I bet it would.”

As the sun set past the horizon, reds fading into blues, Kent kissed Mo again, and he didn’t think he could stop. Opening his mouth, he explored Mo’s with his tongue, tasting that salty sweetness. Mo was right—his fangs didn’t cut him at all. Brushing against those pointed teeth was quite erotic, and a fire rose in Kent’s middle. Not only that, but a pressure made its presence known down lower, tingling and filling his prick. Everything about Mo was so alluring.

But as they kept kissing, Kent leant into Mo’s touch even further, and—Mo fell down on his back, pebbles scattering around from the impact.

Kent followed him down, lying next to him, and they both erupted in an outrageous laughter.

“Sorry, I suppose I’m still not used to keeping my balance sitting on land!” said Mo, laughs lining his words.

“That’s all right, we can lay down…”

Kent readjusted his position, getting on top of the merman. He straddled Mo’s tail, hips pressed together, and he dove his head down to catch Mo’s lips once more. The wonderful sensation moved throughout his whole body as Mo wrapped his arms around Kent’s back, forearm fins blanketing his shirt, pulling them even closer, grinding their bodies together. Kent wasn’t sure what was happening, but like hell was he going to question it. Everything felt so perfect, like he was meant to be here, cradled in his merman’s arms. Each kiss kept those flutters afloat, stiffening his prick, rocking his hips against the merman’s pelvis…

Something felt strange.

Kent pushed his hips further again, and he rubbed against something… thick. Long. Stiff. It twitched against his breeches, feeling a little…
