“But risks come with great rewards. If it’ll make you happy, Jasmine, we will support you no matter what. I think it sounds wonderful. Halmoni would be very proud of you,” he says while resting his hand on my mother’s shoulder and squeezing it.
I sigh with audible relief at his words. “Thanks, Appa. I appreciate that more than you know.”
“It will be difficult, dear, but you can do it. I’ll be the first one in line,” my mother adds in, surprising the hell out of me.
“Really?” I ask in disbelief.
“You know, when you see something like that happen to your child, it puts things into perspective as a parent. As long as you’re happy, you can do whatever you’d like. I’m sorry for ever making you feel differently, and for putting so much pressure on you. It came from a place of fear as a parent, of being a failure. And that was never fair to you,” my mother apologizes, her eyes turning glassy along with mine.
“Mom.” My voice wavers, teetering on losing it.
“Shh,” she says, stepping closer to take my other hand in hers as she kisses the top of it. “We can talk more another time. Your father and I are going to let you rest. Call us tomorrow.”
“Okay.” I nod. “I love you both, very much.”
“We love you more,” my father says, leaning in to kiss my forehead before they walk out, hand in hand.
“How did that feel?” Elio asks, running his thumb along the back of my hand.
“Good, really fucking good.” I smile to myself, feeling so damn proud that I finally spoke my truth and can start living the life I want.
Running my own bakery. Being my own boss. Seeing the smiles on customers’ faces. Living with Elio and starting our life together post-college.
“I’m so proud of you.” He smiles, his dark green eyes bursting with so much affection that it makes my heart pound erratically in my chest.
I scoot toward him, hitching my leg over his waist while my arm rests on his chest, fingers toying with the fabric of his sweater. “Thank you.” I smirk, lifting my head up to look at him.
Elio pulls me ever so gently into his body so that there’s not an inch of space between us.
As we lie there, nestled together as tightly as we can, I think about how grateful I am for this man. Through loving him, I learned not only how to take care of and love someone else, but how to do those same things for myself because of the future I began to envision of our lives together.
I see myself with Elio, running my bakery business and raising a large family. I’ve seen how Elio and his sisters interact, and I want that.
Not once did I see myself at the damn boring desk job, and this health scare only pushed me to tell my parents about my dream even more. In loving someone, and myself, I learned how to honor who I am and go after what makes me happy.
No matter the repercussions.
I know it’s cliché, but people always say whoever truly loves you will stand by your side no matter what, and it’s true. I know without a doubt that Elio will be by my side, weathering through any storm, for the rest of our lives.
Chapter 44
Jasmine’s been trying to get me to fuck her since her parents left. And I’ve tried my hardest to resist her, because I don’t want to hurt her if she’s still recovering.
But whatever Jasmine wants, she gets.
“Babe, put me down,” Jasmine protests, pushing at my chest as she tries to scramble down my body, but I only tighten my grip on her thighs.
“I can take care of you, hush,” I tell her as I begin to walk us to our bedroom.
Once I place her on the bed, that’s when I see the scowl on her face.
“What’s wrong?”
“Elio, you’re in pain and carrying me around when you don’t need to,” she points out, her eyes on my knee.
“That’s where you’re wrong. I need to touch you, take care of you,” I protest, trying to get the scowl off her lips.