Page 4 of Gentle Persuasion

“You haven’t changed a bit, have you, girl?” he muttered, thankful that she couldn’t see the spots of heat that had just flashed across his cheeks. Damned woman, he thought. Men aren’t supposed to blush.

“Guilty as charged, officer,” she said. “So what’s my fine?”

His swiftly indrawn breath was audible, but Cole refrained from answering. He couldn’t tell her what had just come to mind. People got arrested here for less. “Just take care of my family for me,” he said. “I’ll be home sometime tomorrow and help you work out a schedule. Do you need anything now?”

Cole knew the minute he’d asked that she was toying with the idea of an X-rated answer. He held his breath.

“It can wait,” Debbie finally replied.

“See you later,” he replied, and disconnected before he came unglued. That woman made him nervous as hell. But it was nothing new. He’d been living with the feeling ever since the day they’d met.


“Dammit, Dad,” Cole muttered. “You have to help me. Your leg won’t heal right if you don’t do these exercises, and you aren’t even trying. You’re letting me do all the work.”

Debbie walked into the living room just in time to hear Cole’s remark. She quickly took in the sight of Morgan flat on his back on the floor, the removable cast momentarily off his leg, and Cole kneeling at his feet, trying to coerce him into completing his exercises.

“I don’t care what you and those doctors say,” Morgan growled. “My leg hurts too much to do this stuff.”

“I’m sure it does,” Cole answered, trying to maintain his self-control, “but it’ll hurt a lot worse and a lot longer if you heal with a limp, and you know it.”

Morgan’s glare met Cole’s frustration. It was time for some gentle persuasion. That’s when Debbie stepped in.

“Cole, you’re wanted on the phone.” She touched him on the arm.

He jumped. He hadn’t even heard her approach, let alone the ringing of a phone. “Thanks,” he said shortly, refusing to meet her eyes as he lowered his father’s leg back onto the floor and went to answer the call.

“I’ll bet all this exercise stuff hurts a lot,” Debbie remarked as she knelt down at the place he’d just vacated.

Morgan nodded. At last! Someone who understood.

“I’d really hate it if I had to wear this hot old cast day in and day out, too.”

Morgan was hooked and didn’t even know it. Cole walked back into the room just in time to hear Debbie commiserating with her father. He started to object, thinking that she was about to undo all the good it had taken him days to effect when her next soft remark caught his attention, and he smiled. She was working his father like a pro.

“Here you are stuck in this house during the most gorgeous part of the year and can’t even take advantage of that great pool you have outside.”

Morgan grimaced, nodding as Debbie’s sympathy touched his wounded ego. He didn’t even see it coming when she remarked, “You know what? I think I’ll just call up that doctor of yours and give him a piece of my mind. Why doesn’t he let you do your exercises in the water, Morgan? They would be just as effective, and you’d be much more comfortable.”

Cole sighed. All his methods for trying to get his father to do his exercises—all his pleading, all his bullying, all his love—had failed. But Debbie had Morgan all but begging to do them, if he could only get into the pool. Thank God for small favors that came wrapped in enticing packages like Debbie Randall.

“What would you like me to do, Morgan? Want me to call that doctor and persuade him to our way of thinking, or do you want to continue working with Cole?”

“His name and number are on the pad by the phone in the kitchen,” Morgan said, waving his arm. “By George, you’re right! That pool would be just the thing.”

Debbie hid a smile of satisfaction as she patted him on the leg and arose.

“You’re dangerous,” Cole muttered as Debbie walked past him toward the kitchen.

“Yes,” she answered calmly as she passed him by without looking up, “and don’t you forget it.”


“Kick, Morgan, kick!” Debbie urged, and ignored his grumble. She braced herself against the side of the pool, legs astride, and let all of Morgan’s weight rest against her chest. She held him in a floating position as he continued to work his legs back and forth in the water.

“Just a little bit more. Only one more set of scissor kicks and you’re through for the day. Then I’ll get your float, and you can have thirty minutes of play and relaxation before we put the cast back on. What do you say?”

“I say you’re a menace,” Morgan wheezed as he worked his injured leg back and forth in the water. “And you’re tougher than Cole.”