Page 63 of The Noble's Merman

“Oh God, Mo.” Kent smiled as he hid his face with one hand. “They way you say that…”

Mo finished licking everything he could until his hand was clean. But that didn’t help the remaining mess. Reluctantly, he could tell, Kent stood up and Mo slipped out of him—oh, that was no trick of the eye, he saw his own spend drip down Kent’s thighs. Fuck. Such a sight made his cock twitch even after all that, but he couldn’t deny the fact he was completely exhausted. Kent used a wet cloth to wipe and clean them both, dabbing it in the tub water and wringing it out.

“It’s getting late,” said Kent as he knelt on the floor, throwing the used cloth in a bucket on a low wooden shelf, what he learnt was a ‘wash basin’. His human was right; the sun had set during their merriment, with only starlight peeking through the window. “Should we be getting you back in the water?”

“I don’t want to leave yet,” Mo said too hastily. “Oh darling, I… I don’t wish to go after that. I feel so tired. I just…”

“If you’re tired, wouldn’t going back into the water help?”

Mo shook his head as he sat upright, straightening his back, his cock retreating slowly back inside his body. “What I mean is—I don’t want to leave you. Perhaps going back into the water would be good, but I…” He gulped. “If I may, I’d like to sleep next to you tonight.”

“Mo, are you certain?” He crawled over on his knees to be closer. “I thought you couldn’t because you need saltwater…”

“Perhaps I do. But if I really do start to feel ill, just throw me in the tub. I promise I’ll be fine.”

Kent bit his lip in thought, looking down. He sighed, then bare his gaze into Mo’s again. Those magnificent eyes smiled back at him, glistening with understanding. “All right. I have to admit, I want you next to me, too. I’ve wanted to sleep by your side for a very long time now.” He reached out, cupping Mo’s cheek. “I suppose I need to gather my strength again to fit you into the hammock, huh?”

“If you could, please. I’d rather not have you call on Allen.”

“Of course.”

And so, just like how Kent took him out of the tub, he rolled his shoulders and flexed his arms to prepare to lift his merman. With one grunt-filled swoop, he tucked his arms under Mo’s tail and back, lifting him high off the floor and dropping him into the hanging cloth bed. The hammock swished and swayed as Kent let go, his human collapsing to the floor on his knees with a thunk. Breath after breath he let out panting, keeping one hand on the hammock; Mo leant over and pressed his hand onto Kent’s.

“Are you all right? I’m so sorry if that?—”

“Yes, I’ll be fine!” Kent chuckled with heaving breaths, lifting his head. “I need to lie down too, now. Oh my God.”

Kent clutched onto the side of the hammock to raise himself onto his feet. He reached over to the dresser to snuff out the lamp, returning to the bed in near darkness, save for the glowing sea crystal still hanging from around Mo’s neck. “Well, now how do I do this? I’ve never been in a hammock with another person before…” Kent mused.

“Here.” Mo scooched as much as he could to one side, leaving a bit of spare cloth. “Can you fit?”

“I’m small enough; I think I’ll manage if we huddle close.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Mo smiled.

Then Kent walked around the hammock to the free spot on Mo’s left side, hopping in and swinging his beautiful legs into the bed. They swayed together to and fro like two fish trapped in a fishing net, giggling with laughter as Kent tried adjusting himself, still naked, clinging to Mo’s body. The warmth of his soft skin sent pleasant shivers down Mo’s spine, and he threw his arm behind Kent’s shoulders, holding him close.

Kent nuzzled his face into Mo’s chest. “Oh, this is lovely.” He yawned. “I could fall asleep just like this.”

“Same here.” The yawn was contagious—he had to as well. “Perhaps when I become human, every night can be like this.”

“I hope so. That would be…” he curled his fingers around one of Mo’s necklaces, “so nice…”

Mo nodded, brushing his cheek against the top of Kent’s head. Never before had he felt so comfortable, nestled up to another being. This was what love was supposed to feel like, wasn’t it? So tender, so sweet, warming up his cheeks, pleasant flutters in his belly. He almost didn’t want to fall asleep because then he wouldn’t be conscious to continue experiencing this amazing feeling. But he was exhausted after that physical exertion, after drinking the rum, after the scare with his Song. He caressed Kent’s shoulder as his mind drifted away, closing his eyes, falling into peaceful oblivion without a second thought.



Bang, bang, bang.

The entire ship shook, swinging Mo and Kent in their hammock, immediately awake.

Mo’s heart slammed against his chest.


“What the devil is that?” Kent tightened his grip around Mo’s torso.