I take care to unfold the green paper slowly, peeling the tape off to reveal a book. But it’s not just any random book, it’s the sequel to the book I’m reading.
“Wow, Isaac, thank you so much.”
I turn it over in my hands, reading the synopsis on the back, my fingers running over the raised letters on the title on the front.
“I saw you reading last week and the cover looked the same so I searched it up and found out this was the second book. I wasn’t sure if you’d had a chance to buy it yet so I wanted to get it for you.”
“That’s really kind of you.”
I place it on the desk next to the first book, looking at the covers together before looking back at him. “I didn’t think you’d get me anything like this. I only got you a card.”
“Sorry, I probably should have told you, but I wanted it to be a surprise.”
I just smile at him, my heart fluttering at the thought that he’s put into this, but then his eyes widen, and he gasps. “Wait, do you have it already? I knew I should have got you something else.”
“What? Oh no, you were right. I didn’t get around to buying it yet.” I reassure him even though it’s a lie.
I bought the sequel as soon as it came out but the thought of Isaac paying attention to what book I’m reading and putting in the effort to get the second one for me has done something weird to my heart. It keeps beating faster, and it feels like it’s about to pop out of my chest with every word he says. His small panic was enough for me to tell him a small lie so he won’t feel bad, and I’ll happily get rid of my own copy to keep this one.
“Phew, that’s good. I got worried for a second there.” He says, letting out a relieved breath. “I read the back of the first one, and it looked pretty interesting, actually.”
I can’t hide my excitement and the chance to talk about the book that I think will become a new favourite of mine.
“You have to read it. It’s so good. I can give you my copy when I’m done if you want. I can finish it tonight and give it to you tomorrow?”
“I’d like that.” He gives me a small smile and listens as I explain the start of the book to him.
I scan the shelves to find the book and again, it’s the only copy available. I take it down and open it to find the piece of paper.
The first book we read together
I keep following the clues, moving around the store like I’m retracing our history through books, and I have to avoid looking at Isaac so that he doesn’t see what this has done to me. With every book, I have to force back tears as I go through happy memories that are filled with him. I knew he read the books I recommended, but I had no idea he kept track of them like this to the point where he was able to set all of this up.
When I take the paper out of the next book, he tells me it’s the last clue, and even though we’ve been here for a while now, I don’t want it to end. No one else has come into the store, and I wonder if he’s the reason for that, too.
Your favourite book
I go to the area where it should be, but it isn’t there. I look over all of the shelves, noting that every other classic I can think of is stored here, but not that one.
“I can’t find it,” I tell him, and I have to clear away the lump in my throat after I say it because I’m worried that he might have got the most important one wrong after all of this.
“Maybe you should ask her for help.”
Isaac doesn’t seem worried at all, standing with his hands in his pockets and looking like he has complete confidence that he chose the right book. He starts walking towards the checkout desk, and I follow behind him, racking my brain for what other book he might think it could be.
“Hi, sorry, but I can’t find what I was looking for.”
“What book is it?”
“Persuasion,” I tell her, hesitating slightly before answering. I glance at Isaac, but he’s not looking at me at all, his earlier confidence gone as he focuses on a spot on the ceiling instead.
“Ah, yes, I have that right here.” She reaches under the desk and pulls out a stunning clothbound edition, one that I’ve had my eye on for a while but haven’t bought yet.
She slides it over the counter towards me, and as I go to pick it up, I notice a small bump in the middle. The lady excuses herself, leaving us alone as she goes to a room in the back.
I open up the book to where the bump is and there’s a small black velvet pouch. I turn to face Isaac, holding on to his arm so that he’ll look at me, and he does, brows furrowed and his bottom lip stuck between his teeth again.
When I lift the pouch, I quickly scan the page it's on to see whether it’s just random or it was meant to be here.