“I mean, with all those weapons in there, why is it unguarded?”
“Good question. I’ll call Capone.” I dial Capone while we walk back to our bikes.
“Torch, is it done?” Capone answers on the first ring.
“Not quite. Wanted to double check we had the right place before I did my work. Something’s off, Prez and I don’t like it.”
“Hold on, I’m pulling up your location.” I can hear keys clicking in the background, probably Red pinpointing our location. “You’re in the right place. What feels off?”
“With all these firearms in here, you’d think there’d be guards. It’s abandoned and I don’t like it.”
“Red is tracking for heat signatures now. Maybe we caught them off guard, thinking we wouldn’t retaliate so quickly. I’m putting you on speaker phone.”
“Torch, it all looks good down there brother,” Red states. “No one around and you’re at the right spot. Go do your thing and I’ll keep digging.”
“Copy that.” I hang up the phone and straddle my bike.
“Well?” Derange asks, pulling up his gaiter.
“We’re in the right spot. Let’s do this shit and get the fuck out of here before the Cartel decides to come back and we’re really fucked.” I pull up my gaiter and fire up my bike. Derange does the same. Once we’re a safe distance away, I click a button on my phone and the warehouse behind us goes up on flames, creating a huge fireball. I love this fucking shit.
We ride back to L.A. and now I need to figure out what I’m going to do with the two women fighting for my attention. Do I give into my needs or my heart?
Chapter 2
“Girl, you’ve got to stop moping.” Danyella wraps her arms around me and offers me comfort.
“I’m not moping. I’m trying to figure out my next move.” I pace back and forth in my bedroom, brushing Danyella’s arm off me. “I’ve got to get Torch to see me, not the broken little girl I was when I first came here but the woman I am now.”
When Monica found me, I was being raped by John James in her studio. I can still feel his slimy hands on my body. I can still hear his grunts as his small dick violated me in ways no one should ever be touched. When John realized his little dick wasn’t doing its job, he got angry with me and choked me until he got it up. I tried fighting him off me, but that excited him even more. He flipped me around and slammed into my body, punishing me for his faults. That’s when Monica walked in. She ripped John off me and Blayze tried soothing me, but I was a mess. I could hardly form two words. I watched as this strange, beautiful woman gave my abuser a beat down. It gave me hope I could overcome this. When she slammed her boot onto John’s limp dick, I smirked. I believed at that moment things would be better.
John and Drew, a member of the Bloody Scorpions, were moving women through the Royal Bastards porn studio and the Royal Bastards had no idea. They were selling the women to the highest bidders, raping and recording them to boost sales. There are so many sick fucks out there. If a girl fought back, she went to one group that had a hard-on for fighters. If a girl was submissive, she went to another group. If a girl didn’t show any emotion and was broken already, Bloody Scorpions killed her or kept her for their own sick pleasure.
“Torch sees you, Daisy,” Danyella tells me, pulling me out of spiraling into a past I can’t change.
“But does he really? The way he looks at Rose, I want him to look at me that way. Do I need to go and fuck all the brothers here for him to want me?” Rose is one of the patch whores that has captured Torch’s attention. We might be friends, but she’s my biggest competition when it comes to him. I don’t know if it’s because she’s a badass that doesn’t take shit from anyone or because she’s an easy fuck.
“Do you not see the way Torch watches you wherever you go? Every time you walk into a room, his eyes automatically go in your direction. He sees you.” Danyella sits on the edge of my bed while I pace back and forth.
I stop and look directly at her. “No, he doesn’t. Torch treats me like I’m a kid that needs protection. I don’t want or need protection. I only want him. I want him to make me forget all the horrible things that happened to me. I want him to show me what a real man should do, erase everything in the past and give me what a real man should.” I ball up my fist and hit my dresser. “I hate this jealous feeling I get when Rose is around and he’s all over her. I want to rip her hair out when I see it.”
“Have you tried talking to Rose about it? She’s pretty down to earth and if it bothers you, I’m sure she’d make sure nothing would happen if you’re around.” Danyella is being the voice of reason but, damn it, I don’t want a voice of reason. I want to stay angry and pissed off. I want to take what I want.
“That would be even worse! Not knowing what they’re doing behind closed doors. Is he touching her and wishing it was me or is he fucking her and I’m not even a thought. Am I wasting my time with Torch or does he actually want me?” I breathe deep and sit on the bed, all out of steam. “I need to go work out.”
I leave Danyella sitting in my room and head to the gym in the back of the Clubhouse. I didn’t bother changing into workout clothes, I’m that frustrated. I have on a pair of jean shorts, a tank top and my Sketchers tennis shoes. I hook up my phone to the speakers out here and turn on my playlist. Halsey's song “Graveyard” starts and I lose myself running on the treadmill. I don’t stop until my legs are going to give out. With a heaving chest and wobbly legs, I walk over to the punching bag set up in the back. I start swinging, taking all my anger and aggression out on the bag. I kick and punch until I can’t feel my arms. I wish I were able to do this to John the moment he touched me. Or even to Drew the moment he kidnapped me.
I must have hit repeat on my phone because the same song is playing again. I listen to the words as I continue to let loose on the bag, knowing I have to keep digging deeper inside of myself to find the woman I want to be. The woman Torch wants. The woman who doesn’t need protection. A woman who’s confident in herself and her feelings no matter what happens.
I hang my head and let my shoulders relax as the song ends again. It’s quiet in here but I can feel someone in here with me. I act like I don’t suspect them and wait. The distinct smell of leather and woods invade my nose and I know who it is.
I turn around and see Torch standing directly behind me. There’s a look in his eyes I can’t quite decipher, but I go with the flow just as another song comes on. This time it’s Halestorm's “I Miss the Misery” Torch cocks an eyebrow at my song choices but doesn’t say a word. I haven’t seen Torch in a couple of days and God, have I missed him. He was on a run for the club and they wouldn’t tell me where he went or what he had to do. Which I’m used to anyways. Royal Bastards are secretive like that but I get it, it’s Club business and if I need to know, they’ll tell me.