With my hand wrapped around Ree’s thigh, I watch the citylights go by and attempt to get myself under control. This evening was a testof my willpower, and if I could have left the fundraiser an hour ago, I wouldhave. But I knew there was no way I’d be able to get away without Doug callingme out for my early departure.
When the car pulls up outside the hotel, I push the dooropen and then reach in to take Ree’s hand, helping her out. Once she’s on herfeet outside the car, I lean in and thank the driver before slamming the doorclosed. Taking her hand in mine, I walk with her into the hotel and lead her tothe elevator. Neither of us has said a word since we left the fundraiser, butthere has been an undercurrent of sexual tension building since I had herpressed up against that wall in the hall at the event. The elevator doors open,and we both step on. I press the button for our floor and look down, findingher fidgeting with her clutch like she’s nervous.
Her eyes lift to mine, dark and heated with desire, hercheeks slightly pink. No, she’s not nervous; she’s turned on. And I haven’teven touched her yet. My hands fist at my sides. Virgin. She’s a virgin.The knowledge makes me want her more, but it also reminds me that I need totake this slowly, even if it kills me.
The doors open on our floor, and I somehow manage not topick her up and carry her down the hall to my room. I also somehow manage toget out my key card to open the door without fumbling. As soon as the doorcloses behind us, she turns to face me, and the live wire set to ignite allevening goes off with a bang. The two of us lunge in a blur of hands, mouths,and teeth as we go at each other with abandon. I get off my jacket, then getdistracted by the noises she makes as I nip her collarbone. While she works onthe buttons of my shirt, I unzip the back of her dress and kiss down hershoulder, then grin when she makes a disgruntled sound. Capturing her mouthwith mine, I take over for her with the buttons and shrug off my shirt whileher dress pools around her waist, exposing the strapless lace bra she’swearing. I lose her mouth for a moment when I toss my shirt away and help herout of her dress, adding it to the pile of clothes on the chair in the corner.Afterward, I walk her backward to the bed. When she falls against the mattressonto her back, I loom over her, taking her mouth again and sliding my handsbehind her back to unhook her bra before kissing down her chest and pulling itout from under her, tossing it away. Lifting my head as I stand, I take in herexposed breasts and pretty pink nipples, then run my hand down the top of herthigh around to her calf and lift her ankle. Her shoes are just as sexy as herdress, and it takes me a minute to unclasp them. Once I have both off, I takeout my wallet and toss it onto the bed, then put one knee on the mattress andsettle between her legs.
“Brodie,” she breathes against my mouth, lifting her hipsinto mine as I move my hand up her inner thigh. “You have too many clothes on.”
“I do. But I also want to make this good for you, and if Itake off my pants, I won’t be able to slow down.” I kiss her, my hand movingfarther up her thigh. Then my fingers skim over the lace covering her, and Ibite back a curse. She’s soaking wet. I move the material aside and slip myfingers through her wet folds, rolling the tips over her clit. She whimpers andlifts her hips.
“You’re so wet, Ree,” I groan, circling her clit and causingher hips to buck.
“Oh, God,” she moans when I lean down and pull one of herbreasts into my mouth. Her nipple hardens against my tongue, and her fingersdig into my scalp. I move to her other breast to do the same. “Please,” shebegs. Knowing what she wants, my fingers glide down farther, and then I slidemy middle finger inside her, her walls clamping down on it like a vise. She’sso tight, so damn perfect. I enter her with another finger and take her mouthagain while using my thumb on her clit. When her pussy begins to pulse, I pullback and watch her, listening to her breath hitch as she comes on my hand.
When I know the waves of her orgasm have passed, I slide myfingers out of her and stand, then quickly lose the rest of my clothes. Hereyes open to half-mast and meet mine when I pull the lace of her underwear downher hips. She lifts her bottom to help. I toss them away, and she sits up whenI kneel on the bed with my hand wrapped around my cock, throbbing in sync withmy heartbeat.
“Umm.” She licks her lips, lifting her heated eyes to mine.“I think this is where I ask you if that’s going to fit.”
I laugh. Jesus. She’s the only woman I’ve ever known whojoked during sex. “We’ll make it work.” I walk on my knees farther onto thebed, then fall to my ass with my back against the headboard.
“Come here, Ree.” I hold out my hand, and she takes it,looking nervous for the first time this evening. Once I have her adjusted on mylap, I cup her breast that fits my palm perfectly, then move one hand to theback of her neck to drag her mouth down to mine. When she’s back to beingturned on, and her body is relaxed against mine, I let her mouth go and reachfor my wallet, taking out a condom. She watches, fascinated as I roll it downthe length of my dick. Once it’s in place, I tip my head back to her. “You’rein charge.” I grab her ass and pull her pussy closer to my cock, then lift heruntil I’m poised at her entrance. She whimpers, grabbing my shoulders with hereyes locked on mine. “Take as much of me as you can handle, Ree.”
Biting her bottom lip, she begins to lower herself onto mylength, and it takes all my willpower not to slam her down onto my lap as shemoves torturously slow. Gritting my teeth, I hold on to her hips as I watchmyself disappear inside of her. Fuck. I can’t do that. I’m going to come if Iwatch, so I distract myself with her breasts bobbing in front of my face. Ilean forward and pull one of them into my mouth. When I do, she jerks, and herinner walls contract. She also takes more of me. I let that breast go and dothe same with the other, getting the same reaction. When she moans, and hernails dig into my shoulders, I look up to make sure she’s okay. Her head isback, her eyes closed, lips swollen, and cheeks pink. She lifts onto her kneesand then sinks down more on my length. Goddamn, she’s tight. So fucking tightand wet, it’s killing me not to fuck her. But if I die now, I’ll go happily.
“Brodie.” My name leaves her mouth on a whimper when she’sfully seated on my lap. I let her breast go and wrap my hand around the back ofher neck. Her mouth lands on mine, and as I thrust my tongue between her lips,her hips rotate like she’s attempting to get used to my size before liftingslightly and sliding back down. As she begins to settle into a slow rhythm, Imove my hand between her legs. The noise she makes when I make contact with herclit causes my balls to draw up tight. Not wanting to come and knowing that isexactly what will happen if I don’t get us in a different position, I sitforward, wrap my arms around her, and maneuver her to her back. The moment I’msettled between her thighs, she hooks her legs around my waist, and I instantlyregret putting her under me. I have imagined her like this a million differenttimes, but the reality is better than anything I ever came up with in my head.Her hair on my pillow, her warm, soft body under mine, the heat of her wrappedso snugly around my cock, and the expression on her face as she looks into myeyes. It all just about has me coming undone at the seams.
Sliding out of her and then back in, I grit my teeth andremind myself to go slow when every instinct I have is telling me to fuck her.Resting my fists against the mattress, I fall into a rhythm but the heels ofher feet are soon urging me to go faster, pulling me in deeper on eachdownstroke. When her walls start tightening around my cock, I move my handbetween us and barely touch her before she gasps, calling my name and diggingher nails into my biceps as she comes. With a few more strokes, I follow herover the edge, no longer able to hold back. I lose myself inside of her withone last thrust of my hips.
Breathing heavily, I drop my forehead to her shoulder. Shewraps herself around me, holding on tight.
After a couple of minutes, when I can talk myself intomoving, I roll to my back, taking her with me. I lose her heat but gain herweight as she falls against my chest. Smiling to myself, I let my hands roamover her smooth skin and listen to her breathing even out as my heartbeat slowsto a normal tempo.
“You okay?” I ask after a moment. She lifts her head, hereyes meeting mine, and then she flashes me a cute little smile.
“Yes. I’m just trying to figure out how this happened.”
“Which part?”
“All of it.” She laughs, placing her hands on my chest andthen resting her chin on top of them. “One minute, you’re the guy rescuing mefrom a dirtbag at the pool, and I’ve convinced myself we’re going to be nothingmore than friends. And now, I’m naked on top of you in a hotel room in New YorkCity after we just had sex.” She shakes her head. “It’s a lot to wrap my mindaround.”
“Do you have any regrets?”
“No.” She tips her head to the side. “Do you?”
“Fuck, no.” I smooth my fingers up her spine.
“What now? What happens after this?”
“We go back to Florida and do the same thing we’ve beendoing, only with a lot more of this included.” I pat her bottom.
“So, this isn’t a one-time thing?”
“No.” The word comes out harsher than intended. “I know thisis a lot to take in, but I like you. I like being with you and want to seewhere this goes. And I know you’ve got school, and I’ll have training and awaygames, but I’m willing to put in the effort if you are.”
“I’m willing to try,” she says softly. I thread my fingersthrough her hair and then lean up to press my mouth to hers. When I pull back,I let my eyes wander over her pretty face for a long moment before sitting upwith her and carrying her into the bathroom.
Chapter 14