“Jeb.” She grins, taking his face in her hands. “You sureare handsome.”
He woofs like he knows what she’s saying, and she giggles,looking up and meeting my gaze.
“How are you feeling?”
“Great.” She laughs. “I’m guessing you couldn’t wake me up.”
“You were out of it. I thought about taking you to thehospital, but I called my sister-in-law instead. She said you’d be fine butasked if you were on any allergy medication.”
“I am.”
“Apparently, that can affect how the Dramamine works.”
“Now I know.”
“Now you know,” I agree. “Do you want some water?”
“No. I’ll just get something at home since I’m starving.”
“I have food. Or we can order in.”
She studies me for a moment like she’s debating taking me upon my offer, then shakes her head. “That’s okay.” Her smile is small. “I’ll getout of your hair.” She picks up her bag from the coffee table where I put it.“Thanks for taking care of me and for today. The boat ride was fun...” Shewiggles her head from side to side. “Until it wasn’t.”
“Yeah.” I laugh, scrubbing my fingers through my hair, at aloss for how to get her to stay—or why I want her to so badly. Sure, I’mattracted to her, but she honestly seems totally disinterested in me, and it’sfucking with my head and making me question if I really like her or if I justlike her because she seems almost unattainable.
With her bag in hand, she starts to the door. Of course, Jebbegins to follow. I walk behind them to stop him from getting out and thenpause when she turns to face me.
“Scream is playing on the beach tomorrow night. Iwas thinking about going when I get home from work.” She rubs her full lipstogether. “Would you want to go with me?”
“Cool.” She smiles. “I’ll text you and let you know when Iget home.”
“Sounds good.” I step around her, grab Jeb’s collar, andthen open the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow.” Of course, she stops to give my fuckingdog a rubdown and a hug while I stand there and watch, then her eyes meet mine,and my stomach muscles clench. “Later.”
“Later, Ree.” That gets me another smile, and then she’sgone. I close the door behind her and look down at Jeb, who looks like he’spouting while gazing at the closed door. Then he meets my eye, and I swear heglares. “Hey, don’t look at me like that. I tried to get her to stay; shedidn’t want to.” Letting out a huff, he turns his back to me and walks to theliving room, sprawling out on the floor. “Are you so mad that you don’t want togo for a walk?” I grab his leash, and he’s instantly back up and dancing aroundmy feet.
“Thought so.” I laugh.
Chapter 7
With my cell pressed between my ear and shoulder, I walkinto my closet wrapped in a towel to look for something to wear while listeningto my mom tell me about the venue she found for her wedding. I’m onlyhalf-paying attention. Not because I don’t care, but because I’m running late.I’m supposed to meet Brodie downstairs in less than ten minutes so we can gohave dinner, something that has become a nightly ritual for us since we watchedScream together on the beach a week ago. I’m still not quite sure howit happened, but somehow, we’ve ended up with dinner plans every day this week.
“You’ll be able to make it for the wedding, right?” my momasks as I slip a simple black cotton summer dress over my head.
I squeeze my eyes closed as I adjust the thin straps at myshoulders. “Um. I…”
“Reese, it’s my wedding. You can’t honestly tell me youmight miss it.”
Guilt eats at my insides. “Mom.”
“I know what happened.” She drops her voice. “Melissa toldme you got upset that she and Kirk were spending time together.” I almostlaugh… Almost. “You can’t be mad that they’re friends, Reese.”
So, they’re still friends? I don’t ask.