Page 31 of Torch's Torment

A warm body presses against mine when I come too. Whoever took me, left me naked except for a pair of underwear and there’s a cold breeze blowing across my body. I try to move my hands but they’re chained above my head. My world is plunged in darkness and I can’t move more than an inch. I try to speak but there’s a gag in my mouth. My fight or flight instincts are kicking in. My heart is pounding against my chest and my mouth is dry. With my eyes covered, my other senses kick in. I can hear footsteps somewhere in the distance and the stench is overwhelming. The body next to me shifts and I hold my breath, praying whoever it is won’t touch me. They grunt and growl, trying to move. I can’t stand being in the dark like this so I try to work the blindfold free with my forearms. The chain tying me to the bed rattles with every movement of my head against my arms but I keep going. These assholes want to intimidate me, they better do better than this. After all the torment I endured with Bloody Scorpions, this is child’s play.

I manage to get the blindfold moved up onto my forehead and I blink, trying to adjust my blurry vision. I slowly turn my head and find Bones lying next to me. His eyes are dark and wild. When he sees me watching him, he inhales a deep breath through his nose and his eye lids flutter shut. He’s naked except for his boxers. Blood, cuts and bruises mar his skin and his arm is at an odd angle above his head.

I shiver from the cold and Bones’ eyes pop open. He shifts on the bed, trying to use his body heat to keep me warm. He’s trying to tell me something, but with the gag in his mouth, I can’t understand him. I try to work the gag off my mouth the same way I did with the blindfold. Bones does the same. Whoever put them on must not have thought we’d figure out how to remove them because they’re not tied too tight.

“Daisy,” Bones croaks. He swallows trying to produce spit. “Are you hurt?”

I shake my head, “Not really, but you’re bleeding.” Concern for Bones takes over and I try to break free from these chains.

“I’ll be fine. It’s just a little cut on my head.”

“Who are they?” I whisper, afraid if I talk too loudly, they’ll come in.

“I’m not sure. They had an Irish accent. That’s all I know.” Bones grunts when he tries to move his arms above his head.

“Bones, stop. It looks like your arm is broken.”

“I’m not going to sit here and let them get away with this shit, Daisy. I promised Torch I’d keep you safe or die trying. And if it’s my time to go, I’ll take as many out as I can. But I can’t do that chained to this fucking bed.” Bones rattles the bedframe trying to free his hands but it’s no use.

“Bones, stop.” The fear in my voice makes Bones halt. Needing a distraction, I ask, “How’d you get the road name Bones?”

Bones releases a low chuckle. “It’s not cool like Torch or Blayze.”

“Tell me anyways. Something to keep me distracted and having a full-on panic attack.”

Bones has a faraway look on his face and a smile graces his bruised and bloody face. “I was fresh into the club a couple of years ago and the guys thought it would be funny to strip me down naked and tie me to a chair. I was drunk off my ass and wet behind the ears. The closest I came to pussy back then was on T.V. See, I grew up in a Catholic home and sex before marriage was prohibited. Abstinence was policy under my parents’ roof. Anyways, the brothers wanted to give me something to experience so they had the patch whores parade in front of me, naked. Never having seen a pussy in real life, I immediately popped a boner and if a patch whore even breathed on me; I was a goner. Reminded them of the movie American Pie, where the guy comes just by looking at the hot chick. No matter how many times I’d come, a patch whore would shove their tits or pussy in my face and I’d pop another one. The brothers started calling me Bones after that.”

I can’t help but laugh. “Oh my God. That’s funny shit. Do you still have that problem now?”

Bones and I look down at his boxers and there’s a little chub. “Woman, Torch is going to fucking kill me if I pop a boner while lying next to his Ol’ Lady.”

“Puppies, baseball, football. Your grandmother’s saggy boobs.” I blurt out.

“What the fuck?” Bones looks at me like I’m crazy.

“Trying to come up with things to make your boner go down.”

“Well Torch killing me, did the trick. And I don’t want to think about my grandmother’s saggy tits.” Bones shivers.

“Well, isn’t this fucking cute.” A raspy voice growls from the doorway, his Irish accent is thick. I turn my head and an older man is standing in front of the door with a disgusted look on his face. “A whore just like your mother.” He bites out, glaring at me. Bones’ body goes stiff next to me.

“Who are you and how do you know my egg donor?” I ask.

“Your egg donor as you call her, is my son’s wife. She was a whore back then and the apple doesn’t fall from the tree.” The man steps into the room. “Wearing one man’s brand but cuddling up to another. Whore just like her.”

I open my mouth to refute but the evil gleam in his eyes makes me keep my mouth shut. My mind shuts down the closer this man gets. He’s so close I can smell his cologne.

“Why are you doing this and what do you want?”

“You’re going to be sold off anyway so I might as well fill you in.” He brushes his hand against my cheek and I close my eyes, trying to fight off the fear trying to take hold. He grips my chin in his hand and pinches my jaw hard. “Your boyfriend or fuck buddy got too close. So, I had no choice but to take you myself and stop you from finding your real parents. Razor couldn’t hold up his end of the bargain to bring you to me.”

My eyes snap open at the mention of Razor’s name. “What are you talking about?”

“You think the Bloody Scorpions took you by chance? No. That was all me. They were supposed to bring you to me but you escaped throwing a kink into my plans.”

“You’re the reason they didn’t rape me like the other women?”

“I told them they didn’t touch you. That your virginity was worth more on the black market. Especially being a granddaughter to the Prime Minister of Ireland. I had a lot of buyers ready to give me millions for your virgin pussy.”