Cole splashed her lightly, playfully responding to her attack on his command of the English language.
“You show me the definition in Webster’s dictionary, and I’ll…I’ll cook dinner tomorrow. What exactly are…willies?”
Debbie cupped her hands, scooped up a handful of water, and let it trickle sensuously through her fingers onto his broad chest. When it had run its course, she took the palms of her hands and traced the water’s path down his belly.
“My God,” Cole whispered as he slowly turned to jelly.
Debbie sighed. Her dark eyes shadowed with barely disguised desire as she ran her fingernail lightly against the tan skin of his forearm. And then she pointed.
“Look,” she urged.
His eyes followed the path her hands were taking. And when he saw her pointing to his arm, he got the message. He was solid goosebumps, and it had nothing to do with being cold. He was hot from the inside out.
“Those, my brilliant detective, are willies.” Her fingertip was squarely atop a patch of goosebumps. “In fact, if I do say so myself, you’ve got a marvelous case of them.”
Cole cleared his throat twice before he could speak. “So, Doc, if I’ve got them, what’s my cure?”
The water’s pull kept urging her back into depths over her head. He watched, fascinated as her slender body kept bobbing lightly up and down while she tried to maintain footing in the pool. Impulse sent his arms around her as he began moving them into deeper waters.
“Oh, Cole,” Debbie teased, laughing and spitting water as he pushed her deeper and deeper into the pool until she was only afloat by holding onto his shoulders. “I’m afraid there’s no cure.”
He frowned. He could have told her that.
“But,” she continued, enjoying their little game, “there’s a very successful treatment.” Her eyes were dancing by this time as she locked her arms around his neck and wrapped her legs around his waist to stay above water. “And you’re in luck.”
He grinned. “That’s all a matter of opinion,” he said. I feel more like I’m in heat than in luck, lady. But I’m not admitting that to you…or anyone else.
“I just happen to be an expert at administering doses.”
“I’m a big man,” Cole reminded her. “It’ll take a big dose.” By now, he knew what was coming. He could hardly wait.
“It would be my pleasure,” Debbie whispered against his mouth.
Their lips merged, water slick, cool, and firm. Between them, their flesh warmed as they molded to each other’s shape and savored the sensations of the kiss.
Her sigh became a moan and, as his arms tightened, became a groan. Cole dropped his hands instantly, remembering her injuries. But when he turned her loose, she started to sink. It only took a heartbeat to realize what he’d done.
“Lord have mercy,” he muttered, dived beneath the water, and scooped her up before she touched bottom. Surfacing in moments, they both laughed and sputtered as water streamed from their hair into their eyes.
“If you didn’t like the treatment, you should have just said so, not tried to drown me.” Debbie laughed, as she wiped hair and water from her eyes.
Cole held her tight against his chest as he walked them both into shallow waters. “That’s not the trouble, lady. I liked getting the damned condition nearly as much as the cure. I just don’t think you’re ready for the consequences.”
It was one of the few times in her life that she was speechless. It gave her hope. It gave her courage. It was the first time he’d ever openly admitted that there was something between them he wanted to explore.
“That’s where you’re wrong, mister,” she said. Her voice was steady, her confidence sure. “I’ll be ready and waiting for the consequences long before you see them coming.”
He sighed and closed his eyes, for the moment just relishing the feeling of holding her in his arms.
“Are you ready to come inside?” he asked, as he finally set her back on even footing.
“No, I want to stay out awhile longer. But don’t let me stop you. If you’re tired, go on to bed. I can take care of myself.”
He stared long and hard at the small woman with the large bruises and even bigger determination splashed across her face.
“I know you can,” he said.
He walked over to the edge of the pool and pulled himself up onto the side. Evening shadows shaded the water. His legs dangled as he watched her swimming back into deeper depths. “But maybe I want to help, Deborah Jean.”