Page 72 of The Story Of Us

“We’re really doing this?” He smiles at me, hopeful and bright, and I missed that look on his face so much.

“We are.” This time, I kiss his cheek, much closer to the corner of his mouth than he was expecting, I think, because his breath hitches.

Isaac looks down at me with an emotion in his eyes that I haven’t seen before, and then he’s sitting back away from me, and I’m worried I’ve ruined everything.

“I should probably go back to my room.”

My expression must give something away because then he’s shuffling closer to me again, taking both of my hands in his.

“It’s nothing to do with you. Actually, that’s a lie. It’s everything to do with you. I think I should just go before I do something silly.”

“Like what?” I ask him.

“Like kiss you.”

“I think you should.”



Hearing her say those words and getting that confirmation that she’s back in this as much as I am feels like a dream come true. But I want to make sure that she knows what this means, that after this, I won’t ever be able to do anything but be with her for the rest of my life.

“Are you sure?” I ask, my eyes scanning her face, catching the way her tongue juts out to run across her bottom lip. I want to throw myself at her, but I hold back. “It’ll change everything.”

“I’m sure.”

I think she can hear the words I’m not saying, the fact that we’ll both be irrevocably altered after this. Of course, we’ve kissed in the past, but this one will be different. This one confirms our future and solidifies that we’re it for each other.

This kiss will tell her that I love her.

“Kiss me, Isaac.”

This time, I don’t hesitate before closing the distance between us. It feels like the first time all over again, and I don’t know how I ever thought I could live without this, without her.


I take my glasses off to rub at my eyes, dropping them on the desk in between us as I pinch the bridge of my nose. I close my eyes, and when I open them again, Violet is staring right at me, a strange look on her face that I’ve never seen before.

“You have really pretty eyes.” She says, and I hope my face isn’t going as red as I feel like it is.

“What?” I laugh to try and play it off. When I reach for my glasses to put them back on, Violet’s hand covers mine.

“No, wait, let me look.”

She leans over the desk, bringing her face closer to mine than it ever has been before and I take this opportunity to look over her face. Beautiful dark brown eyes framed by long, thick eyelashes. The cutest button nose that turns red whenever she’s cold. Full lips with a distinct cupids bow, the bottom slightly larger than the top.

I shouldn’t be thinking about her lips or imagining what it might feel like to kiss her. I think it’ll change my entire life. But I don’t know if we’re there yet - it feels too soon, but also feels like it should have already happened. But then I catch her eyes dropping down to my mouth and I think she might be thinking the same thing as I am.

“Can I kiss you?”

The words are out there before I can stop them. But I needed them out there to confirm what I’ve been feeling for her for so long. I think I love her. But I don’t know if I’m allowed to feel that for her when she might not feel the same way. If she lets me kiss her and take this step further with her, I think I’ll get my answer.


Her eyes are wide, pupils blown out. This time, there’s a small smile on my face as I ask the question because I know what answer I’ll get.

“Can I kiss you, jaanu?”