"Well, she seems nice." Nolen's gaze bounced between where Jo disappeared into the kitchen and our table. "I expected her to be more outspoken considering who her grandmother is."
Lyla snickered. "Don't let the charm fool you. I've seen Jo bust balls better than most men. She's just more sly about it than Bee. Not to mention the old woman just doesn't care anymore."
Accurate. And rightfully so. Anyone who lives to eighty deserved to tell those around them to fuck off. It was a rite of passage at that point in their life.
The conversation flowed easily, and Nolen and Easton easily fit right in with our group. I had to admit, I enjoyed spending time with all of Easton's friends. They were a good group of guys, and I was proud to have them as examples for my son.
"So does this mean the problems with Los Cangris are over for good?" Lyla asked.
I had forbidden all conversations of Alejandro and his men from the house. Just like the new front door, I wanted things fresh and vibrant. That couldn't happen with depressing talk. Clearly Lyla took that to mean she could ask now that we weren't inside the house.
"Hopefully so. I had a buddy of ours change Lucien's birth certificate and backdate it, so if Manuel does look, it will show Lucien wasn't lying. I also have several people keeping an eye on things. If Manuel makes a move, we’ll know about it."
I looked at my son and the huge smile on his face. He hadn't stopped smiling since Easton asked him if he wanted to truly be a Welch. It was more than I had ever hoped for when it came to my son.
It had always been just the three of us; me, Lucien, and Lyla. But now our family was growing and I couldn't be happier. I had written off marriage, had convinced myself that the people of Willow Creek were enough for us. I wouldn't say I was wrong, but I was happy to expand that family to include Easton and his friends.
"So, no big party? You're going to deny me the opportunity to throw my favorite nephew an adoption party?"
"Umm, I'm your only nephew and I don't want a party."
"Shush. No one asked you." Lyla stuck her tongue out at Lucien, making us all laugh. No one could ever say Lyla was the mature adult in this group.
"Then you're going to be really upset when you learn Mom and Easton plan to get married at the courthouse."
I narrowed my eyes at my son. The little traitor. I would be paying him back for that. Lyla whipped her head in my direction. It was no use trying to ignore her. She would just make a scene, so I met her pissed-off glare.
"Are you f-ing kidding me? I don’t get to be your maid of honor?"
"You can still stand by me at the courthouse. You can even wear a fancy dress, but to answer your first question, no, I'm not kidding. I don't want a big wedding. Easton and I agreed we wanted something small and quick. To us, the actual marriage was more important than the party."
Lyla threw her hands in the air and gave her best mean-mugging look at Easton. He didn't let it faze him in the slightest.
"I can't believe this," Lyla whined.
"What can't you believe, dear?" Bee slid on up to the table.
Where the hell had she come from? For an old woman, she moved awfully quick, and with stealth. It was kind of scary.
"Kati's getting married and she insists on a courthouse wedding."
I was glad my best friend chose not to add Lucien's adoption into her bitch fest. We had agreed as a family to keep that under wraps as much as possible. Secrets were hard to keep in a small town but a few well-placed words in the right ears and everyone would understand the importance of keeping it quiet. We protected our own here in Willow Creek, so I felt comfortable no one would blab.
"A marriage you say?" Bee looked down at my left hand.
Easton cleared his throat. "I'm waiting until I feel comfortable enough to leave the two of them alone before I pick out a ring, but yes, ma'am. There will be a wedding in the near future."
"Smart man. Better to lock the missus down before someone else comes by and snatches her up." Bee turned away to leave, but not before throwing out some final words. "Let me know when this court date is. I'll be sure to feed the town in celebration."
My jaw nearly hit the floor. First, for Bee thinking that anyone else could possibly win my heart. Easton had been lucky enough. I’d kept that shit bottled up tight for fifteen years. And second, she just offered to cater a wedding for me. A wedding that wasn't supposed to be more than just family and Easton's friends.
"Ha!" Lyla pumped her fist in the air. "I knew Bee would take my side. Take that, bestie! You're getting a wedding reception whether you like it or not!"
I found Easton's amused gaze. Maybe Lyla was right. I could still get the small wedding I wanted, but if the town wanted to celebrate after, then who was I to tell them no?
I mouthed I love you to Easton and smiled at the way his eyes melted at my words. I would never get tired of telling this man how happy I was he showed up on my front porch that day. Forgetting to set my alarm had been one of the best things to happen to me.