Page 34 of Torch's Torment

Knight nods his head, “Yes. C’mon, they’re down this hall.” Knight leads me down another hallway. The gunfire grows louder the further we walk until Knight takes a sharp right, leading down another hallway. “In here. I don’t know where Alan went to, but this is where Stormy was.”

Knight turns the doorknob and the door swings open. Rage boils my blood at the sight before me. Daisy is naked except for a pair of underwear, chained to a bed, the ratty mattress below her has blood stains on it. Her arms are secured above her head and her feet are tied to the bottom. Her hair is wet and she’s out cold. Cuts and bruises mar her beautiful skin.

Bones is slumped over, tied to a chair. His chest is barely moving with every breath he takes. The dead body next to the bed brings me a little relief, but with no sign of Alan O’Brian, I’m on high alert. Pulling out my phone, I dial Capone while taking long strides to Daisy.

“Torch, where are you?” Capone demands. The gunfire in the background ceases.

“I’ve found Daisy.” I look over the chains holding her hostage. “Bones is hurt and they both need medical attention a.s.a.p. You guys need to get here. I’m sending a man out to you. Don’t shoot him. His name’s Knight. It’s Daisy’s twin.” I hang up before Capone can answer.

Tugging at the chains wrapped around Daisy’s delicate wrists, I turn my head to Knight. “Go find Capone. He’s my Prez and will help get these two out of here. Try anything and I fucking mean anything funny, I’ll skin you alive.”

Knight nods his head and disappears out the door. I turn my attention back to Daisy and pick the lock on the chains, releasing her hands. Then I remove the rope tied around her feet, freeing her. Daisy doesn’t move, but the rapid rise and fall of her chest tells me she’s OK for now. I cover her with a blanket in the corner and go to Bones. I check for a pulse. It’s there but faint. Removing his binds, I carefully lay him on the floor. His arm is at an odd angle and he has cuts and bruises all over his body. Bones risked his life for Daisy and I’ll be forever grateful to him.

Bones stirs a little bit and tries moving. “Easy, Bones. I’ve got you.”

“Daisy.” His voice is a whisper in the breeze.

“I’ve got her. Hold still, don’t hurt yourself anymore.”

Bones’ eyes pop open, wild and animalistic. “He’s going…” Bones inhales a sharp breath, coughing. “Sell her.” Bones’ eyes flutter close and his body goes limp.

Heavy footsteps echo down the hallway and I turn on my heels, gun aimed at the door, waiting to blow the next person who walks through.

“Torch! It’s Capone and Blayze. Don’t shoot.” Capone bellows from the other side of the door.

“Come in, quick.” I put my gun away and begin CPR on Bones.

Capone, Blayze and Knight come charging into the room and stop dead in their tracks. “Is that?” Capone asks pointing at the dead body on the floor.

“Yeah, it’s Razor. Fucker got off light if you ask me.”

Blayze takes over CPR on Bones and I gather Daisy in my arms, willing her to wake up. She stirs and her eyes pop open. They dart around wildly and I do my best to calm her down.

“Daisy, I’ve got you. Shh.” I smooth her hair back on her forehead. “I’ve got you firecracker. You’re safe now.”

“Bones is stable, but we need to get him better medical help.” Blayze stops CPR on Bones and stands up, wiping the sweat from his brow.

Daisy stops fighting against me. Her blue eyes finally land on me and her body relaxes in my arms. “You’re really here?”

“Yes, Firecracker, I’m really here and we’re going to get you out.” Daisy’s hand rests on my cheek, lightly caressing my skin. Fire races down my spine from her touch. One I thought I’d never feel again.

“Ok. Jase, take me home, please.”

I pick Daisy up and cradle her in my arms. She snuggles against me, breathing me in. Capone and Blayze lift Bones’ limp body up and Knight leads the way out.

Once we get to the beginning of the underground bunker, Red, Derange and Trigger spot us and hurries over to help Capone and Blayze with Bones.

Red has a look of panic on his face. This is his prospect and they’ve formed a close bond. “He’s stable but in bad shape. He needs a doctor.” Capone reassures Red.

Cahal steps forward, “I’ve got one on standby. She’ll be waiting when we get to my place.”

“Appreciate that, Cahal.” Capone answers.

We make our way up the stairs and into the waiting SUVs. Daisy hasn’t stopped touching me to make sure I’m real the whole car ride. We pull up to a wrought iron fence and it opens immediately. Cahal’s house comes into view. The mansion before me is magnificent. The front door opens and a feisty brunette comes strolling out when the SUVs come to a stop. She heads directly to the one Bones is in and starts barking out orders to carefully move him once she determines him stable. Red hasn’t taken his eyes off her and I lift my brow. Red doesn’t notice but follows the woman into the house while Blayze, Trigger and Capone carry Bones.

I follow closely still holding Daisy wrapped tight in a blanket. My boots echo on the pristine marble floors. Cahal is fucking loaded. “You can take her this way.” The doc gently tells me.

I follow her with quick steps to a bedroom. There’s a king size bed covered with a black comforter in the center of the room. Glass sliding doors covered with sheer curtains to the left of me and a bathroom to the right. I lay Daisy down carefully on the bed and check the room to make sure it’s safe.