Kent flipped Mo’s hand on his knee so he could thread their fingers together. “Yes, you’re right. I’m sorry. It probably is just best to think of the here and now. Living a life together, with you.” His heart fluttered, and he smiled. “And… even if I don’t have children, it’s not like the Wilson lineage will truly end. Katherine plans to hopefully have at least a couple of her own with Randolf.”
“That’s wonderful! You’d be an uncle, then.”
“We’d be uncles, you mean.”
“But Katherine isn’t…” Mo at first looked confused, but then his face lit up in a smile as well. “Yes, if I were her brother-in-law, I’d be an uncle, too.”
Kent couldn’t contain his joy, overriding any melancholy he was feeling on prior subjects. A future, a bright one, together with the one he loved. Each day he was living it with Mo, now a human sitting right next to him, and he knew he should focus on that. They would be all right. He leant forward in his chair and kissed Mo’s lips, sealing his love as a promise to be kept.
Later that day into the evening, Mo snuck into Kent’s room and slid into his bed, just like every night. Despite living here for about half a moon now, he still couldn’t be open about how this room was more his own than the one officially assigned to him, and didn’t know if he ever could be, fearing servants might gossip about them. But Mo was fine with it, as long as he could be close to Kent every day regardless. They still could hold each other when they were alone, and somehow, that felt more intimate. Soft touches and warm embraces that only they could see. Kisses that were meant only for them. Mo would keep Kent as his. Only his, as if it were their own little secret.
Thankfully, with their plan for Mo to serve as Kent’s valet, it felt like they had all the time alone to themselves in the world.
Dressed in only their nightshirts, Mo put his arm over Kent’s waist as they lay facing each other in the bed. Kent looked so beautiful, with his brown locks streaming over his shoulders, his lips parted slightly, and his gorgeous eyes gazing back at Mo through long lashes. He appeared more feminine without the scruff on his face anymore, but however he was, Mo loved him all the same. He kissed him then, as he always did, longing to ever be close to him.
Kent moved his hand down further, over Mo’s hip, tucking his fingers under the ends of his nightshirt. It sent a wonderful shiver down Mo’s spine. It tingled in his belly, even causing his prick to stiffen. Such a thing still felt strange to him, having been used to how he felt as a merman, but he was adjusting well enough, he could say. Over all the times he’d pleasured Kent with his mouth this past fortnight, it came as no surprise that each time it made Mo painfully hard. But he never asked for a release, never wished for anything done in return, not when there was still some pain lingering from his transformation.
But as time went on, he felt the pain less and less. Today, as Kent lifted up Mo’s shirt and it excited him more—he could honestly say he felt no pain at all. Even after shifting back into a merman a few days ago, now he felt only pleasure. It really was getting easier. His chest warmed with delight as he kissed Kent harder, opening his mouth, tasting his partner’s desire on his tongue.
“Kent,” he said as their lips parted ways. “This feels wonderful. I… I’m not in pain anymore.”
“Truly?” His color-contrasted eyes sparkled. “I suppose you haven’t been complaining of any lately, and you don’t need assistance walking anymore.”
“No, not at all.” He smiled, then moved his hand, brushing against Kent’s chest before he cupped his face. “I’ve been waiting for a time when I felt comfortable, you know.”
“Yes, I know you have.” Kent chuckled as he lifted Mo’s shirt even further, exposing his nipple. “Are you saying that… you want to…?”
“Kent, I desperately want to fuck you.”
Kent’s face turned bright red and his hand momentarily halted. “Well, Mo, when you say it like that… um… I…” He swallowed, and gently thrust his hips against Mo’s. “I would very much enjoy that, too.”
Mo’s eyes fluttered shut, returning the thrust, pressure building between his legs. Oh, did that feel good. “It’s been about a moon since last time I did, can you believe it? And then, I still had my tail. But I want to make love to you with the body I have now. This is how I wish to stay, after all. Together with you. I want to be inside you, connected.”
Kent kissed him, pressing their bodies as close as they could allow. Mo’s cockstand rubbed against Kent’s, only the fabric of Kent’s shirt separating them ever slightly. Not close enough. “Please, Mo,” said Kent. “I’d love you to ravish me. Take me as you’ve wanted to. I’ve wanted you as well, here, in my bed.”
Mo smirked. “It’ll be strange… I’m a different shape now. I’m just like you. It’s not as slick, either…”
Kent pecked his lips. “That doesn’t matter to me. Don’t you think I like that you’re like me, now? But I like you either way, human or merman. It’s still you. I’ve told you that before.” He laughed. “And also, with everything I’ve already seen of you as a human, I’d say your size is very comparable to your merman form.”
“All right, all right, I suppose so.” Mo laughed too, and grinded his cock against Kent further. “But what of the slickness? Humans don’t produce the same oil merfolk do; how do you make it smooth?”
“Well, women have a natural wetness, but… not men. Though, I was pondering about that and thought ahead, so we could be prepared for whenever you felt ready. And… I grabbed some oil from the kitchen that I think will help us out.”
Kent then sat up and reached over to the nightstand next to the bed. He opened the drawer, and pulled something out: a bottle, only slightly bigger than his hand.
“Oh,” said Mo, sitting up on his elbows, as his eyes widened and he pouted his lips. “That would work.”
With a sly smile on his face, Kent set the bottle on top of the nightstand, then proceeded to pull his shirt over his head, leaving himself naked. Oh, was his nude form always a wonderful sight to behold. He lay back down on the bed, reaching for Mo’s chest, tugging at his shirt as well. “I believe you need this off.”
Mo sat up straight to pull off his clothing, along with kicking the blanket that was on them aside. Once nude himself, he rolled on top of Kent, their cocks flushed against each other. Such a feeling felt so surreal, as Kent spread his legs, letting him near, and Mo’s own knees dug into the bedding, holding himself in place. He rocked his hips, chasing the amazing sensation that sent shocks throughout. It was thrilling, and not just that—he could feel the magic that connected them pulsing in his chest.
“Do you feel it too, darling?” He rocked against Kent again, the friction of their stands rubbing together pumping his adrenaline. “The magic within us, what connects us to each other.”
“Yes, I feel it.” Kent planted his feet on the bed, around Mo, and thrust his hips upward. “It only makes this feel more intense…” His words ended with a sensuous moan.
As wonderful as something as simple as this felt, he knew it could be even better. “Let me use the oil,” said Mo. “I want to prepare you for me.”