A lonely tear trickles down Daisy’s cheek and I wipe it away. “Shit, Daisy. I feel like a complete ass.”
“Don’t. Don’t feel guilty. No matter how much this hurts, I have to do this for both of us.” She walks toward my bike and grabs her helmet. “You won’t get closure standing there with your mouth wide open.” Daisy grabs my brain bucket off the handlebars and holds it out to me. I’m on her in just a few quick strides and reach for it.
Something between us has changed and I’m loving it. I’m loving watching Daisy step into a strong woman shedding the torment she’s been through.
We arrive at the Clubhouse an hour later. Disappointment thrums through my body when the ride comes to an end. I enjoy having Daisy on the back of my bike, her body pressed against mine. It’s like she was made for me and I’ve been too much of an idiot to see it.
A Prospect spots us and rolls the gates open. I drive through and hit a button on my bike to open the garage doors. I slowly idle my bike into my spot, turn it off and dismount. I grab Daisy’s hand and help her off my bike. I remove her helmet for her, anything to keep touching her delicate skin.
“Thank you, Torch.”
“You’re welcome.” I kiss Daisy quickly on the lips and hang our helmets up on the hooks against the wall.
“You ready to get this over with?” Daisy asks tucking her hands in the back pockets of her jeans.
“Only if you’re by my side.”
Daisy’s eyes widen in surprise. “What?”
I grab her hands and hold them between us. “Something out there shifted between us and I don’t want to do this without you by my side, Daisy. Whatever Rose and Jax have to say I want you there with me.”
“Are you sure?” Daisy looks at me confused as fuck. I’m just as confused by the words coming out of my mouth, but I know this is what I want. What I need.
“I’m positive You have stood by me and supported me no matter what and I’m an ass for not seeing it sooner. I need you with me and having my back.”
“Oh wow. OK. Well, if you’re sure, let’s do this.”
We walk down the corridor into the commons room. All my brothers are here playing pool, Xbox, darts or sitting at the bar. The two people I’m looking for are sitting together at a table in the corner of the room. Their heads are close together and their body language screams lost lovers reunited. I inhale a deep breath and together Daisy and I walk up to Jax and Rose. They turn their heads in our direction when I pull out Daisy’s chair and my own.
“Let’s get this shit over with.”
Chapter 11
Sorry not Sorry
Torch and I walk hand in hand toward Rose and his twin brother, Jax. Staring at him is like looking at Torch. I never in a million years thought this is what was happening.
I squeeze Torch’s hand to remind him, I have his back, no matter what happens. He returns the gesture before he pulls out my chair and takes the seat next to me. When he sits, he pulls my chair near his.
“We need to talk.”
“Yeah, we do.” A sad smile lifts Rose’s lips.
We’re away from listening ears but close enough if things go sideways, Torch’s brothers can be here in a split second.
Rose shifts in her seat so her body is facing Jax but her hands are resting on the table. She’s watching Torch and me with weary eyes. Jax rests a hand on Rose’s leg and Torch tenses. Not the reaction I would’ve had.
“Start at the beginning.” Torch sits back in his chair and rests his arm across the back of mine. He runs his fingertips across the back of my neck. If he thinks doing these small things to me to make Rose jealous is OK, he’s going to have a rude awakening. Not by Rose but by me.
Rose watches Torch’s hand skim my back. Her eyes flare with a hint of jealousy. I turn my head to give Torch a piece of my mind about using me to make her jealous but the words die on my lips. He isn’t staring at her. He’s watching me. I raise an eyebrow questioningly and Torch winks. Fucking winks at me. He pulls my chair closer until I’m tucked into his side. Relaxing against him, I look at Rose, waiting to hear her story.
Rose glances at Jax before he dips his head in affirmation. She releases a deep breath and begins. “There are only two people inside these walls that know my truth. After today, everyone will. My father is Frank Valdez, the leader of the Valdez mafia in San Antonio, Texas. He contacted Capone a couple of years ago about possibly needing a place for me to hide if things went the way he thought they were. We had a rat in our ranks and the ATF breathing down our necks along with the Guerra Cartel trying to kill me to stop me from taking over. Well, things went sideways and here I am. Now you know.” Rose shrugs her shoulders and Jax raises an eyebrow. Rose’s nostrils flare clearly stating she’s not telling the whole truth.
“How did Royal Bastards get involved with your family?”
“Capone’s father, Mad Max has extended family in Texas who happens to work for my father. Not only is your club a part of the Royal Bastards, but you guys have Mafia connections in Texas too.”