Page 23 of Rugged Fox

"So basically you're an all-around good guy and I've been nothing but a bitch to you."

Again, if the floor could open up and swallow me whole, that would be great. I've never been so embarrassed by how I've acted around a person in my life.

Easton's stare was intense when he answered. "I don't think you've been a bitch. I think our every interaction has been in less-than-ideal situations. But I'm hoping we can change that in the future."

Shock wasn't quite the right word for how I felt. Flabbergasted maybe covered it. I had to take another healthy gulp of my coffee because there was no way he meant what I thought he meant.

Of course, the universe decided I needed to choke on my normal life blood so hard that Easton was forced to step around me and pound on my back. I wasn't sure what it was about him that constantly had me on the defensive.

"I didn't mean to make you choke on your coffee,” he chuckled. “I was simply suggesting that things would get better for you, so when you saw me in town, it wouldn't be under stressful situations."

It was a good thing my face was already red from nearly dying because there was no hiding the embarrassment I felt. I knew he hadn't meant it the way my mind had interpreted it. This was what I got for trying to function on so little coffee.

"Yeah, of course. It would be great if things could go back to the way they were months ago." I cleared my throat. "I really should grab that shower so Lucien isn't late for school."

"Shit, I didn't even think about that when I stopped you. I could take him if that would be easier?"

There he went being the good guy again. I was destined to keep making a fool out of myself in front of this man at the rate we were going.

"I appreciate the offer but we're good. I'm accustomed to super-fast showers." There went the mental slap again. I needed to get away from this man pronto. With any luck, the next time we crossed paths, I would have at least half of my brain cells operating. I pointed my thumb back toward my room. "I better get going."

I didn't wait around to see what stupid thing my brain could come up with next. I hightailed it into my room and made good on my promise to take the fastest shower in the history of fast showers.

Barely ten minutes later, I was clean and dressed, with my teeth brushed and my hair was tossed into a messy bun. It was the best I could do with the time I had, and honestly, two of those things made me feel human again.

I didn't hide the relief when I walked back into the kitchen and found it empty except for my son. Thank goodness for small favors.

"You ready to go?"

"Yup." Lucien grabbed his backpack off the floor and was out the door before I could question his lack of questioning. My son wasn't the kind of person who just kept his mouth shut. I blamed Lyla. She was the only person he could've learned that from.

A different car sat in the same spot Easton had the night before. Only this one was a blacked-out Jeep with tint so dark you couldn't see if anyone was sitting inside. The only indication it belonged to Hendrix was when the window rolled down just far enough for the man himself to stick his tattooed arm out and give a quick wave. I would recognize those bracelets anywhere. Mostly because they surprised me just as much as the man who wore them.

I waved back before climbing into my own car. We didn't even make it out of the driveway before Lucien started in on me.

"Why were you so weirded out by Easton this morning? I thought you would want me to be nice to the guys protecting us."

"Of course I want you to be nice to them, and I wasn't weirded out."

It wasn't lost on me that my son knew I wasn't telling the full truth. The one downside of being an only child with only one parent meant we spent a lot of time together. If there was anyone who could read me, it was Lucien, and the look he gave me said it all.

"Okay, maybe I was weirded out, but I'm not sure how to explain it."

"What is there to explain? You find him attractive."

I whipped my head in his direction. "That's not true." The lie stuck in my throat and came out as nothing more than a pathetic attempt at a protest.

"Sure you do. I just can't figure out why you're fighting it so hard. Pretty sure he feels the same way."

I thought about what Easton said just before he left. "I'm not so sure about that." Lucien wasn't supposed to hear my grumble, but par for my morning, he did.

"Oh, he definitely finds you attractive. He's just fighting it the same way you are. Again not sure why. Grown-ups make no sense."

Lucien was right about that. Grown-ups didn't make sense because we had a tendency to overthink things. And right now I was doing a whole lot of that when it came to Easton and the feelings I had for him.

