Page 4 of Torch's Torment

This trio I’ve found myself in isn’t something I expected. I came here to hide. To escape my past and start over fresh. Not to become the other woman, again. Not to drive a wedge between two people who are destined to be together.

The girls here label me as a patch whore, but that isn’t what’s going on at all. I don’t have the heart or strength to tell them the truth. If I do, there will be more people in danger than just me and I can’t do that to them. Danyella, Daisy and Monica have been through so much these last few months, I can’t add my problems to them. Then there are the little ones running around the Clubhouse, Aerial and Nina. They’re a blessing in a world of chaos.

The only ones who know the truth are Capone and Red. Capone knows because he’s the President of the Royal Bastards and he worked out a deal with my father to keep me safe. Red knows by accident because one night, I drank too much, missing my family and he happened to be there. I spilled every dirty little secret I had to him. Once my mouth opened, I couldn’t get it to shut up.

Torch’s eyes land on me and he graces me with a smile. There’s confusion is in the depths of those piercing blue eyes, but also want and desire. I want him just as much, but I have to step away. I cannot make things worse than what they are.

“Rose.” Torch’s gravelly voice floats across the space between us and sends my heart into overdrive.

“Torch, what do you want?” That’s a loaded question. I don’t think he knows what he wants.

Torch shakes his head and stands a few feet from me. “I don’t know. Things are so fucked up right now. I’m worried I’ll make a mistake. One I can’t fix.”

Torch watches me as I close the distance between us. I run my finger over the wrinkle in between his eyes, smoothing the skin. Torch closes his eyes and releases a deep sigh. I’ve been in his boots before. Fuck, I’ve been through it all. If I wasn’t the other woman, my heart was torn in two between two different men at the same time.

“What does your heart tell you?” I rest the palm of my hand on his cut, over his heart.

“It tells me what I feel is wrong. That I shouldn’t want to feel this way, but I do.” Torch rests his hand over mine.

“That’s your head, Torch. Not your heart. Listen to this.” I pat his chest and move my hand to his head. “Not this. Now what’s your heart telling you?” I lean into him until we’re hairs breathe apart. Close enough for Torch to kiss me if he wants.

He swallows hard and I lick my lips, waiting. Waiting for him to make a decision. I see it before he does and know my time here is almost done.

“I…” Torch’s hot breath fans across my lips. “I can’t do this. Not right now.” He pulls away and I hold back the hurt. I knew it was going to sting like a bitch, but his decision is made. He’s listening to his heart, now it’s time for me to listen to mine.

“I understand. What we had was fun and something I’ll cherish for the rest of my life. You listened to your heart, now it’s my turn to do the same.” I turn on my heels but before I can get far Torch grabs my hand and spins me back around. He engulfs me into a hug, his warm body wrapping around me, easing the pain in my chest.

“I’m sorry, Rose.” Torch cups the side of my face and brings his lips to mine. His other hand around my waist pushing me into him. Into the hardness behind his jeans. I moan and Torch swoops his tongue inside my mouth. Sparks ignite my skin. I feel it every time he touches me.

Breaking the kiss, I lean my forehead against his. “Are you sure?”

“I’m not sure about anything.” Torch confesses. Which tells me I still have a chance. But do I want it? Do I want to take the plunge or is it time to head home?

Is it time I go back home and take back my rightful place? The one place where I will thrive. Where I’ll claim what’s mine and grab it by the balls. Where I’ll show those fuckers who forced me into hiding that I’m back. I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.

Chapter 4



What in the actual fuck am I doing? My head is so fucked up right now, I can’t think straight. On one hand I want Rose. On the other, I want Daisy. They both have worked their way under my skin. The moment Rose asked me what my heart wanted, not my head, the decision became as clear as riding my bike down a lonely road. Peace settled over me.

Then I had to kiss her, bringing all these feelings I have for her to the forefront of my mind. Rose and I had a special bond I didn’t know was forming. She was supposed to be a fun time, time to blow off steam and walk away from with no feeling attached. That didn’t happen. Every time I touch her, sparks ignite all through my body. A feeling I can’t ignore anymore.

Then there’s Daisy. What we did in the gym shouldn’t have happened but I won’t take it back and want to do it again. She inched her way under my skin and I didn’t even realize it. She has been through so much, the need to protect her overtakes me and I’m powerless to stop it. Tonight, when I eased her pain even for a few minutes, it felt right. It felt like we belonged together.

“Rose,” I call to her and stop her from walking away. She turns around with a smile on her beautiful face.

“Go get the one you want. I’m doing the same. You just gave me the huge push I needed.” She turns around on her boots and heads into the clubhouse.

Confused as fuck what she means, I shake it off and head inside. The guys are relaxing around the commons room either playing pool, Xbox or drinking at the bar. The music is low key tonight. Not every night we party and fuck. Some nights like tonight are the nights I enjoy at my age. Ok, I’m not old, but I’ve done my share of drugs, partying and fucking to last me a lifetime. Being a prospect in the Royal Bastards at the age of sixteen, club pussy was available at every turn under Chains’ control. They’d throw that pussy in my face and who was I to resist? So, I’d fuck or get blow jobs by the best of them. Once Capone took control of our Chapter, he cleaned house. Yes, we have Patch whores around but they know the rules of our Club. If a brother has an Ol’ Lady, you respect that shit and don’t touch them. If they’re single, they’re fair game. We take loyalty and respect seriously here.

“What can I get ya, Torch?” Bones asks. He’s Red’s Prospect and soon to be patched in.

“Shot of Captain.” I rap my knuckles on the bar. “Make that the whole fucking bottle, Prospect.”

“Lady trouble?” Bones slides the whole bottle of Captain Morgan to me and I take a long swig before answering.