Page 12 of Torch's Torment

“Yeah. Now who are you?” Rose is still shouting and pushing me to get her phone from my grip.


“How do you know Rose, Jax?” Rose becomes deathly still when I say his name. She sucks in a breath holding it.

“Fuck, if I knew that’d get you to shut up, I would’ve started with that,” I smirk.

Jax bellows a laugh on the other end of the phone. “Rose and I are old friends, Torch.”

“Old friend huh?” I cock an eyebrow and Rose releases the breath she’s been holding. Good thing too or she would have passed out.

“Yeah, we’ve known each other for years. She texted me an SOS to call her.” I can hear another voice in the background. Jax covers the phone before talking again. “Listen, Torch. I’ve gotta go. Is Rose OK?”

“Yeah, she’s good. Just looks like she has seen a ghost. I’ll make sure she’s OK.” I wink and Rose’s face turns scarlet.

“You do that. Bye.” Jax hangs up and I hand Rose back her phone.

“Want to tell me why your panties are in a bunch, Rose?” I step forward and she steps back until she’s against the fence.

“What you did to your hair is just shocking is all.” Rose avoids eye contact with me and it has my walls coming up.

“Bullshit and you know it.” I cage her in against the fence. My breath tickling her neck.

The door slams and Derange comes toward us at a fast pace. “Torch, there you are. C’mon brother we have Club business.”

I lean closer to Rose so my lips are against the shell of her ear. “This is far from over. When I get back, we will discuss this one way or another.” Rose’s body vibrates from my voice.

“You’re a bastard.”

“A Royal fucking Bastard to you, Rose.”

I pull my arms away and leave her standing here. One way or another I will find out what secrets Rose is hiding. When I do, she better pray it won’t hurt the Club because if it does, Rose will suffer and so will Jax.

Chapter 9



I release a shaky breath I’m holding and wait for a few minutes before going into the Clubhouse. I need to get out and fast. If Torch finds out who Jax is, all hell will break loose. I cannot put these guys at risk. There’s only one person who can help me without the Club knowing and it’s the last person I want help from. But I have no choice. Not anymore.

I hear the garage doors open and the bikes firing up. Each one pulls out into formation. Watching them line up and drive off with their cuts on, leaves a deep longing in my chest. The sight before me is indescribably beautiful. There must be something huge going on if the whole club is leaving minus the prospects. Now’s my chance to get out with no problems.

I hurry across the parking lot and slip inside. Monica, Danyella, Aerial and Nina are in the Commons room watching a Disney movie on T.V. Aerial was part of the human trafficking ring. The guys haven’t said much about who she is and where she came from, only that her mom was with her in the beginning and now it’s just Aerial. She’s grown so much since she came in here. Her once blonde hair was dull and matted, now it’s shinny and growing. She’s smiling more now, even though I know she still misses her mom.

Nina is Capone’s little girl and the princess of the Royal Bastards, Los Angeles. Nina was rescued when they went down to Mexico to deal with the Cartel. Capone didn’t have any idea she even existed until Danyella found her hiding behind a bar during a gun fight. It was a hook up from before Danyella and Capone were together. Danyella has taken Nina in as her own and loves her just as much as if she gave birth to the beautiful little girl.

I try to sneak past them but my boots must be loud or one of the little girls have supersonic hearing.

“Rose!” Nina squeals with warm excitement in her voice. “I have something we can bedazzle together. Stay here and I’ll go get it.” Movie forgotten, Nina slides off the couch and flies past me toward her room.

Not wanting to crush the little girl's excitement, I cross over to the bar and pour a shot of Tequila. I slam it back and let the liquor burn.

“Uh oh,” Danyella comments coming up to the bar. “What’s got you so worked up?” She sits on the bar stool and watches me carefully. I’d like to say we’re friends, but I don’t have friends. Any friend I ever had stabbed me in the back several times.

“Nothing.” I shrug.

“Don’t give me that,” Danyella makes air quotes, “Nothing bullshit. You don’t ever break out the hard stuff unless you’re irritated or chasing away a bad memory.”