Amalie shook her head. “No. I didn’t have people. And now I have a father and a whole mountain full of family, including you.”
“I don’t have a mother and daddy. Just Corina.” Then she glanced back at Wiley anxiously, as if by even saying the name that she might have conjured her back up again. “Bubba’s not going to send me back.”
Wiley couldn’t take it anymore. He got up from the sofa, picked her up in his arms, and hugged her. “No, way, baby girl. You’re ours forever. Now let’s get your gifts off the floor and go find the yummy stuff.”
“Do we have cake?” Ava asked.
He grinned. “Oh, Sister! Do we have cake!”
“Amalie and I will get the gifts off the floor. Shall we take them to her room?” Sean asked.
“Yes, please,” Wiley said. “Guys, you help Mom into the kitchen so she can oversee what’s happening. Ava is going to help me get the yummy stuff onto the table.”
“I’m helping Bubba,” she said.
Within minutes, the kitchen was full of laughter and talking, and Ava had retreated from the forest of tall people with long legs and was at her spot at the table.
Shirley sat down beside her and patted her hand.
“Your brothers are a little loud, but they’re always like that when they’re together. They love each very much.”
Ava nodded, watching her beloved Bubba interacting with the men who looked like him, then looked at Shirley.
“I have brothers and sisters, and a grammy, and two beds and two pillows, and gifts, and I’m having a party, and a cake. I’ve never had gifts or a party or a cake before.”
Shirley hid her shock of the child’s acceptance of her fate.
“This may be your first party, sweetheart, but it won’t be your last. We celebrate the people we love.”
Ava looked at Shirley’s face and then back at the others in the room.
“Does that mean they love me?” she whispered.
Shirley nodded. “Do you know what love feels like?”
Ava shook her head.
“It feels like the best, biggest hug ever. It feels safe and makes you happy, and you never want the feeling to go away.”
Ava stilled, listening to the words coming out of her grammy’s mouth, and in the midst of a story she was telling, there was a loud boom outside, like an explosion, and Ava jumped. Had it not been for Shirley, she would have fallen out of the chair.
The moment Wiley heard it, he turned, looking for Ava. She was already afraid of drive-by shootings, and then he saw his mother pulling Ava into her lap.
“It’s just fireworks at the campground, honey. Silly people being noisy. Nothing to be afraid of.”
“Fireworks?” Ava said.
“Yes, like on the Fourth of July,” Shirley said. “You’re safe.”
Ava was quiet for a moment. “I’m safe and Bubba loves me because he chose me.”
“Bubba chose you because you’re his little sister. Because he wants to keep you safe. We all chose you, darlin’. You’ll figure it out in the days to come. Now…I think I need to go wash up before I eat. Will you show me where the bathroom is?”
Ava was suddenly all business. She slid out of Shirley’s lap, then took her hand, and slowly walked her out of the room. When they came back, Ava was still holding her hand, but chattering away.
Wiley sighed. There are angels on earth, and tonight, one’s name is Shirley.
We’re ready to eat!” Wiley said. “We’ll have yummy stuff to eat and then cake.”