I stand to my full height with my back straight and turn on my heels. I walk away with my head held high, ready to take on the world. Or the Royal Bastards if needed.
Two hours later, I’m showered, dressed and my stomach is rumbling, reminding me I didn’t eat yesterday. I make my way into the kitchen, praying no one’s here. It’s empty and I thank God. I pour a cup of coffee and grab a pop tart out of the cupboard.
Come to think of it, the whole Clubhouse is eerily quiet. Usually there’s someone around. I drink my coffee and finish my pop tart when footsteps come stomping down the hall. Torch comes into the kitchen with a scowl on his handsome face. I still cannot believe he shaved his head.
“Prez wants you, now,” Torch growls.
“Why?” My heart is in overdrive and my hands shake.
“Doesn’t fucking matter why, Rose. Prez wants you. His word is law. Now move your ass.” Torch narrows his eyes and crosses his arms over his chest.
“Fine.” I snap back. I slide out of my chair, take care of my coffee cup and throw my pop tart wrapper away. “Lead the way, Enforcer.” I motion with my hand for him to go but he grabs my arm, pulling me against his chest.
“I don’t know what the hell you’re hiding.” His warm breath tickles my neck sending a shiver down my spine and my nipples harden. “But you can bet your sweet tasting pussy I’m gonna find out.”
I gaze into Torch’s ice blue eyes and see confusion, hurt and lust in their depths. “I wish you wouldn’t and leave it be.”
Torch squeezes my hips and pulls me flush against his body. “I can’t leave it be. You warmed my bed and my dick for months while holding back on me. I trusted you with my MC and this is how you betray me. You make me want to bend you over the counter and spank that ass red.”
His threat sends a shiver down my spine but I put a cap on it. “You won’t though.”
I pull out of Torch’s grip and lean against the counter pushing my chest out. “Prove it.”
Torch growls and stalks toward me caging my body in with his. I can feel his cock harden behind his jeans and I want to say fuck it, drop to my knees and suck, but I won’t. He’d regret it the moment he came down my throat. I can see it in his eyes.
“You can’t give it to me Torch. Just admit it. You can’t because when you fuck me, you’re thinking of Daisy. Which is why you haven’t touched me since Capone and Danyella’s wedding. That’s when you realized your feeling for Daisy were deeper than you thought. You can’t let me go but you can’t do that to her either.”
Torch backs off and gives me space. He runs his fingers over his shaved head. “With as enlightening as you’ve been, Prez still needs you now.” Torch grabs my arm and pulls me against him one last time. His lips land on mine and he kisses me like it’s the last time he will ever lay his lips on mine. Which is probably true once my secrets come out.
Pulling away, Torch rests his forehead against mine. “Let’s go before I do something I’ll regret.”
We walk together from the kitchen and Torch leads me toward Church. My steps falter but he keeps me moving. “Why here?”
Torch doesn’t say a word and opens the door. I’ve never been in here before and I’m scared shitless. I don’t know what’s about to happen.
We walk inside and all the brothers are sitting around a huge oak table with the Royal Bastards logo etched deep into the wood. Capone is at the head of the table watching me. I can’t get a read on him. His black eyes are deadly as he stares at me. Torch releases my arm, shuts and locks the door and takes his seat. He folds his hands on the table. Every man in this room is watching me, waiting for something and I don’t know what.
I was raised to be a badass bitch and not cower or show weakness in front of anyone and I’ll be damned if I do it here. I stand tall with my back straight looking Capone in the eyes. “What do you need, Prez?”
Capone leans forward with a smirk on his face. He points to each man sitting at the table, “They need answers on why he showed up this morning.” I’m confused as hell who Capone is talking about until Bear opens the Church doors. I don’t turn around because I know who it is. I can sense him anywhere. “And one brother wants to know why that fucker looks identical to him.”
“Hello, Rose. Long time since I laid my eyes on you.” Torch growls from his seat.
Fuck me. Jax is here.
Chapter 10
Hear me now
I keep my rage in check when this motherfucker walks through the Church doors acting like he belongs here. His eyes, similar to mine but a darker shade of blue, zero in on Rose’s fine ass. A growl rips from my throat. The bitch isn’t even mine but fuck. Seeing him eye Rose like an old lover has my blood boiling.
Rose’s face turns a deathly shade of white when she spots him. “Jax.” She whispers.
This is the motherfucker from the phone call. No one has yet to say what the fuck is going on yet. “Prez,” I growl low sick of this shit. Someone better tell me and tell me now.