“You have just moved up a notch in my book,” Tina said. “I’ve been trying to get him to eat tomatoes for a year.”
Debbie looked up and grinned. “It always worked on my younger brother, Douglas. I see that it hasn’t lost its magic.” Calmly, she mumbled an aside to Cole. “I wonder what would happen if I sprinkled you with pepper?”
Rick whooped at the look of panic on Cole’s face.
“Man alive, you didn’t exaggerate about her, did you, buddy?”
Tina fairly bubbled with glee.
“I guess it all depends where you sprinkle,” Cole mumbled, and then joined in the laughter.
“We’re home,” Cole said, and gently patted Debbie’s shoulder.
She’d dozed off less than five minutes after leaving the Garza residence, and Cole had taken the long way home just to give himself the pleasure of watching her sleep.
The word home sank into her sleepy consciousness. It sounded so wonderful. If it were only true. She stretched, moaned, and started to crawl out of the car.
Cole met her at the door and slid his arm around her shoulders. Together, they walked into the house and then caught their breath at the quiet…and the note propped against the salt and pepper shakers on the kitchen table.
Thanks for the pie. Buddy and I went to a movie. We’ll be very late coming home. Have a good evening.
Love, Morgan
“We’ve been set up,” Debbie said, handing Cole the note.
“First Tina, now Dad. It looks like I’d get the message, doesn’t it?” Cole’s smile was forced.
“Oh, you already got the message,” Debbie drawled. “You’re just dragging your feet. And, you’d better pick ‘em up, cause where I come from, sometimes you come away with more than dirt on them.”
She walked off, leaving Cole alone in the middle of the room with a shocked expression plastered across his face.
She was almost to her room when her feet left the floor. Arms snaked around her waist and lifted her up and against a heartbeat out of control.
“Cole! You scared me to death.” Her words were sharp, but came out gentle and easy.
“No, lady,” he said, pressing her hand against his chest. “This is what scared feels like. But right now, it would feel worse if I let you go. Do you understand?”
She heard what was between the lines of his confession. “I understand, Cole Brownfield. Now, take me to bed, and damn tomorrow. The only thing that matters is what’s between us tonight.”
There were many things in a man’s lifetime that he might regret. But for Cole, loving this woman would never be one of them. He stared at the faint light coming through his curtains and smiled softly to himself as Debbie shifted against his side, nestling herself against him.
If he could only find the nerve to tell her what she meant to him. If he could just trust the fact that she loved him enough to stay and to give him the space to do what he must. Being a cop was all he’d ever wanted. He couldn’t—and wouldn’t—give it up. Not for anyone. But finding that someone special who was willing and able to share him with his job had seemed impossible. Until now.
An overwhelming need to reclaim her made him shake. It had been less than an hour since they’d made love with a desperation that left them both weak and weary. Now, just the knowledge that she was still here beside him made him hard all over again.
Debbie felt the rhythm of his breathing change. She slid her cheek against his rib cage and felt the rapidity of his heartbeat. Her breasts were lush and soft against him, emphasizing all the more the very special differences between this hard man with a gentle heart and the soft woman with determination made of steel. She’d found her man. She’d do what it took to keep him.
“Lady, I need you…again.”
His voice rasped across her senses, making her shiver with anticipation at the delight which he was capable of giving.
“Then take, Cole Brownfield. It’s yours. I’m yours.”
He rolled over her, coming to a halt just inches above the tilt of breast teasing at his arrival. His body was hard and straining toward home. But this time, there would be no mutual sharing. This time, he needed to give. There would be a time for taking later.