Page 32 of Gentle Persuasion

Cole didn’t like that thought at all.

He slammed the front door behind him.

“We’re in here,” Morgan called. “You’re just in time for supper.”

“Be there in a minute,” he yelled, and made a quick run to his room to put up his gun and wash. He looked down at his clothes and decided he’d change while he was at it. There was chili all over his pant leg. Damn stuff would probably never come out.


Cole came into the kitchen, carrying an armload of clothes.

Debbie looked up. “Put those on the washer,” she said. “I’ll get to them after we eat.”

“Don’t bother,” he said shortly. “I’ll do them myself.”

Morgan’s eyebrows rose, but he wisely refrained from speaking.

Debbie smiled sweetly. “Whatever you say.”

Cole dropped the laundry inside the laundry room and then made a beeline for the table. Regardless of how angry he was, he was also hungry.

“I’m starving,” he said. “Something smells good.”

“Thank you,” Debbie said. “It’s Hungarian goulash.”

“She made lemon pie.”

“Thank you, Buddy. I’ll save room.” Cole managed to smile at his brother and gave his father the same weak excuse for a greeting. No use including them in his anger. It wasn’t their fault the woman at the table was a hussy.

Cole scooped a double serving onto his plate, poured salad dressing onto his salad, and took the first bite. The aroma was good, but the flavor was better. So the hussy can cook.

“You really are hungry, aren’t you?” Debbie’s question was hooked, but Cole never even saw the barb coming until it was too late.

He nodded in agreement and continued to chew, savoring the meal along with intermittent gulps of cold, sweet tea made in honor of Buddy’s palate.

“I don’t suppose you ever did get a chance to eat.”

He looked up and wondered where that remark came from. How would she know anything about his day? And then suspicion began to grow.

“Well, I did start to eat a—”

“Yes,” Debbie said conversationally. “I watched your hot dog committing suicide, although we left before I noticed if you purchased another. However, I don’t see as how you had time because you came along so quickly. Did you?”

Cole forgot to chew. “Did I what?”

“Did you buy another?”

He glared.

“Obviously not.” Debbie smiled. “Here, honey, have some more.”

“I’m not your honey,” he snarled. “You save that for the hulk that kept mauling you all afternoon.”

“Maul? Me? I think you misread the situation.” She lowered her voice to the sexiest possible tone and let her eyelids flutter for effect. “I called that loving. He’s real good at it, too.”

Cole slammed his fork down and had started to bolt when Debbie stayed him with a motion of her hand.

“Please, don’t leave on my account. I’m already through. I think I’ll go put your pants to soak.”