The only way to find out what my father’s head security guard wants is to play along with his games.
“That’s better.” I hear rustling in the background. “Now, when are you coming home?”
“Is this why you called? To see when I’m coming home?” My senses are on high alert.
“You know it is. I need to make sure everything is in the clear for your return.” Something in King’s voice sets me on edge. He’s never been in charge of executing returns or evacuations.
“Who said I was coming back?” My defenses are up. I haven’t told anyone I’m coming back.
“Uh…” King stutters like an idiot caught in a lie. “Your father did earlier today.” King tries covering up his lie.
“Listen, King. I haven’t made a decision on when I’ll be back. But when I do, you’ll be the first to know. Now I’ve got to go. Thank you for calling to check up on me.” I hang up the call before King can respond.
The hair on the back of my neck is standing on end. Something isn’t sitting right with that phone call. I swipe my phone and dial the one person I never thought I’d talk to again. I’ll be surprised if Jax even answers. I broke his heart and mine when I left and have a lot of groveling, I’ll need to do. He doesn’t know the real reason why I left them behind and to keep him safe, he can never know. Not until the threat is eliminated.
The call rings six times and I’ve given up hope Jax will answer when his sexy deep voice comes across the line. Fuck, I’ve missed his voice.
“This is Jax.” Always so formal and God his voice always made my panties wet. Even when he sings it burns to my core. “I’m going to hang up now.”
That snaps me out of my daydream. “No. Please don’t. I need your help.”
“Why are you calling me? You left me. Why should I help you?” The pain and hurt in Jax’s voice are my undoing.
“Jax, please. Something is wrong with my father and I would appreciate it if you went to check on him. King called and said some things that caught my attention.” My nerves are shot with worry for my father.
“Your father fired me and made my life hell after you left. Why should I go?”
“For me, please. Look I know you’re pissed and I get it. I would be too if I were you. But think of Jazzy.”
Jax sighs deeply. “Fine. But if he starts in on me again, I won’t be held responsible for my actions. He’s not the only one suffering when you left.”
“Thank you, Jax.” The line stays quiet for a moment. Both of us listening to the other breathing.
“I miss you.” Jax’s strong confident voice is hesitant.
Tears well up in my eyes and I hold them back. “I’m sorry for all the pain I caused you, Jax. I hope one day you’ll forgive me.”
“You’re already forgiven.” The line goes dead but my heart and soul beat alive.
I’d fly back to Texas tonight if I knew it was safe. Just to touch Jax one more time. To see him one more time. To breathe him in one more time. It’s not safe so I can’t do any of those things. But what I can do is drink it away. Drink his memory away. Can’t fuck it away like I used to since Torch has made up his mind but he doesn’t know it yet.
Torch. That man drives me wild. I didn’t want to form a connection with anyone but he reminded me so much of Jax, I couldn’t help it. I know it’s wrong. I know I’m going to hell for fucking a man who looks like my ex. But a woman has needs and he filled the void of not having Jax here. I should let Torch go. I should release him from our bond. That way he can be happy with Daisy but I don’t know if I can do it.
Torch has become my comfort and I’m not ready to let him go yet. Daisy will either have to learn to share for a while or pout. Because without Jax, I’m not strong enough to let Torch go yet.
A text vibrates my phone and I look at the screen. It’s from Jax.
Without responding, I erase my text and know Jax did the same. That way no one can trace him back to me.
Fuck. This isn’t good. If King has done something to my father the whole family will be up in arms, demanding I come back and take my rightful place. Shit. This cannot be happening. Not right now.
I walk down the hallway to my room and open the door. I stop and listen trying to hear anything in Daisy’s room but it’s quiet. I close my door and get ready for bed. I don’t know if I’ll be able to sleep tonight but I’ll try. Hopefully the answers I need will be here tomorrow.
Chapter 8