Page 18 of The Noble's Merman

“Of course.” Mo nodded with a smile. And that made him realize—he still didn’t know much about Kent’s life. So far, their talks have mainly been about merfolk. He figured if they were to continue their friendship, continue conversing with each other, Kent would open up to him in due time. He would be patient, oh so patient, for his beautiful, precious human.

“Actually, instead of talking, I have a better idea,” exclaimed Mo. “Would you like to come in the water and have a swim with me?”

“A swim?” Kent’s heart raced, each beat pulsing against Mo’s fingers on his palm. “Just… right here?”

“Yes, of course.” Mo chuckled. “I wouldn’t ask you to go further than the shallow water. That is, unless you were comfortable.”

“Oh, it’s not that, it’s… um…” —he looked down— “I don’t wish to get my clothes all wet…”

“You don’t have to. You can always take them off. From what I’ve seen from a distance, humans usually swim bare. And I swim without wearing any clothes too, so there’s no problem.” Mo smirked.

“Well, yes, that all may be true, but your lower half is very different from mine!” He could feel his face coming to a boil.

“Are you worried that I’ll judge what you look like? Because that certainly isn’t the case.”

“No, it’s not that. Um…” Why was he embarrassed? Mo was right—it was perfectly normal for men to be nude around each other, whether it be bathing or swimming together. It wasn’t like he was showing himself bare for a woman, no, Mo was a man. A mer-man, but still a man. Why the sudden bout of bashfulness like he’d be exposing himself to a lady who he was courting?—?

Unless that’s how I feel about Mo?—?

He shook his head, snapping himself out of it. Mo gave him the handsomest of smiles, still holding his hand gently. He would be fine. There was nothing to be ashamed about. They were both men, and nobody else was out here on this lonesome stretch of beach.

“You know what? I will strip these off.” He pulled at his cravat with his free hand, and that gave the signal for Mo to let go.

“Wonderful,” Mo said, delighted, his blue eyes sparkling. “I’ll get myself in the water while you do that.”

“Sounds good to me.”

The merman kicked his tail over the pebbles of the beach, pulling himself back to the sea’s edge as Kent finished untying his cravat. Then he untied his eyepatch, untied his hair ribbon, piece by piece, he took off his clothes until he was fully nude. After setting the clothes in a heap to cover his other miscellaneous items, he stood up; the warm ocean breeze calming the goosebumps on his skin.

Mo looked gorgeous against the dim evening sky. The sun was nearly fully set, painting the clouds and the sea surface beautiful pinks, oranges, and blues. The colors reflected onto Mo, giving his skin a marvelous otherworldly glow, combined with the crystal hanging on his necklace. Kent felt butterflies frizzing in his chest as he stepped closer. The water lapped at his ankles, cool and soothing as he continued on in.

Mo looked at him like he was a famous piece of art. Kent caught Mo’s eyes wandering all over his body, smiling the most giddy of smiles. Kent’s heart continued to pound, somewhat embarrassed from being bare, but also somewhat pleased. It felt quite nice to be appreciated. To be admired. He smiled back at the merman, meeting him at eye level as he now stood chest-deep in the water, feet flat on the seafloor below. His skin puckered with goosebumps from the chill, yet Mo’s tender gaze warmed his core.

“Kent…” Mo raised his hand to pet Kent’s shoulder gently. “It’s not only your voice. Every part of you is so beautiful. Especially your eyes—how they contrast one another.”

His heart continued to slam, the flutters never letting up. No one had ever said that to him, not even Diana. “Th-thank you, Mo.”

Was Mo being so open with his compliments because of some cultural difference Kent didn’t understand? Were all merfolk so keen to touching, to holding hands? Or was he thinking too hard on this, and Mo really did just enjoy his company, enjoy their friendship, in such a way that he wished to express it so plainly?

As Mo moved his hand down his shoulder and onto Kent’s smooth chest, he twirled a finger around a lock of Kent’s long hair. It sent a pleasant shockwave down Kent’s spine, exciting him so fondly, building a pressure down lower, in his lower abdomen, even down to his prick. He shifted from foot to foot, uncontrollably grinning. Oh, what is even happening?

Mo then leant away from Kent, further into deeper water; his smile turning devious. And?—

He threw his other hand out from resting beside himself, creating a massive splash.

“Hey!” Kent laughed, his face now completely soaked. “What was that for?”

“Just having some fun!” Mo slammed his arm down onto the water’s surface and swiped across himself, sending another wave of splashes Kent’s way.

“Then I’ll get you back for that!” The laugher kept coming, and Kent threw his arms under the water to make waves of his own.

They went on like that, back and forth, splashing each other and enjoying themselves. A few times Mo ducked under the surface, hiding himself completely from view, catching Kent off guard as he raised himself out behind him. Kent tried doing the same, only he wasn’t nearly as stealthy. A merman was someone more familiar with the water, anyway, and Mo caught him before he had a chance to retaliate back. Amidst all the fun, they somehow went even deeper into the sea, the water almost coming up to Kent’s chin. He could still touch the bottom with his toes, but any further out he’d have to swim.

“Mo, I… um, I think we should head a bit closer to shore,” he said, though also with a small tinge of warning. “I didn’t even realize how far we’d gotten.”

Mo raised his brows, his mouth forming a pout. “I suppose you’re right. It is getting late for you, isn’t it?”

Kent nodded. The blue of the sky was fading darker as the sun had disappeared, some stars now scattered above them. “I don’t wish to leave right this moment, though. I’ve… really been enjoying myself. With you.”