Page 17 of Torch's Torment

“So, you’re a mafia princess? What happened? Why did you leave?” The words leave my lips before I could stop them. I slap a hand over my mouth.

Rose chuckles, “That’s why I always liked you Daisy. You speak what’s on your mind without filtering it. It was refreshing coming here and knowing not all women are vindictive.” Her eyes cut to Jax and he shifts uncomfortably in his seat.

Well, shit. Now I feel like an ass. Here I thought Rose was competition for Torch and she actually liked me.

“Yes, I’m a mafia princess, not just that but I’m known as The Godmother. I left because not only my life was in jeopardy, but so was someone else I really love. You know how people will sacrifice everything for those they love? Well, I did that.” Jax squeezes Rose’s thigh giving her comfort. “I had two choices. Leave and that person I love with my whole heart would remain safe from Guerra Cartel or stay and they find her and she dies. I took option one. I will do anything to keep her safe.” Rose slaps the table, sadness and anger washes over her features.

“Is this person not safe anymore?” Torch asks.

Jax speaks up, “She is very safe and wants Rose back home. Which is why I’m here. To bring Rose home and take her rightful place in the family business.”

Torch stares at Jax and asks the question we’ve all been wanting to. “How in the fuck do you exist and I had no idea?”

“Our father took me at birth against our mother’s wishes. He sent me to Texas to live with a rival club, hoping to groom me into taking over and destroying the Royal Bastards. When I was old enough, I left and never looked back. Rose’s dad found me living on the streets of San Antonio and took me in. Brought me into his family and that’s where I met Rose.”

“What rival club?” Torch is tense sitting next to me so I rest my hand on his thigh hoping to calm him down.

Jax looks directly into Torch’s eyes, “Bloody Scorpions.”

“Holy shit. You had to live with those assholes and turned out decent?” There goes my filter again and Rose chuckles.

Jax smirks. “I wouldn’t say I’m a nice person but I do care, unlike them.”

“Does Razor know you exist?” Torch asks.

“I don’t think he does but wouldn’t be surprised. Our father had a lot of secrets and it’s a good thing he’s dead or I’d kill him myself.”

Torch’s jaw ticks and he has a faraway look in his eyes.

“Torch.” Jax says getting his attention. Torch snaps out of whatever memory he was lost in and looks at his twin brother. “I don’t blame you. I know Razor framed you.”

Torch’s ice blue eyes grow wide before dipping his head the same way Jax did to Rose. “So, are you two staying around or leaving?” Torch asks.

“We’re leaving in the morning.” Jax answers.

“Rose, one question and I want the honest to God’s truth.” Torch leans his arms on the table and steeples his fingers in front of him.

“Ok. What?”

“Did what we have mean anything to you or was it a joke?”

I know why he’s asking but it still hurts to hear the question. What she says next will either make or break Torch and I hope it’s the former.

Rose gives Torch a sad smile and leans her elbows on the table. Her curly red hair brushing the tabletop. “You reminded me so much of the person I missed the most. I wasn’t thinking. You will always have a special place in my heart but Jax has always had my whole heart. Besides, you can’t give me something that someone else already has. You’re just too slow to realize it.” Rose points to me. “But then again maybe you finally pulled your head out of your ass and realized Daisy is the one you always wanted. We were never meant to last, only last a little while.” Rose sits back in her chair with a weight lifted off her shoulders. “I have a lot of packing to do. If you’re satisfied with our talk, Jax and I have to go. For what it’s worth, Torch, I am sorry if I ever led you on. I never in a million years thought my father would send me away to the man I love, twin brother’s club. But then again he probably knew and that’s why he sent me here.”

Torch stands and pulls me with him. “We’ll see you around.”

We walk together, his arm over my shoulder and head to my room. Once we’re inside and Torch closes the door, he releases a deep breath. I wrap my arms around his waist and lay my head on his chest. His heart is beating hard against my ear.

Torch wraps his arms around me cocooning me in his warmth. “Daisy, I’m so sorry for everything.”

I look into his mesmerizing eyes. “After that talk, I get it. She used you because she was lonely and you reminded her of someone back home. A lot.” I snort. “Is it weird? Knowing you have a twin?”

Torch snorts this time. “It’s fucking mind blowing.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I honestly don’t know. I don’t know if I can trust him or not. But I do know one thing I want to do.” Torch stares at me with lust radiating in his eyes.