Page 104 of The Noble's Merman

While Noon didn’t sound sad with her words, it evoked a sort of melancholy feeling within himself. One that he knew was not necessarily reasonable, being as he and Noon were safe and healthy, but the reality of how they were to live on pulled at his heartstrings. “I’ll be living on land with Kent from now on. Which means… I probably won’t be coming back underwater much at all anymore.”

“I expected that, if your wish were to be fulfilled. And now it has. You love Kent, and want to be with him. I know.”

Mo gave her a sad smile, pressure pushing behind his eyes. “But that also means… I don’t know the next time I’ll see you again.”

“Do not fret, young Mo.” Noon closed her eyes, humming a warm tune. “You can always visit. Even if you do not come back for many moons, many seasons, or even years, I will remember you.”

“You really will?” His heart pounded. If he was out of the water, he knew he’d feel tears on his cheeks.

“I promise, I will always be your friend. A whale never forgets a promise.”

Mo nuzzled his face against her side. “Thank you, Noon. I promise, I’ll always be your friend, too. I cannot express how much I’ll miss you.”

After exchanging a few more sentimental thoughts, Mo and Noon parted ways, but hopefully not for the last time. He felt in his heart they’d meet again, someday.

Mo swam the route he knew best: the one to that lonesome stretch of beach where his beloved human was waiting. By the placement of the sun in the sky, it was about early afternoon, meaning he’d spent all morning underwater. He hoped Kent wasn’t too bored sitting around, even though Kent assured him otherwise.

When he breached the surface and swam up to the shore, an endearing sight graced his eyes. Kent was slumped over, sleeping with his back against a tree, book open in his lap. He looked so sweet, so adorable sitting there taking a nap, Mo felt a bit guilty for needing to wake him. Well, only a little bit.

“Kent. Kent! Wake up, I’m back!”

Kent stirred, blinking rapidly, book sliding out of his lap as his legs jolted. “Wha—what? Oh, Mo! You’re here! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”

Mo crawled through the shallow water, closer to the dry pebbles. “You’re fine. Would you like to help me out? For old time’s sake.”

His human set the book down on the grass and stood up, a smile on his face. “Of course.”

Just like before, Kent put his elbows under Mo’s armpits and hauled him onto the beach. The feeling of this was all too familiar, yet now there was a radiating warmth pumping through his veins from the overwhelming magic presence. It was a feeling like before, only stronger. The love Mo had for Kent kept growing, even now, when their connection was already so great.

After Kent dropped his arms, he walked back up to the trees to grab Mo’s clothes. Mo sat up straight, taking his necklaces and carry-bag off his shoulders and setting it down on the ground, as Kent came back and plopped down next to him. “It’s marvelous seeing you like this again,” said Kent. “It’s as if… reliving our first interactions. The handsome merman who swam up to me, and wanted to talk to me.”

“I heard your beautiful voice… and I knew I had to meet you.” Mo lifted a hand to caress Kent’s cheek. “Perhaps it was fate, how we met, because now here we are. I would swim here every time, time and time again, each and every lifetime, if it meant I were to meet you.”

Kent’s cheeks colored red, and he smiled. Oh, his wonderful smile sparked the magic inside him more, swirling and spinning around. “I’ve never met anyone who said such sweet things as you. I want you to always be mine, Mo.”

“I’d have it no other way, my dear Kent, as long as you’ll be mine as well.”

“Certainly.” Kent leant forward, pressing their lips together.

Magic surged through him, pulsing with their shared heartbeats, and Mo knew he must become human again. He could, too, now that he had the knowledge of what to do. As their lips parted, he said, “Keep kissing me, please, and I will transform again.”

“All right.” And Kent claimed his lips once more, desperate, needy, and extraordinarily passionate.

The magic circled through his body, taking hold, making it known. This time he was prepared for what was to come, so the sudden pressure wasn’t quite as shocking. Yes, he was expecting it. He could endure it. He thought of walking with his legs, feeling grass between his toes, and most importantly, being at Kent’s side. His tail glowed bright white, same with his arms, his gills, and his teeth. Mo cried out and rested his head on Kent’s lap as pain ripped through his tail, but this time, thankfully, it was not nearly as intense as before. It felt like it happened shorter, and sooner than he expected, the pain waned, and the glowing ceased. He panted, breath after breath. He could feel his legs. He curled his toes. The tip of his tongue touched his flatter teeth.

“Mo, you did it! You’re human again!”

He looked up, feeling warmth override any lingering pain as Kent smiled down at him. “I am. I knew I could. It was like an instinct, I could just feel it… Oh, Kent…”

Mo sat up, wincing as a bolt of pain shot up his right leg. Kent held him steady, making sure he didn’t fall over, and Mo held onto his shoulder. Despite the hurting, it was much easier to manage. Nothing would ever be as bad as the first time, and he was glad Wenta spoke the truth when she said it would get easier. Each moment that passed he felt the pain lessen and lessen, slowly but surely returning to how he felt earlier today, before his shift into a merman.

“How are you feeling?” asked Kent, rubbing comforting circles on his back.

“Better… not my best, but better.” Mo nodded. “Yes, I think I will be fine. That wasn’t so bad.”

Kent smiled, so sweet, so true. “That’s good. Here, let’s get your clothes back on. Did you eat anything whilst down there?”

His question was answered with the growling of Mo’s stomach. “No, actually.” He chuckled as he reached for his shirt, pulling it over his head. “I didn’t even think to hunt… I’m so smitten with the squid you serve on land, it never piqued my interest to think about buying any in Portica.”