Popular Monster
Waking up to a warm, soft body pressed against mine, my brain is foggy on what happened last night. I open my eyes and try to clear them from sleep. This room doesn’t look familiar to me.
Oh, fuck. What did I do?
I slowly move to roll out of bed when a soft hand grips my bare stomach sending a shot of lust to my cock. I slowly turn my head to the right and come face to face with the angel who has me tied up in knots. Daisy.
“Good morning.” Daisy stretches her hands over her head bringing her silk tank top up revealing her slim stomach. Images of tying her up and fucking her flit through my mind.
“Morning,” I grunt.
Daisy giggles, “Not a morning person?” There’s a twinkle in her eyes and a mischievous grin on her delicate face.
“Not in the least. Need a gallon of coffee.” I sound like an idiot but my brain doesn’t work until I have coffee running through my body.
I swing my legs over the side of the bed and land with a thump on the floor. Grabbing my jeans, I slide them on and go into Daisy’s bathroom slamming the door behind me. I turn on the faucet and splash cold water on my face. I’m in a pissy mood and don’t know why. I haven’t slept that good since before I was fifteen, not even with Rose and I don’t know what to think. I stare at myself in the mirror, trying to keep my shit in tack. I grip my hair and pull it.
What does Daisy see in me? My demons are wanting to break free and ruin her. I can’t let them. Daisy is finally coming into her own and I can’t destroy her.
Spotting Daisy’s razor and a pair of scissors on the sink, I begin making a change. A change needed to keep my monsters at bay. Tattoos aren’t cutting it anymore. Drugs and liquor only numb the pain. Maybe if I don’t look like my half-brother as much, I can curb the desire to break the ones I care about.
With every snip of the scissors, it transports me back to a time I’d rather not remember but it’s how I’ve become who I am today.
8 years ago
I’m walking home from school with another fat lip wishing these guys would leave me the hell alone. My mom is going to kill me or not even care I got suspended again for a fight I didn’t cause. It doesn’t matter to the assholes in the office. To them, I’m a loser and a scumbag who tarnishes their pristine halls.
In the distance a motorcycle idles by. Man, I wish I could get one and just disappear. The bike grows louder and louder until it comes into view. The man riding it stops right next to me. He doesn’t say a word. He’s wearing a cut with a crown on the back of it that reads Royal Bastards MC. I’ve heard of them before but never been this close to one. They’re a badass club I’ve always wanted to be a part of.
“Yo, where ya headin’?” The guy asks. He doesn’t remove his half helmet and I ignore him, thinking he isn’t talking to me. I put my head down and keep walking. There’s no way a Royal Bastard is talking to me. “Jase, I’m talkin’ to you.”
That has me stopping in my tracks. I turn around and the guy puts his kickstand down before climbing off his bike. I shift from foot to foot, antsy. “How do you know me?” I ask not taking my eyes off him.
“We have a mutual acquaintance.” He shrugs like it’s not a big deal. He keeps his back to me and removes his helmet. Blonde hair falls to his shoulders. The stranger turns around and it’s like I’m staring at an older version of myself. Haunting blue eyes stare back at me, waiting for a reaction. He’s bigger than me muscle wise but we both have the same build. My mother always told me I was built like my father, but I’ve never met him. Every time I fuck up my mother says my actions are just like his.
“Who the hell are you?” I’m beyond pissed off and confused.
“Names Razor. I’m your brother.” Razor extends his hand gritting his teeth like it was painful to say.
“Bullshit. I don’t have a brother. I’m the only child my mother has.” I brush Razor’s hand away and turn my back on him. Mistake number one. Never turn your back on a stranger. His meaty hand lands on my shoulder and squeezes it painfully. I try to break out of his hold but it’s no use.
“Listen, fuck stick. I don’t want to be here or do this either but he.” Razor spits the word He in disgust. “Wants you to prospect for the Royal Bastards. He sent me to collect you.”
“Why? Why now? After the last sixteen years the fucker wants nothing to do with me. Why now?”
Razor releases his grip on my shoulder. “Fuck if I know. I didn’t even know you existed until he sent me.”
“How do I know you’re telling the truth?”
Razor cocks an eyebrow. “Your mother Janice, fucked my father and out you came.” Razor motions to my stance which is exactly like his. “Fuck stick, if we weren’t brothers, I would’ve ridden on past you. I don’t want to even think about that dick fucking someone else, yet here we are.” Razor walks back to his bike. Before putting his helmet on he turns to me. “You have a decision to make. Either join the Royal Bastards and have a purpose in your fucked up life or continue on the path you’re on and end up a male whore like your mother.”
Razor puts his helmet on and straddles his bike. He takes off like a rocket, vibrating my soul before I can respond. Do I want to be a Royal Bastard or continue down the path I’m on now? My decision made; I hurry home to pack a bag.
I run the blade over my head, removing anything that resembles my brother or father. Once I’m done, I don’t recognize the man staring back at me but my eyes betray who I am. I’m done letting my past dictate who I am today. I’m done with their games.
I dry my head off with a towel before opening the bathroom door. My eyes connect with Daisy’s brown ones and her jaw drops.