Tammy was more than grateful when I told her not to worry about a thing because not only was I going to put a good word in with my teammate, I was going to find and buy her a new location and create her social media presence.
The conversation lit a fire in me, this innate desire to help her and their family, and I think that’s what got me. Hearing all about the Thomas household from Isaiah and his mother this afternoon reminded me of my own family.
I knew I was enjoying helping Jasmine with her business, but I thought it was because it was her. Maybe this is what I’m meant to be doing. Helping small businesses.
Isaiah would stay at RLU, on our team, and his mom was going to have a kick-ass music school soon.
I’d make sure of it.
Chapter 32
Pine trees pass by in a blur as I drive toward my parent’s house on the outskirts of town.
My mother texted me last night, asking if I’d come over for a visit. I didn’t want to, which sounds awful, but I know it’s going to turn into her pestering me about my life.
I narrow my eyes as I pull into the driveway, thinking I must be imagining Elio’s SUV parked in my usual spot.
Why the hell is he here?
Don’t get me wrong, I want to see him. He’s my boyfriend. But not here. Not where we have to pretend we’re nothing but acquaintances.
I turn my car off, then slide out and nestle myself in my trench coat. The November chill is biting today, making me hurry up the steps and to the front door.
“Mom?” I call out, hanging my jacket up in the foyer.
“In the living room,” she shouts back.
I kick off my booties, still feeling cold as I wrap my arms around my body. Not that it’s cold in here, but this house is so pristine and elegant that it feels that way.
Passing the mirror in the foyer, I stop to adjust my outfit. I have on a black long-sleeved bodysuit, with a brown leather skirt. Elio and I were supposed to have a date night at home when I got back, which meant I had to get all dolled up to come here so that when I got home, I looked like this.
Now, I can’t wait to watch him try and hold it together in front of my parents while I look this good. It gives me an extra boost, making me smile as I make my way toward the living room.
My knuckles knock on the ajar door, drawing three sets of eyes my way as I enter the room.
My parents look elated to see me.
And then there’s Elio. His deep green eyes darken, roaming up and down my body hungrily. I’ve seen that look before, when his head is between my thighs, and he’s about to devour me. Too bad that can’t happen right now.
“Mom, Appa,” I greet them with a smile. “And Ethan, right?” I stifle a giggle, knowing he’s going to punish me for this later.
“Elio,” he corrects me, his tone cool and collected.
I sit down opposite him. He’s sitting next to my father, with my mother on my right.
“What brings you two here?” I ask my father because as far as I was concerned, it was supposed to be my mother and me here today.
“I thought it’d be more relaxing to review tapes here,” my father replies, taking a sip of his coffee.
“Makes sense,” I say while I play with the hem of my skirt. My eyes flit to Elio, only to see his hand balled in a fist while he does anything but look at me.
“We were just catching up with your mother, but we’ll leave you two to have girl time,” he smiles, kissing my mother on the cheek before doing the same to me.
“Mrs. Park, always a pleasure to see you.” Elio hugs her, then looks at me with barely restrained control. “Jasmine, nice to see you.”
Then he leaves, following my father out of the living room and toward the theater room to review tapes.