Page 140 of A Death in Cornwall

“Payable to an offshore account held by your anonymous shell company?”

“Such arrangements are quite common and perfectly legal. My lawyers and I will be happy to walk you through the paperwork.” Another smile. “How does next week sound?”

“If it was all perfectly legal and quite common, why did you lie to me about LMR Overseas?”

“Because wealthy individuals such as myself use anonymous offshore companies for a reason. Acknowledging beneficial ownership of such a company would rather defeat the purpose, wouldn’t it?”

“You use anonymous companies, in part, to shield dirty deals like this one from the prying eyes of the press. Fortunately, I have the means of making it public. Something tells me that your fellow citizens won’t look favorably upon your business relationship with Federov. In fact, I’m confident your reputation will be ruined after my story appears.”

“Which is why I would advise you to tread carefully. Otherwise, you’ll be hearing from my lawyers.” He slipped past her and opened the door. “Please leave, Ms. Cooke. I have nothing more to say.”

“Have you no statement at all?”

“Write whatever you want. But bear in mind, it will have profound consequences.”

“I certainly hope so,” snapped Samantha, and stormed out of Radcliff’s house.

“One moment, Ms. Cooke.”

She paused at the bottom of the steps.

“Your story will be wrong for another reason.”

“How so?”

“Perhaps we should discuss the ground rules first,” said Radcliff.

“Your choice.”

“Background only.”

“Proceed, Your Lordship.”

“The conspiracy to bring down Hillary Edwards went far beyond a single law firm.”

“How far?”

“I’ll tell you everything you need to know.” Radcliff paused, then added, “On one condition.”

“What’s that?”

“Your story must make no mention of the ten million pounds I received from Valentin Federov.”

“No deal.”

“If you publish the details of that payment, we’re going to spend the next several years tearing each other limb from limb in court. Neither one of us will emerge with our reputations intact. I’m offering you a way out, not to mention the story of a lifetime. What’s it going to be, Ms. Cooke? Going once. Going twice...”


Buckingham Palace

The Mini Cooper was waiting curbside when Samantha emerged from Lord Radcliff’s house. Her phone rang the instant she settled into the passenger seat.

“Well?” asked Gabriel.

“We had a rather spirited exchange, to put it mildly.”

“He denied everything?”